Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and fourteen. The will of the world

914. The Will of the World

"By the way, the Journey to the West that is happening in Honghuang now has been recorded in books as early as in the earth, and every catastrophe can be clearly remembered. It just so happens that I have books here for you to read!"

Liu Hao's words made Yang Jian and Nezha's skin burnt and their flesh turned yellow, and they didn't know how to speak.

After Liu Hao provided each of the "Journey to the West" books, he started to read them in a daze, and then his body became stiff, not knowing what to do.

As time passed, the two covered the books almost indiscriminately, and looked up at Liu Hao with difficulty.

"Does it feel different from Journey to the West?"

The two nodded stiffly, almost the same, but because of Liu Hao, Journey to the West has changed a lot, and the two of them don't know the reason, so they have such doubts.

"If Honghuang hadn't been connected to the earth, Journey to the West would naturally be the same as in the books!"

"Dijun means..."

Yang Jian's voice became hoarse, with an expression of absolute disbelief, and Nezha beside him also looked like a ghost.

"It's supposed to be like this, but you two can't believe it?"

"Dijun, this..."

Yang Jian didn't know how to answer. How could things that haven't happened in the majestic prehistoric world have long been described in books and spread widely. To be able to do this, at least surpass the cultivation level of a saint. Did he know that it is difficult for a saint to do this? How can this not surprise him?

"The earth is far from being as simple as you imagine, otherwise, how could it be connected to the heavens and the world? Perhaps a long time ago, the earth was simply a vast world!"

"If that's the case, it's understandable!"

Yang Jian said bitterly, he also hoped so in his heart, there is such a strong man above a saint in the earth, this strong man spied the journey of "Journey to the West" in the long river of fate, and described him down out of boredom, Spread Terran.

He also knows that if this is the case, the cultivation of this strong man definitely surpasses the saint, otherwise it is impossible to spy on the saint without the saint noticing it. The biggest proof.

It is also now that Yang Jian and Nezha truly believe in the higher-level world that Liu Hao said before, and they have more expectations for this earth experience.

This is also the purpose of why Liu Hao did this, and it can also be regarded as a disarming power, directly planting the extraordinary setting of the earth in the hearts of Yang Jian and Nezha, and paving a firmer path for them to integrate their identities into the Dragon Kingdom.

For the purpose of letting Yang Jian and Nezha understand the information of the earth first, Liu Hao dumped them to Zhonghai University with a single decision. As for whether they will listen to the course of Our Lady of Wudang, that is beyond Liu Hao's control.

It's really strange to say that the two teachings are really strange, especially the teaching. From the beginning to the end, Liu Hao didn't find any monk who had a great achievement in the formation of the teaching. On the contrary, the teaching is not good for those who come with other knowledge No, it is in accordance with their doctrine;

There is no discrimination in education, which makes them less resistant to outside knowledge. Whether it is refining equipment or alchemy, they have made great progress in cutting education. Although there is still a gap compared with professionals, it is undeniable that There are quite a lot of strange spirit treasures.

Regarding the arrival of Yang Jian and Nezha, Zhong Hai University's approval with both hands and feet is just as Liu Hao predicted. As soon as the two entered Zhong Hai University, they instantly became the most popular idols of Zhong Hai University, and it was Xiao Tian who was carried by Yang Jian. Dogs are also loved by many people.

Zhong Hai University is also happy to watch this, especially President Huang Haidong, who already knows the calculations of the government in it, and was a little worried that Zhong Hai University will cut off the teaching and dominate the family because of its failure to become a virgin, but now it is easily settled by Liu Hao. , naturally delighted.

In fact, although the power of the skills accumulated by the earth over the years is a bit behind the prehistoric times, it is not because of the skills themselves.

More is the output of the cultivator's own cultivation base.

It's like using the same mental power skill, if Liu Hao uses it today, a single thought can even paralyze all the monster races in Wuyi Mountains, causing more than half of the casualties, but if it is used by an ordinary monk of the immortal rank, it is impossible to say that he will face The possibility of backlash.

Yang Jian and Nezha arrived at Zhonghai University. Others are fine. They just learn from it, but they are like treasures in terms of spiritual power. In the next few months, most of the time will be devoted to strengthening this aspect .

