Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Eight hundred and forty-five. Goodbye Willow God

845、Goodbye Willow God

The night was getting darker, and the sky was full of stars. Standing outside the small temple, Liu Hao looked up, but he didn't make a sound for a long time, and only sighed faintly in the middle of the night.

"Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation! Out of the solar system, there is a formation at all, and I don't know which great power did it, and it seems that it has something to do with Hong Huang!"

Liu Hao is so familiar with Zhou Tian's star formation, but when he looked up, he fully understood that the solar system is simply a cage, or that the universe where the entire earth is located is simply an illusion, what kinds of galaxies? It is basically the product of the array display. Once out of the solar system, you will step into the Zhoutian Star Dou array, and everything in the universe you see is just a result of an array.

"The entire Zhoutian Xingdou formation revolves around the solar system, or in other words, the entire solar system is the core of the Zhoutian Xingdou formation?"

"If Dijun Taiyi comes over, he will be shocked, right?"

"Based on my current cultivation, I still don't have the ability to entrust Zhou Tian's star battle formation, can Dijun Taiyi do it?"

"According to the meaning of Xuanwu seal tool Ling Xiaoyin, the power of arranging the earth is not inferior to Hongjun. In this way, Emperor Jun Taiyi can't break free from this formation. I guess he will be frightened when he comes?"

"That's not bad. If you scare them, it will also make them more honest, and they will not dare to destroy the earth indiscriminately. The safety of the Dragon Kingdom will also be guaranteed!"

"It's just that it will also attract many parties, right?"

"It seems that the earth is in serious trouble, not to mention Dijun Taiyi, even Sanqing and Jieyin Zhunti will be of great interest, right?"

"By the way, is the Zhoutian star formation outside the solar system really an illusion? Can't it be a real galaxy?"

"If these galaxies also exist! The saint will not let it go?"

"I don't know if the saint is here, can you break through this big formation and enter other galaxies to see!"

"Trouble, Earth, there is a high probability that it will become the battlefield of the heavens! If the power of this layout leaves any inheritance in this world, even Hongjun will be moved, right?"

"Maybe not. How can I say that Hongjun Dao has been fully formed, and there may be interest. What about saints? They also want to advance, right? No more than Hongjun, there is a high probability that they will fight for it, don't smash the earth Just do it!"

"It shouldn't really break the earth into pieces,

The entire Zhou Tian Xing Dou array is about to erupt, and the saint is probably going to shed a layer of skin, right? When they arrive on Earth, they are no longer saints, and their immortality disappears, so they dare not be unscrupulous, right? "

"What a headache! Who set up the world? Does it have anything to do with the earth before I crossed?"

"Only time travelers can be so boring, right?"

"Could it be that this guy traveled to before Pangu opened the sky? Or traveled to a certain area of ​​chaos. It's really boring. I created such a cosmic world to commemorate it?"

"That's not right, it's impossible to hide it from the other party when you come by yourself?"

"Is it a chess piece? It doesn't matter, how to jump out of this chessboard is the key!"

"By the way, why did this traverser choose the 'sea of ​​dead flames'? A fan? Could it be that he is an otaku?"

"Could it be that there are some clues hidden in the 'sea of ​​dead flames'? During this period of time, we should also go to three places to look, search carefully, and see what there is in the end!"

The various thoughts in Liu Hao's mind could not stop at all. Thinking of the sea of ​​dead flames, the perfect world and the world of Confucianism and Taoism, even the world under one person and Li Yunlong's world of bright swords have not been let go.

"Could it be that there are some clues hidden in every world? If you want to break this chess game, do you have to clear all the worlds?"

"By the way, God Liu has come to Earth and has returned to the peak of the Immortal King, that is, the peak of the Da Luo Jinxian. I don't know if she has proved the Dao of Da Luo!"

"By the way, I don't know the difference between the long river of fate in the world where the earth is located and the long river of fate in the prehistoric world? What about other worlds? Don't they all belong to the same long river of fate?"

"If it's really consistent, there is a high probability that this river of fate is in charge of the entire chaos! Then it's really awesome!"

"Go in and have a look?"

Just do it when you think about it, Liu Hao closed his eyes slightly, and his mind sank into the long river of fate in an instant. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the Taotao River, whose flow speed exceeded the speed of light in Liu Hao's view, and he was sitting cross-legged On top of a lotus flower in the river of fate, despite the surging river of fate, this lotus flower has already stood on the spot and is no longer affected by the river of fate.

