Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and twenty-seven. Little guys (thanks to flyshow)

927、Little guys

When my sister arrived at the Earth Immortal Rank, Liu Hao also gave her the ribbon spirit treasure that had always been on her body. This spirit treasure is very similar to Nezha's Huntian Ribbon, and it is good in both offense and defense. The disciple has a little self-protection power.

My sister is in the prehistoric, and the system of practice is still very different from that of the earth. On the earth, although there is no need to balance the three of spirit, energy, and spirit, they are also indispensable. peak;

What Liu Hao passed on to his sister is also the most common Daoist Kung Fu method, which is of a higher level. It focuses on Qi training, which promotes the improvement of the body and the accumulation of the spirit.

Unlike other Taoist cultivators, Meier seldom cultivates various skills in normal times, and more is devoted to the system of Taoism of Hundred Schools;

Under countless classics, even at a young age, he seems to have a Jinshi degree. Under the cultivation of the spirit of books, he has a leisurely and unique temperament. Like a green lotus, otherwise mortal.

If Xiao Long'er is 'moving', then Mei'er is 'quiet'. She doesn't like to play, and whenever she has free time, she finds a quiet place by herself, but Liu Hao's tea drinking habit has been learned by 10%. Everywhere, they bring a small set of tea sets. In order to drink tea, several tea trees are planted behind the courtyard.

Over the past few years, Mei'er's true character has been developed. From the very beginning when Liu Hao met Mei'er, his sensitivity to lack of safety like a little rabbit disappeared completely. However, this diligence has been well inherited. After coming down for almost a whole day, I seldom see my sister wasting time. Even when I have time to take a break from reading, I will find a broom to clean the small yard. This kind of treasure in the millet makes Liu Hao very satisfied .

It can be said that although he has taken in a few disciples, the only one who really has a hunch that he will achieve extraordinary things in the future is the younger sister in front of him. It has to be said that the advantages of monks born in the high-level world are clearly reflected in the younger sister;

On Earth, there is almost no possibility for a monk of my sister's age to become a fairy. Just one level of physical strength is enough to block 99% of the monks. Without the aura of adulthood, most monks can only It's just a mess under the fairy rank.

However, it is also because of this that among the monks below the immortal rank, compared with the monks of the prehistoric human race, the monks on the earth still have obvious advantages in combat power. The three-dimensional tends to be the same, which makes there are almost no shortcomings. His excellent combat skills exaggerated this advantage a lot.

But it is limited to this. Once entering the immortal rank, many monks of the wild have an orderly inheritance, and basically abandon the progress mode, and the advantages of the earth's immortal rank monks are also wiped out a lot;

After the monk entered Taiyi and even Daluo, the advantages of the trinity of the earth began to emerge again. Although it is likely that the three aspects are mediocre due to skills, there is basically no shortcoming between offense and defense;

Once deadlocked,

On the contrary, the chance of winning is higher, and once one or several high-level skills are learned, this combat power will be fully stimulated. Although there is still a gap between the contests with the innate races, but the foundation of the same aptitude In the middle, it is much stronger.

For the younger sister, Liu Hao is very attentive, and has been teaching her with him for several years, but he has not measured the younger sister according to the standards of the earth. On the one hand, it is because of age that the physical development has not yet begun, and premature body development will harm her sister;

On the other hand, it is also Honghuang who is becoming more and more murderous now, blindly suppressing his sister's cultivation, and there will be some bad things in the future, which will definitely make Liu Hao regret it.

Therefore, instead of this, it is better to let nature take its course. Although the foundation is emphasized, there must be a choice.

Since practicing Taoism, Liu Hao has completely had a clear concept of the human race. Wisdom is the greatest advantage of the human race. Not to mention knowing everything, he can also adjust the most suitable cultivation method according to himself. Therefore, those who really devote 100% to cultivation Half of the human race can advance to the immortal rank.

But the human race is always an acquired race. For example, it is somewhat similar to the container. If the acquired human race has no chance to break its own limit, what the container shuttle can bear is only a cup-sized space, and the fairy rank is almost already the limit. .

Comparing the difference between the earth and the wild, Liu Hao has more optimism about the cultivation mode of the earth. The biggest difference between the two lies in the satin body, and the satin body is the biggest guarantee for the human race to break through its own limits.

Although compared with the prehistoric, the chances of stepping into the immortal rank are much lower after the cultivation of the human race on earth, but once they step into the immortal rank, more than half of them basically have the possibility of breaking their own limit once, which makes their original cup-sized The capacity limit has become the size of a wooden barrel, and the battery life has been greatly improved.

