Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and thirty-four. Nu Wa clearance

834 , Nu Wa Clears the Level

Speaking of digitalization, Liu Hao suddenly became excited. He felt that it was closely related to himself, but after thinking about it, he didn't know where the connection was. After thinking for a long time, he had to shake his head and give up.

"Completely control the 'Xuanhuang Gongde Ruler', which was restricted a long time ago, and can only measure the data below the immortal level. Does it mean that the 49 restrictions are completely controlled, and even the Hunyuan Saint can measure it?"

Such a thought flashed in my heart, and I always felt that it was not that simple.

"Forget it, step by step, the 10th-18th prohibition, the difficulty is not too high, if you master it, it should not be a big problem, and it will be difficult after that!"

In fact, as Liu Hao thought, at the 17th prohibition, Liu Hao got stuck, not because of dataization, but because of the lack of 'punishment' and 'cause and effect', which made it impossible to move forward for a long time. further.

After trying for a long time, Liu Hao had no choice but to rest assured that he would not do it. Let's pass over the ones he didn't understand for the time being.

"40 ways is not bad. Although the 40th way of restriction is already very reluctant, it can be regarded as condensed. However, in one thought, only about 32 ways can be condensed, and the effect is not great."

Although Liu Hao said so, he didn't feel depressed at all. The more he comprehended the restrictions, the more he knew a lot about the Dao, such as the way of measuring space, which gave him a feeling of rapid progress. Among them, the mastery of precision is the key to progress.

Just like teleportation, the distance has increased a lot, but it is not the most important thing, but the control of precision. For example, when teleporting, the locked position will not deviate again. This is the most important thing. With this, enough It has improved one's own combat effectiveness a lot.

"Again, I don't believe that even the three-legged Golden Crow can't pass this test!"

On the table, densely packed creatures were engraved, but the more central it was, the more powerful it was. The one in the middle, when Liu Hao swept across it, loomed like a stream of air. Originally, he thought it should be one of the Sanqing. Around this airflow, several other different airflow carvings appeared, which made him identify the most central airflow carving as "Hongjun". out.

His thought was correct, the most central airflow sculpture is Hongjun's body, and because he is the first innate aura in the prehistoric world, he has the favor of the heavens and the earth and has become the "Taoist" of the prehistoric world .

If Hongjun was in another place, even if he didn't care, he would still be annoyed, but in Xuanwu Dazun Palace, he could only give a wry smile. After the wry smile,

He didn't care too much, if he was in the ancient times, he would still be depressed, but with his current cultivation, what if he let the whole prehistoric know the body? Can you still curse him with this? Still afraid?

In the most central position, apart from Hongjun, there are Houtu and Nuwa. The statues of the three stand in a triangle, and no one deliberately makes people think that which one is better. 'The identity of the Lord will be revealed.

Liu Hao thought that Nuwa and the three were challenging Xuanwu Suzaku and Baihu, but in fact the three were not at all, but were challenging their own body, fighting against their own mirror images, and they were also opponents who had fully developed their own laws. Such opponents, It is clearly teaching them the way. In the entire prehistoric world, there is no chance greater than this. It is very reasonable to sink into it and cannot extricate yourself.

The three-legged Golden Crow is also counted in the inner circle of the center. It is almost at the same level as the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn. It is understandable that its combat power is extraordinary. It can really defeat the three races of the Golden Crow. It can be said that it is almost invincible among monks of the same level. Now, even going up against some veteran quasi-sages is no problem.

Liu Hao didn't know the reason, he only decided that he wanted to take down the three-legged Golden Crow carving, and when the magical power of the 'Kung Fu Ruler' reached a bottleneck, he threw himself into it again, and before he knew it, dozens of failures struck again.

"The combination of laws is really terrifying! It seems that when I challenged the dragon-shaped sculpture, I was a little tricky. My green dragon blood talent has great immunity to many of their laws, which prompted the opponent to give up many combat methods.

But the three-legged Jinwu couldn't help it. These laws, even the Sun True Fire, the law of fire, were a bit of an outsider. "

That is to say, but what should be done still has to be done, and the gains are also a lot. His own speed has become faster and his flexibility has increased a lot; his understanding of the law of sound has deepened. Now the three-legged Golden Crow's croak has an impact on him. It is already very weak; the biggest gain is that Liu Hao discovered the law of time under the three-legged golden cub, and the resistance line increased greatly, and the feeling of "hero's twilight" and "sunset" in his heart was greatly weakened, as if his own resistance to the law of time Getting stronger and stronger in general.