However, he wanted to use the lotus flower under his feet as a boat to swim in the long river of fate, but he was powerless. With his own mana as oar, he couldn't row far and would be rushed back to the original place. He wanted to wander freely in the long river of fate. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Dao fruit is impossible.

"At the same location, the Earth and the Great Desolation are bound to be connected. That's right. Anyway, the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation comes from the Pangu world. It makes sense to be connected to it. I don't know if the perfect world is also the same!"

"It doesn't seem right. The Immortal Emperor of the Perfect World is only a quasi-sage, and he can walk along the long river of fate. Compared with the long river of fate in front of him, it seems to be much worse. Is it a certain tributary?"

"Or maybe the Immortal Emperor of the Perfect World is just the Da Luo Jin Immortal Dao Fruit?"

"It shouldn't be so. The Immortal Emperor of the Perfect World seems to be playing the Immortal King very casually. His strength is overwhelmed. There is a high probability that he has become a quasi-sage!"

"Looks like I'm going to communicate with Liushen. She has reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian. She must be allowed to prove Daluo Daoguo, so that she can describe the long river of fate in the perfect world!"

"Go and see!"

After accepting Yuanshen and opening his eyes, Liu Hao didn't stop, and took a step towards Australia, and appeared in front of Liushen again.

"Long time no see, friend!"

A woman in Tsing Yi walked out from the willow tree, she seemed to be a phantom, but she was clearly no different from an ordinary woman, with a smile on her face, she bowed to Liu Haoying.

"Thanks to the blessings of fellow daoists, this rebuilding can be regarded as finding the real Dao!"

"It seems that your three thousand talisman seals have been integrated into your body. Congratulations!"

"Friends, please!"


A stone table rises from the ground, and two stone benches appear, both of which are very smooth, as if they were hand-polished. , I thought of drinking tea.

Liu Shen watched with a smile on her face, her face was full of interest. When she arrived on Earth, she also traveled the entire planet, so she naturally knew about drinking tea, but it was the first time she actually drank tea.

"This tea is a gift from an old tea tree in the mountains of my hometown. For you and me, the effect is not great, but it is also good for eating! Please!"

Liu Shen gently picked up the teacup, took a sip, a stagnant expression appeared on his face, and then he smiled even wider.

"Good tea!"

"Fellow Daoist likes it, and there are some more here in Poor Dao!"

"Then I will be disrespectful!"

"It's okay, I'm just having fun with this, one more tea friend will bring more happiness!"

The two of them drank a cup of tea before Liu Hao talked about the purpose of coming here.

"Fellow Daoist, do you know about the Long River of Destiny?"

Liu Shen raised his head slightly, took a deep look at Liu Hao, and sighed softly, Liu Hao was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized, how could Liu Shen not know the long river of fate?

At the end of the long river of destiny in the perfect world, covered by mist, another drop of the demon god's blood blocked it, blocking the way forward for the creatures of the perfect world. For this reason, the whole world has paid for generations of strong people and still can't get rid of it. As a body, I naturally know this.

"The peak of the Da Luo Jinxian, that is, the peak of the immortal king in your world, has a Dao fruit that can be proved. Once you prove the Da Luo Jin Xian Dao fruit, you can jump out of the long river of fate and become the only one. Gather your true body from the river of fate and return to the world."

When Liu Hao said this, he paused, looked at the surprise on Liu Shen's face, and knew that this trip was the right one.

For Liu Shen, this news is great news. Generations of powerful people have passed away for the impact of obstacles, and now they can no longer return. If they can reunite with their real bodies and bring together the powerhouses of all generations, the chances of impacting obstacles will only increase. Great, for this reason, this path fruit must also be proved.

"My view is that fellow Taoists have already stepped into the Immortal Emperor. If you die and come back again, could it be that your cultivation level is still an Immortal Emperor?"

"But that's not the case. When you come back again, you will only retain your Dao Fruit cultivation, but the many inherited knowledge will still not be lost. Re-cultivation will definitely be faster. It will only take a little time to return to the Immortal Emperor!"

"So that's the case! Thank you fellow daoist for letting me know!"

"What's the matter, I came here with only a purpose. I really want to know whether the worlds in the long river of fate are different. Is there a mainstream and a tributary? Are these river basins closely related, etc. I really want to know! "

"When I prove the Dao and Fruit, I must observe carefully, and I must tell my friends when I introduce it!"