This is something that can’t be helped. The gap between the acquired race and the innate beings is simply like a moat. The smallest tolerance limit of any innate being is like a lake. Its vastness is enough to make most of the acquired races feel overwhelmed.

However, there are some things that can’t be said that there is nothing to do. In the comparison between Da Luo Jinxian and the following, there is almost no possibility for the acquired race to surpass the innate, but once the enlightenment breaks through to the quasi-sage stage, this gap will be eliminated several major compensations;

The quasi-sage, in the Zensheng theory, also carries the word "sacred", and has reached a certain degree of complementarity with the heaven and the earth. If there is more damage, it will make up for the deficiency. Once it breaks through, the disadvantages of its own race will be made up for several times at a time. , although compared with innate creatures, there is still a trace of awareness, but this awareness is definitely not fatal, and the two are bound to have exchanges when they fight.

Having said that, everyone knows that the quasi-sage is so easy to prove?

It is already very remarkable for one of the ten thousand Da Luo Jinxians to succeed in enlightenment. In this regard, even Liu Hao has no way to help.

This is also the reason why Liu Hao is very optimistic about Zhuge Liang among so many subordinates. He also wanted to get proof of his conjecture from Zhuge Liang, so he made up his mind to let Zhuge Liang go alone in the prehistoric world, and he was so determined to ignore it. ;

The purpose is to let the other party break their shackles under the high-pressure pursuit of the entire Beiju Luzhou monster clan. If it can be done, Zhuge Liang will definitely become the real quasi-sage under Liu Hao;

The kind that is truly loyal, not the kind that has its own many positions like Confucius and Jiang Ziya, and is likely to turn against the water under certain circumstances.

Other than Zhuge Liang, what Liu Hao thought of was Hawkeye. This guy who never admits defeat to him is also the guy who regards swordsmanship as everything to him. Such a pure monk may succeed, but everything still needs to be seen. Can Hawkeye persist?

He knew that Hawkeye was now wandering in the Perfect World, and Perfect World was really an excellent choice for Satin. If he could resist death, Hawkeye would also be a good subordinate for Liu Hao in the future.

Except for Hawkeye, Liu Hao is really not optimistic about the others, even if they are like Luffy and Naruto, the children of destiny in a certain world, it is not that they are not lucky enough, but they are not as lucky as Hawkeye. That pursuit of sacrificing everything in order to break through oneself.

Of course, there is another Luo Hao here. Unlike the others, Liu Hao is the one who has the greatest confidence in Luo Hao. With the care of Xuanwu Xuanwu, he is not worried at all that his cultivation will be poor in the future, nor is he worried about Luo Hao. Hao's aptitude can't keep up with innate creatures and the like, and he can be thrown into the sun star of the Xuanwu world to practice by Xuanwu Dazun, so how can mere aptitude stop him?

It's just that Luo Hao has always been regarded by Liu Hao as the last trump card, and Liu Hao will not disturb Luo Hao until there is really no other way. This young lady has a very good personality, so good that as long as he can, It is possible to become a saint by cultivating in one place all the time, the later he disturbs Luo Hao, the more help he will get.

It stands to reason that Liu Hao is really not without helpers nowadays, and Xiao Honghu is the biggest one, but Xiao Honghu is as pure as a child, so Liu Hao seldom hits her doctrine;

He is even more aware that the reason why Xiao Honghu is awesome is more because of her cultivation. When she really fights, she has very little experience, even to the extent that she doesn't have it. Such a helper is still not powerful enough to fight The biggest deterrent is the biggest deterrent that people have to guard against.

While thinking, a voice came from outside the small courtyard, Li Zhiwuzhao and Xiaodouzi also came back from school, watching Xiao Longer and the others greet him, Liu Hao also laughed;

Only at this time will a group of little guys get entangled and play together, and when the dinner is over, there will be some teaching, especially the kind where Liu Hao goes to battle in person, so where is the time to waste?

For Li Zhi and Wu Zhao, Liu Hao also made great efforts. Of course, the biggest reason here is the layout. The layout of the post-Journey to the West era, the continuation of its own influence in the orthodoxy of the human race, now seems to have achieved remarkable results Whether it's Li Zhi or Wu Zhao, they all fully recognize themselves as a teacher, and that's enough.