It is also because of this that Liu Hao has become more confident every time. Today, he also knows that he should change to another spirit treasure to study and understand. It's so difficult, and the result is twice the result with half the effort, it's better to let it go first.

"The Star Pearl is in Baihu Liu Hao's place, and Cuiping Mountain is more of an auxiliary spiritual treasure, Xuanyuan Sword? It doesn't have much effect for the time being, wait a minute, Nuwa Empress's 'Mountain and River Sheji Map' is on me, take this opportunity to understand it earlier That's all right, now that she already knows that she has such an innate treasure as the 'Xuanwu Seal', she has to ask for it back, and she can't wait any longer!"

Only after comprehending the "Mountains, Rivers and Sheji Map", can we realize how shallow the real way of space is.

"This is no different from one world, right? That's right! Maybe this is a world! The owner is the will of heaven and earth in this world!"

The prohibition of the "Shanhe Sheji Map" is the most complicated spirit treasure Liu Hao has ever seen, but after a little thought, it becomes clear that it contains a world at least, so how could it be simple.

Fortunately, Liu Hao is very familiar with the three thousand talisman seals, otherwise it would be impossible to understand the link status of the "Jiangshan Sheji Map" prohibition.

He also knew that it was almost impossible to fully comprehend these restrictions, or before Hunyuan, it was impossible to even think about it, so Liu Hao chose a tricky method, starting from the law of space, and built the main body of the law of space, Then go to understand how other forbidden dao patterns are integrated into this main body.

After bumping and bumping to comprehend the 9 restrictions, Liu Hao also became eager but powerless. After the 9th restriction, the complexity of subsequent restrictions is far beyond Liu Hao's imagination, increasing by a hundred times and a thousand times. There is me in you, and you in me. From a scientific explanation, this space restriction has surpassed the four-dimensional space The structure, to what extent, is simply unimaginable.

"It's unimaginable that such a restriction is just a top-grade innate spirit treasure!"

Liu Hao sighed, weighed it in his heart for a moment, and realized that with his current understanding of the Dao, the 10th-18th restrictions can only be constructed in a very small part, and the restrictions beyond the 18th can only be struggled in imagination.

This put Liu Hao in a dilemma. The challenge of Nuwa and the three of them will always be completed as time goes by, and the time is not far away. It is impossible to complete this task in such a short period of time. If you don't put your energy into it Among them, when the Dazun Xuanwu Dojo is integrated into the prehistoric times, will the Empress Nuwa take back the "Shanhe Sheji Map"? If it is really taken away, there will be no chance to enlighten it in the future.

After thinking about it, Liu Hao decided to let it go. The most important thing right now is the challenge to the three-legged Golden Crow sculpture. It is completely unknown when he will enter here next time, and he doesn't know if there will be other restrictions;

He couldn't be sure, instead of doing anything else, it would be better to put more energy into the familiar battle of the three-legged Golden Crow. He felt that Di Juntai had suffered a loss in his hands once or twice, and he was bound to be furious in his heart. Once they caught up with the rhythm, they would definitely I will not spare myself lightly. In this case, it is reasonable to choose the most critical item.

Putting himself into the customs clearance battle again, Liu Hao found that the battle between himself and the three-legged Golden Crow was much easier. This feeling seemed to be that his foundation had become more stable. The control is stronger, the improvement of accuracy, the increase of flexibility, and the comprehension of the law of space combine to make the reaction ability to the fullest, and many magical powers that can only be passively resisted can already be dodged. , This gave Liu Hao a great surprise, and his thoughts on the law of space became more and more profound.

"The law of space is mastered by almost everyone in the prehistoric world. However, except for those who are stronger than saints, it seems that Zhen Yuanzi is the most powerful. If you have a chance in the future, you can talk to him about it! What's going on now?"

The remnant veins of Buzhou Mountain are still those powerful men, but there are many more monks on the periphery, and Emperor Zhenwu, who was originally in Dongsheng Shenzhou, also entered it.

This situation also shows that the impact of the wild beasts on the outside world has begun to come to an end. It is not that the wild beasts have been exterminated, but that the wild beasts in the remote areas near the four continents are basically clear. can't wait to get into it;

There were tens of billions of casualties in the War of the Ancient Liches, but how many spirit treasures are there? Get closer, the chance of grabbing it is higher, how can you bear it? This is no longer the kind that can be suppressed by the upper echelons. If they are really suppressed and they are not allowed to enter, it is impossible to say that they will lose popular support. attention.

