Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Seven hundred and ninety-one. Killing decisively

791 , Kill and Decide

But it is said that Bigan and Dou Rong were killed by Bo Yikao, and the true spirit went directly to the underworld. Such a scene made Wenqu Xingjun and Wuqu Xingjun fall into vacancies. How can we hide it from the powers of the heavens?

If it is dark at this time, you can see that the two stars on both sides of Ziwei star are extremely dim, but Bo Yikao doesn't know the reason. It's not his turn to know, his cultivation base has risen sharply, his swell has grown, and he really thinks that he is invincible in the world, how can he resist the desire to die?

He led the mighty heavenly soldiers to the mortal world, but he chose a good place. This guy is also from the human race. I don't know if the number of days is the reason, but Bo Yi is careful. After he came down to the mortal world, he headed towards Nanzhan Buzhou , leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses to hover above Youzhou, sitting high on the clouds, looking down at the earth, and completely disregarding the Youzhou people.

Bo Yikao walked all the way, not hiding at all, but afraid that people in the world would not know, Haotian, who was on the ancient Lich battlefield on Buzhou Mountain, almost had his lungs exploded.

"Damn it!"

Haotian gritted his teeth and wanted to get out, but just as his feet moved, he stopped suddenly, and soon he laughed;

"Not bad! But..."

Seeing Haotian's movements, the others started to make calculations one after another. After a while, they all looked towards the south with different expressions, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Chang'an, Liu Hao was about to make himself a pot of tea, when his heart skipped a beat, his brows frowned, and he pinched his fingers to calculate. Fortunately, he got Fuxi's method of calculation from Nuwa's dojo, otherwise it would be really difficult to do it. Pinch your fingers and count 'come.

After a long while, Liu Hao stopped his fingers with a strange expression on his face;

"I really want to do whatever I want! Immortal Killing Tribulation, it's really wonderful!"

Liu Hao said to himself, gave some instructions to his sisters, and then left the teahouse, heading towards Youzhou, but his actions were noticed by all the powers of the heavens.

In Youzhou, Bo Yikao, who was in high spirits, looked down, hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals were at his side, and his arrogance was at its peak. After waiting for a long time, no human race saluted him, and his heart burst into anger;

"I am Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian, why don't the people below kneel down and worship?"

If Jiang Ziya, Kong Qiu and others were not present, the human soldiers would really be bluffed by him and kneel down.

But who is Jiang Ziya? Explain and teach the second generation to walk,

How could it be possible to bow down to Boyi Kao? Not to mention him, even if Bo Yi Kao's father Ji Chang invites him out of the mountain, he has to pull the cart and walk by himself. You, Bo Yi Kao, have to salute Jiang Ziya before saluting him, and kneel down? Really rampant children!

What about Confucius? This is the reincarnation of Kong Xuan, the first son of Zu Fenghuang, and the rebellion in his heart is all before the faction in the wild. Although Kong Qiu has not yet recovered the memory of Kong Xuan, how could the arrogance in his heart make him bow his head? Kneeling, don't even think about it!

Jiang Ziya and Kong Qiu both ordered to be civil and military, and if they didn't speak, the others felt something, so they had to be ninjas and dared not say a word. When the sky fell, there was a tall man to support them. Today's two tall men are Jiang Ziya and Kong Qiu were watching their reactions.

Buzhou Mountain, the ancient lich battlefield, the forces of all parties are scheming.

"Amitabha! Emperor Ziwei is here, we can't lose our courtesy, the momentum is coming, just wait for me to go and pay respects!"

Tathagata said something, but he opened his position, Haotian was still in front of him, and they didn't see them saluting. When Emperor Ziwei came down to earth, you let the personal guards come forward. This is simply Hong Guoguo slapping Haotian in the face.

Haotian felt great hatred at this time, and he also knew that since he made up his mind to stand on the Taoist position, Buddhism would inevitably become an enemy in the future, but he never thought that it would come so quickly, let alone that Buddhism would be so decisive , The hostile relationship will be clearly revealed at once.

On the field, the faces of the various forces were different. On the side of the monster clan, Dijun Taiyi sneered and didn't bother to hide it. What kind of Jade Emperor came to Dijun, but he was just a puppet. In the past, I regarded Haotian as an opponent, which was simply belittling myself.

Haotian also knew that he had to respond, otherwise he would lose all his face today, but it was also difficult for him. He only brought Yaochi with him when he went to the Buzhou Mountain Lich Battlefield, and Yaochi, as the Queen Mother, obviously did not May come forward, one can imagine the depression in my heart.

As a Daoist disciple, how could Xuandu not know Haotian's embarrassment, and he didn't want to participate at first, but when things came to an end, he, a Daoist elder brother, couldn't escape no matter what, so he could only bite the bullet and give orders.

"Yuding, Emperor Ziwei has finally come to the mortal world, and you, as the Taoist envoy, go to see the ceremony!"

Xuan Du's voice was soft, but it revealed that he could not refuse, even Guang Chengzi couldn't help being taken aback when he heard it, and immediately knew about this situation, the only way is the best solution.