Nezha has not yet reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian, but Yang Jian is very clear that this book is a kind of tempering of the soul and soul, which is very rare even in the wild, but on the earth, it is basically the use of the foundation, in other words However, once all the earth monks have reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian, the chances of stepping into the quasi-sage are likely to be greater than those of the prehistoric.

It should be noted that in the prehistoric world, Qi training is the top level, and satin body is also extremely brilliant. On the contrary, the weakest item is the soul and primordial spirit. After making up for this shortcoming, Yang Jian feels that his chances of stepping into the quasi-sage At least 50% increase, which almost clearly tells the world that the quasi-sage is already in Yang Jian's pocket.

As far as this is concerned, Yang Jian's trip to the earth is enough. Does he know that once his cultivation base has improved enough, Liu Hao has agreed to take him to a higher-level world, and there is almost no possibility of a Hunyuan realm? There is a possibility of coveting.

On this day, the two finally found some free time, so they couldn't wait to go to Zhongnan Mountain to meet Yun Zhongzi.

In Zhongnan Mountain, the hall that originally enshrined Yuan Lingguan has been taken by Yun Zhongzi for himself. He dare not act rashly to enshrine Lao Tzu, and he can tolerate enshrining Doumu Yuanjun and Taiyi Daoist. Nanshan Dojo, but he was angry, not smashing the opponent's statue is already giving the sky a big face.

That's why Yang Jian and Nezha came to see the sculpture of the Yuan Lingguan placed at the entrance of Zhongnan Mountain. The two were born strangely, so they could only pretend that they hadn't seen it, and respectfully entered the Yunzhongzi Dojo.

"Yang Jian/Nezha, meet Master!"

Yun Zhongzi is very special in elucidating teachings. It is always difficult for outsiders to know whether he is a direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun or a registered disciple. Brother Guang Chengzi is almost at the same level. Even Liu Hao wants to find out what is the secret, but he can only guess, so he can't really ask rashly.

Liu Hao also guessed whether Yun Zhongzi might be the reincarnation of the ancient Red Cloud Patriarch, but there was no evidence, so he could only think about it all the time. He inquired about the monk's footsteps, but violated the taboo of others, almost endless hostility, Almost tantamount to declaring war.

This point, Liu Hao only realized it after the old residence of Honghuang. Now that he knew it, he would not foolishly make this eyebrow.

But Yun Zhongzi said that even if Yang Jian and Nezha arrived, the two did not leave.

"You two came to Earth because of Liu Hao?"

Yun Zhongzi understood much better than the others. As soon as the two of them came, he had a feeling, and he had already guessed this point. The question now was just to make sure.

"Return to Uncle Master, that's right!"

"Yes, you have a good chance!"

Yun Zhongzi's words made Yang Jian and Nezha puzzled. Why is it a good chance to be invited by Liu Hao to enter the earth? Could it be that there is a direct relationship between them?

Seeing that the two were puzzled, Yun Zhongzi smiled and began to explain.

"In the dragon kingdom of the earth, although there are countless legends about the prehistoric world, and even some calamities that are taking place in the prehistoric world have been recorded, the relationship between the earth and the prehistoric world represents two worlds;

Our prehistoric beings entered the earth world. Although we have a legend link, there is still the suppression of the will of the world. This will of the world is also called "the way of heaven" in the prehistoric. Do you understand this? "

"Yes! Master!" The two replied in unison, and then they looked at each other, and it was Yang Jian who raised his doubts:

"Master, could it be that the invitation from Emperor Ziwei can offset this suppression? When the two of us stepped into the earth, we never felt this suppression!"

"Exactly! The two of you know about luck. Liu Hao's luck on earth is far beyond what I've seen. With his invitation, the will of the world didn't come to you two. Poor Dao This is the reason why he still sits in Zhongnan Mountain until today."

Yang Jian and Nezha had suddenly realized expressions on their faces.

In fact, Liu Hao didn't know anything about it. One thing he judged was correct, that is, the earth is far higher than he imagined, and that's why a strong foreigner like Yun Zhongzi felt the will of the world. This is why the prehistoric saints did not come subconsciously, otherwise how could they be stopped?

In the past, Liu Hao believed that the energy generated by the saint's incarnation would cause the earth to collapse, but this is not the case. A saint, after all the effort, can't really suppress the energy leak? Even if it can't last for a long time, there must be no problem in a short time.

And so far, the saints of the prehistoric world also know a lot of information about the earth. If they don't understand the importance of the earth, they will pretend to be saints. Knowing this, they still have no action. There are two major reasons that prompted them to choose to wait.