Among these monks, few people in Nanzhan Buzhou stepped in. On the one hand, the real combat power was dragged along the Black River by the monster water monsters. Putting a lot of energy into places where the chances are slim, it is better to work hard to defend the Black River Water Demon in Nanzhan Buzhou.

This is also the result of discussions among the monks of the Hundred Schools. They know very well that the monks of the Hundred Schools are still very immature, and they are even digging out the interests of other monks. , To measure the gains and losses, to be strict is the kingly way.

Liu Haoruo must be very pleased to know the decision of Confucius, Jiang Ziya and others. He has been to the ancient lich battlefield, and he knows better that if he wants to snatch a spirit treasure, he needs not only strength, but also great luck. Dozens of spirit treasures appeared, flying up, down, left, and right in all directions, and the inner circle was better. On the outside, you might not even see a spirit treasure shooting towards you from morning to night, which really doesn't make much sense.

Besides, the most important point is that with so many monks wandering around the periphery, it is impossible to say that killing and seizing treasures will happen frequently. Hundreds of monks who lack real high-level combat effectiveness may really become fat sheep in the eyes of others.

In addition, the monks of the Hundred Schools are different from the Buddhist and Taoist systems. Before stepping into the quasi-sage, they really don’t need too many spiritual treasures. Whether they fit themselves is the key. Make it improve along with one's own cultivation base. At that time, you will be very familiar with the Lingbao itself, and you can really use it to fight as a Taoist Lingbao. This is killing two birds with one stone.

When hundreds of monks step into the quasi-sage, will they still not find a few spiritual treasures? Maybe very advanced ones are quite difficult, but some middle and low grades are not difficult at all. At that time, you just need to understand the Dao.

Another point, did he know that even before Kunpeng got the Hetu Luoshu, his combat power was still not to be underestimated. It is said that he only had an auxiliary 'Monster Palace' in his hand, isn't it also a great power?

Liu Hao's words, but some people don't feel back pain while standing up and talking. He has no shortage of spirit treasures at all. Even the 'Yuejing Wheel' in his hand is like a collectible. It is a typical full man who doesn't know the hunger. With the apricot-yellow flag and the magic whip in hand, what about Confucius? If it wasn't for getting a ruler some time ago, it would be empty-handed, isn't it bitter? It's bitter, why don't you want to go to the ancient lich battlefield? It's just for the sake of the overall situation.

Not to mention the changes in the remnant veins of Buzhou Mountain, but Liu Hao fought the three-legged Golden Crow dozens of times. The last time, he was able to fight each other so that you would come and go, hurt each other, and was finally killed. It also caused a lot of damage to the opponent.

This made Liu Hao more and more confident. When he was resting, he thought about the gains and losses of this battle, and after familiarizing himself with his spiritual treasures, he immediately threw himself into it/

On this day, Liu Hao was still fighting the three-legged Golden Crow, and an inexplicable coercion radiated from the sea of ​​consciousness, which made him stunned, but the Three-legged Golden Crow seized the opportunity and severely injured him. After that, Liu Hao also Too lazy to defend, just go out and see the situation.

He knew very well that this coercion was unconsciously emanating from one of the three Nu Wa, and he also wanted to see who it was? Is it cleared?

Sure enough, when he opened his eyes, he saw that the aura of Empress Nuwa beside him was constantly improving. If it wasn't for the 'Xuanwu Seal' on top of his head to block most of it, he would really be driven away by this aura.

"Ah! Lost!"

Xiao Honghu was also shocked. Like Liu Hao, she was stunned and failed, but she didn't mean to blame, and she was still a little confused.

Liu Hao didn't answer, but just stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Honghu, keeping his eyes on Empress Nuwa. She felt that Empress Nuwa's aura was getting stronger and stronger, and it was still growing by leaps and bounds.

Not long after, Empress Nuwa woke up, and a smile appeared on her face. At this moment, Liu Hao seemed to see a hundred flowers blooming, as if the heaven and the earth were celebrating it.

"Ma'am, this is it?"

"This breakthrough is due to your blessing to enter Xuanwu Dazun's palace!"

Empress Nuwa is in a very happy mood. How long has it been since Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Jiuchongtian has soared all the way, and she has directly stepped into the realm of the "Day of Heaven", and there is a sense of success, how can I not like it?

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