Yuding is also a smart person, he got Xuandu's instruction, nodded slightly, followed the general trend without hesitation, and caught up with the other party in a short while, keeping pace with the other party.

On the side, Tathagata saw him, but he was not surprised at all. Instead, he turned his head to look at the Jiejiao people, as if waiting for their reaction.

It's a pity that the idea in Tathagata's heart has not been realized. Whether it is Wudang Virgin or Yunxiao Zhao Gongming, their faces have not changed at all. They just pretend they don't know. Come on, everyone knows that the treasure in the past will never appear again, only the Tathagata in front of me!

"Fellow Daoist Haotian, I heard that the Heavenly Court promulgates a vacancy for God. My second younger brother Taiyi happens to be fine. I wonder if I can get it from the Jade Emperor?"

At the moment of silence, Di Jun's voice brought everyone back to reality. These words made everyone think again.

Gouchen God has been vacant for a long time, and there has been no suitable person. Among them, Haotian also deliberately did it. You should know that Gouchen God’s duty is to be in charge of the military revolution and the person who holds the military power. His existence is for Haotian. , is a struggle for power. In Haotian's view, if he can't be his own, he would rather be empty all the time.

Di Jun wants to let Taiyi and other ranks hook Chen God, with monster soldiers and horses, not to mention controlling the military power in the heavenly court, it will definitely form a big force. For Haotian, it is a taboo at all, so how could he agree? Di Jun also knew that Haotian would not agree, so he threw it out on purpose to prompt the major sects to compete.

Sure enough, before Haotian could answer, Tathagata opened his mouth to respond.

"Fellow Daoist Emperor Jun's words are wrong, Tai Yi was originally the demon emperor of the ancient demon court, with such a noble status, how can he set it off by mere deception of God?

Speaking of the honorable title of Emperor Gochen, my Buddha School Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva is perfect! Not only is the combat power extraordinary, but also the merits and virtues are complete, it is really a natural choice! "

Tathagata also knew in his heart that it was impossible for Haotian, who had just been hostile, to choose the general trend by saying what he said. Like Di Jun, he also wanted to muddy the water and throw out candidates, which only caused disputes.

"Ascension to the gods, the people on the list are determined freely! If the two fellow Taoists are willing, it's not like there is no chance! I don't know if they will get the honor of Gouchen God or the position of broom star king!"

Haotian is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He has two people and one army without yin or yang, and he is also reminding others that Yuanshi Tianzun has the final say on the conferment of the gods this time. Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice.

Originally, Guang Chengzi wanted to say a few words, but when he heard Haotian's words, he kept silent.

Di Jun and Tathagata saw that Haotian eliminated the plan, and they didn't worry about it. It's just a shot if there is a date or not.

After a verbal confrontation, everyone stopped entangled and turned their eyes to the direction of Youzhou.

Dashizhi Bodhisattva and Daoist Yuding arrived in Youzhou, and they had no intention of approaching them. They said they would pay respects to Emperor Ziwei, but it was just rhetoric.

The two stayed in the distance and did not communicate with each other, quietly watching the confrontation between Bo Yikao, Jiang Ziya, Kong Qiu and others.

Be it Jiang Ziya, Confucius, or even Lu Ban alone against Shang Boyi Kao, he didn't lose the slightest bit. However, Emperor Ziwei represented the heaven, so they couldn't help being careless. But it has to be weighed carefully.

When Liu Hao arrived, the two sides were still facing each other. Although Bo Yikao was arrogant and inexplicable, he didn't have the courage to kill tens of thousands of human soldiers and horses below. Going towards Jiang Ziya and Kong Qiu.

Liu Hao is different from others. As a modern person, he has watched countless movies. It is clear that all kinds of villains die because of talking too much.

Seeing the confrontation, he didn't hesitate at all, with one step, he crossed the space and arrived in front of Bo Yikao, with the Zanpakuo drawn out in his hand, and slashed towards Bo Yikao!

His action, not to mention Bo Yikao himself, even the quasi-sages and great powers who had observed Bu Zhoushan were taken aback. They never expected Liu Hao to be so decisive. He didn't even bother to say a word. He clearly came here to kill Bo. Those who come from the Yi test, don't even bother to think about any taboos, and don't even want to think about any consequences, let's just kill them.

"Bold! The Emperor of Heaven dares to do it! The poor monk will not keep you today!"

Everyone else was in shock, but Great Strength Bodhisattva was one step faster. No wonder Tathagata trusted him so much. When he was shocked, his reaction was extremely fast. He waved his hand and punched Liu Hao. There was a sense of collapse on Liu Hao's side, forming a black hole the size of a fist, hitting towards Liu Hao's waist;

Seeing that the Zanpakuo in his hand was about to cut off Bo Yikao's head, he had to give up. An angry mid-stage quasi-sage monk punched him, but he couldn't guarantee that he could block it.