One is that when they have this idea, a warning will appear in their hearts, as if giving them an early warning, and because of this, as Liu Hao guessed, they think that the earth has not yet reached the level that can bear them;

The other is that they gradually understand the difference between the ways of heaven in different worlds, especially those who have the status of "sage" in one world, who represent a little will in the prehistoric world. Really deadly.

Therefore, when the earth has not yet reached the level of Hunyuan to withstand the survival of the strong, the saints such as Sanqing will not have the intention of coming.

And Yun Zhongzi, a quasi-sage peak figure, has a little bit of the will of the prehistoric world in his body. The arrival of his body makes his perception of this world will much stronger, and he understands that if he wants to live on the earth for a long time, he must obtain the will of the world. Recognition, to put it simply, is the identity of the earth account.

How to obtain this identity, in short, is to obtain the approval of the creatures on earth.

Both Bai Ze and Manjusri Bodhisattva understand this to some extent, but compared with the arrival of Yun Zhongzi's body, these little influences are nothing. On the contrary, Zhuang Zhou and Wudang Virgin have passed this test.

Zhuang Zhou, when he arrived, received special treatment from Liu Hao. He was regarded as the ancestor of the Dragon Kingdom, and Zhuang Zhou himself recognized this very much. country, this account can be considered to be completely consolidated;

What about the Virgin Mary? Before coming here, he obtained permission from Liu Hao's deity, and then entered Zhonghai University to preach at Liu Hao's suggestion. It can be said that he hit the right track. The little bit of suppression of the will of the world that Bai Ze and Manjushri Bodhisattva felt has dissipated.

Unlike them, Yang Jian and Nezha's self-cultivation level is much lower, and they have not stepped into the class of "quasi-sage" with the word "sage". Fearing the visit of monks under the limit of other worlds, coupled with the invitation from Liu Hao itself, as long as it does not set off a bloody storm on the earth, there is really no taboo.

Therefore, they didn't understand what Yun Zhongzi said at all, but after Yun Zhongzi made such a statement, they immediately put the credit on Liu Hao, which made the two of them recognize Long Guo even more.

"You two know a lot about Earth, don't you?"

"Yes Master!"

"Now Pindao still needs to sit in Zhongnan Mountain for a while, and you need to do the teaching and preaching. It's also a good time for you to come, otherwise you will really fall behind the others!"

"Uncle, preaching is not our specialty!"

"No problem, Yuqing Immortal Art, you can choose those who are destined to pass it on! In addition, you can also release news about Pindao's affairs in Zhongnan Mountain. Anyone who is interested can go to Zhongnan Mountain to listen I preach!"

"Yes! Uncle, I will live up to my trust! These two disciples have also heard that there is a teaching inheritance place in the Long Kingdom these days. After we confirm the location, we will definitely spread the 'Yuqing Immortal Law' to all the avenues! "

"Don't worry about leaving this matter to you poor Taoists. If you encounter something you can't solve, you can come to Zhongnan Mountain to find me. Let's go!"

"Yes! Master!"

Yang Jian and Nezha didn't stay too long, they just took the time to come to visit, but now they got into a whole lot of business, and their hearts were a little settled. Fortunately, the two of them are not too ambitious, otherwise they really have to worry about whether their analysis will not be good. Will be compared to other forces.

This is also the difference between interpreting and cutting, but Liu Hao took it for granted. The Holy Mother of Wudang is willing to enter the university to teach. In exchange for being a quasi-sage of interpreting education, don't even think about it. For interpreting education, willing to accept a few disciples is already great show mercy;

Today is the arrival of Yun Zhongzi, if someone else would not have told Yang Jian and Nezha to pass on the 'Yuqing Immortal Law' at all, the arrogant explanation and teaching would be disdainful, but Yuanshi Tianzun's character has a great influence.

Yun Zhongzi is really a different kind of member in the teaching, that is, Yuanshi Tianzun gave the mission, he had to come, otherwise he would not be willing to go out of the mountain, and he is also a man of the house, don’t you see him after he strolled around the ancient Lich battlefield on Zhoushan Are you too lazy to pay attention? The arrival of the main body is also a product of chance and coincidence. Knowing that it is related to the possibility of one's own enlightenment, otherwise it would be impossible to see such a situation.

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