The new tea was boiled, and Liu Hao moved his mind, took a piece of Wudao tea, and took out a new teacup. This teacup was used for a large bowl of tea, and it was also reserved for Wudao tea.

"By coincidence, Pindao got this Dao Enlightenment tea. Today, fellow Taoists might as well try it. The first sip of this tea is a chance to comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth!"

"Oh? It's really a treasure! You should thank you fellow daoist!"

Liu Hao also wanted to see if the Enlightenment tea from Honghuang could make Liu Shen enlightened, otherwise he was really reluctant to take it out at will.

Looking at Liu Shen who took a sip from the teacup and sank into the state of Enlightenment, Liu Hao cherished the Enlightenment tea in his hands more and more, and it was still effective across a world. It seemed that the Enlightenment tea was more precious than he imagined.

Another thought flashed in his mind, that is, is the perfect world still related to the prehistoric?

The possibility of this is also very high. In his opinion, the cosmic world of the earth was arranged by a certain traveler, and the "perfect world" obviously has a great relationship with the earth before he traveled. It comes from the world embodied in the famous book of starting point , most likely it was created by the traveler at random.

If this is the case, it is very reasonable for Wudao tea to be effective.

"The long river of destiny depicted in the perfect world is hindered by the spirit and blood of the demon god, cutting off the future. Such a tributary is more likely. Could it be that this tributary was also opened up by this traverser?"

"If that's the case, isn't this guy too strong? Could it be that the other party knows the way of fate?"

"Could it be that this guy obtained the law of destiny in the chaos?"

"Pangu beheaded three thousand demon gods. No one knows which three thousand demon gods. It is hard to predict if there are only three thousand demon gods, or the demon god who controls the law of fate escaped at that time?"

"If that's the case, even in the realm of the 'Day of Heaven', he's still an idiot in front of him, right?"

"I hope that's not the case!"

"But the more I think about it, the more I think it's possible! The drop of demon god's blood that was blocked by the perfect world is not easy to get. There is a high probability that it is the blood of a certain chaos demon god, or is it the blood of the traverser himself?"

"If it's really his blood, then he definitely used the 'Perfect World' as a testing ground, watching a world where generations of powerhouses challenge their fate, recording one data after another as a reference, and comprehending the law of fate in it ?”

"Horrifying! If it's really his blood, how can the arrogance of 'Perfect World' break through?"

"Every generation of Tianjiao is like a child of destiny. To become an immortal emperor is equivalent to a collection of luck in the world. Such a child of destiny still falls on the threshold of impacting fate. This data should be very valuable Bar?"

"Can't be offended! It seems that even if you reach the realm of 'Heaven', you still need to keep fighting!"

"It's really ambitious. Hunyuan doesn't know when it will be, so he imagines the realm of heaven. He is just a tiny pawn. In front of him, finding ways to strengthen himself is the right way!"

"I don't know how Shi Hao is doing now? Depending on the situation, God Liu has moved the entire Stone Village to the earth. There is a high probability that Shi Hao has also come to the earth, right?"

"After coming to Earth, he still chooses to return to the 'Perfect World'. Is the rules of the 'Perfect World' more suitable for his cultivation?"

"He transforms freely! It's not easy. It's similar to the Taoism in the dream that the Buddhist sect guides. There are thousands of bodies. If you have the opportunity, you can also learn from it!"

"By the way, God Liu won't take this opportunity to prove the Dao Jinxian Daoguo, right?"

"If she proves the truth now, will she enter the long river of fate of the earth or the long river of fate of the perfect world?"

"Some Meng Lang! You must pay attention to this!"

"Forget it, leave it to fate. For Liu Shen, it is a good thing to enter the long river of destiny on earth. In this way, her future will be brighter. I don't know if she can prove Hunyuan?"

"Thinking too much, how difficult is it to prove Hunyuan? Even if you are talented, you may not be able to succeed, right? What else do you need?"

"It doesn't seem right again. The saint's words may rely on merit, luck, etc. I haven't heard that these are needed to prove the Hunyuan. Maybe we can really look forward to it."

"What about myself? Saint, it's almost impossible, even if you think about it, you won't have a chance, right?"

"What about Hunyuan? We must fight for it! Otherwise, we will be under the shadow of someone else's death for the rest of our life, and our life will be at the thought of someone else, how can this work?"

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