In view of this, Liu Hao took another step forward, and the figure had already reached the back of Bo Yi Kao, dodging the angry blow of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, and the knife in his hand was still slashing towards Bo Yi Kao.

On the other side, the Great Strength Bodhisattva failed to hit Liu Hao with his fist, but the damage it formed directly pierced through the clouds. Wherever it passed, the heavenly soldiers and generals along the way were all turned into ashes, just as the wind of the fist passed by and wiped the edge The damage caused also caused heavy losses to the heavenly soldiers and generals brought by Bo Yikao. After one punch, not to mention one hundred thousand horses, thirty to fifty thousand had already disappeared.

However, Bo Yikao finally woke up, and the seal of Emperor Ziwei in his hand swept past under his control, and the white cloud and canggou instantly changed into a boundless starry sky. Look inside.

Speaking of which, Dijun Taiyi and Haotian can see through it with a little expense. They think so, and they do the same. What they are looking at is not how Bo Yikao is doing, but to see how Liu Hao faces this simple version of Zhou. How did the Tian Xing Dou formation react? In his heart, he didn't think that Liu Hao could kill Bo Yikao under the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation.

It's a pity that their ideas were wrong. Bo Yikao managed to hold up the beggar's version of Zhou Tian's star battle array, and when the stars of the star battle fell, he had already lost the control of the array. Liu Hao, who was pushed away by the formation, was still behind him at this time, and the Zanpakutao in his hand was still cutting towards his head.

Bo Yikao only heard a faint sound, and fell into the boundless darkness. When he woke up again, he found that he had already entered the underworld. On the side, Bigan and Dou Rong, who had been killed by him just now, were looking at him mockingly. .

When the enemy Taiyi and Haotian spent some money to penetrate the formation, Liu Hao had already beheaded Bo Yikao and was controlling the seal of Emperor Ziwei in his hand. The evolution formation looked very similar. Immature, almost collapsed several times, and it took less than a minute for all of them to shatter.

After the formation shattered, other people discovered the reason for the astonishment on the faces of Dijun Taiyi and Haotian, and each of them looked at Liu Hao more cautiously.

"Jiang Shang, Kong Qiu, the great Tianzun sent heavenly soldiers and generals to help the human race stop the wild beasts. These soldiers and horses will be under the command of you two!"

"is teacher!"

After Liu Hao said something, he regarded Bo Yi Kao as never having appeared, and changed the concept of the whole matter with one word. The person sent by Haotian to kill Bo Yikao would not object to Liu Hao's arrangement at all, but was very willing to obey it.

Liu Hao doesn't care what they think. It is simply impossible to kill hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals. If you really do this, you don't know how much karma. Besides, with Jiang Ziya present and the magic whip in his hand, the last thing you are afraid of is Heavenly soldiers and generals.

Jiang Ziya and Confucius were very smart, and when Liu Hao said something, the two responded on the spot. Liu Hao nodded slightly, glanced at Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, and then stepped away, as if what he had just done was just a formality. It's as easy as flipping the palm of your hand.

"Amitabha! That demon way beheaded the Emperor Ziwei of the Heavenly Court. His crime is unforgivable. Today, the poor monk will kill the demons and eliminate demons, so that the world can be restored!"

The Great Strength Bodhisattva was glanced at by Liu Hao, and his heart tightened, and then he became even more angry, proclaiming the Buddha's name in his mouth, and was about to kill Liu Hao.

On the side, Master Yuding was very happy. He came here with the intention of Xuandu, just to prevent possible disturbances from the general trend. He was a little bit late just now, which already made him very depressed. How could he miss it again?

"The Bodhisattva wants to learn from each other, but it happens that the poor are itchy!"

While speaking, Yuding waved his long sword to block Dashizhi. After this obstacle, Liu Hao's figure disappeared. Go to the ancient lich battlefield on Buzhou Mountain.

In my heart, Da Shizhi hated Liu Hao, felt that he had lost face on Liu Hao, and vowed to get it back in the future.

Buzhou Mountain, Tathagata did not miss any chance to provoke, and opened his mouth towards Haotian;

"Da Tianzun's condolences, Emperor Ziwei was unfortunately beheaded by Yao Dao, and Da Tianzun will definitely avenge him in the future!"

"Bo Yi doesn't know the number of days, and he has no chance to be the emperor of Ziwei! This matter is destined, so Liu Hao is just doing it according to the sky, there is nothing wrong with it! It's the Tathagata friend, who just heard you speak, and thought that your Buddhist sect is going to die again. Seeing the Emperor Ziwei's honor, really shocked me!"

Haotian Taijiquan made a call, and the topic was diverted, and the throne of Emperor Ziwei was thrown out, which made all the forces think again.

Before the Yin and Shang conferred gods, no one would be happy with the high status of the gods, but now it is very different. The biggest example is Taiyi Daoist, who won the priesthood of the heavenly god of saving suffering, and also got the emperor Qinghua of the East pole. After two times of merit bonuses, beheading the two corpses, abruptly leading him into the ranks of the most powerful, with such an example before him, who wouldn't covet him?

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