Liu Hao knows very well that a student and an emperor are completely different, and their thinking patterns are completely different. However, Liu Hao did not really put the chess pieces between the master and the apprentice, but more between the knowledge. middle;

The civilization of the earth for thousands of years has influenced the thinking mode of Li Zhi and Wu Zhao. When they become emperors, this thinking mode will be the real harvest time.

This is the leading of the times. Liu Hao knows very well that the longer the connection between the prehistoric and the earth, the deeper the communication between the two will be. The impact will also be terrifying, and Li Zhi and Wu Zhao, who have similar thinking at that time, will naturally have a lot of closeness to these people;

At that time, it will be the time when the productivity of the Datang Human Race will expand rapidly. A knowledge that comes from across the world is no different from a time traveler. Only people like Liu Hao can truly understand its significance.

It can be said that this is Liu Hao's truly hidden layout, but no matter whether it is a great power or a saint in chaos, they can't figure it out. To them, what kind of emperor in the world is just an ant ;

They don't know that the embankment of a thousand miles begins with an ant nest. When they really realize it, the mighty wheels of history have already started to move at high speed. By then, it is too late to stop it, and the will of heaven and earth will never allow it. They drive history backwards.

Since Dayu's abdication and the opening of the Xia Dynasty, among the orthodox human races in the world, it has become an unspoken rule that the emperor is not allowed to cultivate. Although there is no clear rule of heaven, this unspoken rule has become the mainstream, and any sect inheritance dare not take it lightly Step over this red line.

It's just that it's really hard to say whether this red line can continue in the future. In the final analysis, it is the birth of the way of a hundred schools of thought in the wild.

In this regard, when the sage in the chaos frowned, he did not act to stop him. The reason was because there were no clear regulations. This is the case with Li Shimin now. Maybe majoring in the words of a family, the cultivation base can only be regarded as mediocre, but the foundation is still there, and the academic status of college students is in the entire Tang Dynasty, which is not bad.

Li Shimin, the possibility of stepping into the semi-sacred immortal rank from the way of a hundred schools of thought is almost impossible. This point, whether it is Haotian or a saint in chaos, is very clear.

But what about Li Zhi? What about Wu Zhao?

Even the sage in the chaos dare not make sure of it lightly.

This is actually the source of the saint's entanglement, but among them, Taoism and Buddhism have different calculations.

Taoism naturally hopes that Li Zhi will stay in power for a longer time, so that the spread of Buddhism to the east can be delayed later, so that even if the follow-up Wu Zhao leans towards the Buddhist position, it will be diluted by time.

The same is true for Buddhism. Although they know that Li Zhi's reign will be longer and will have a greater impact on the spread of Buddhism eastward, they also hope that Wu Zhao, who will succeed him, will stay in power for a long time. The foundation laid in the past will only get deeper and deeper.

It is also because the two have their own calculations, which makes the saint in the chaos acquiesce to Liu Hao's teachings, and even has a tacit understanding that the orthodox emperor of the human race can practice the way of a hundred schools of thought.

Liu Hao could guess some of them, so, for Li Zhi and Wu Zhao, he didn't teach the practice of Taoism or even Buddhism.

Perhaps it was also the influence of the saint's thoughts. Neither Li Zhi nor Wu Zhao had the slightest covetous heart for cultivation other than the way of a hundred schools of thought. Liu Hao was greatly relieved.

On the contrary, Xiaodouzi is very enthusiastic about it, and with a little training, he can draw inferences from one instance. Therefore, the relationship between Meier and Xiaodouzi is better. Most of them have to stay in the small courtyard and study with my sister.

In this regard, Liu Hao has no intention of interfering. He knows that Xiaodouzi does not need his training at all. With the master Houtu who has the realm of "Heavenly Dao", Xiaodouzi's future achievements may be the most powerful among the human race, and he is not needed at all. stream of worries.

"Teacher, the crab is the best!"

"Then let Xiao Long'er catch more in the future!"

"Hee hee hee, the teacher is the best, brother Xiao Long'er is the best!"

Xiao Douzi's praise also made Xiao Longer laugh along with him.

As for whether the crab monsters in Heihe would go to the underworld to file a complaint, Liu Hao would not be concerned. On the contrary, he encouraged them to get in touch with aquatic products more, especially Li Zhi and Wu Zhao. If they have a preference for the aquatic products in the Heihe, in the future, whether it is the army of Youzhou or the common monks, they will have an extra source of income. How could Liu Hao not know the great influence of the emperor? It was clearly the result of his subtle guidance.

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