Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and forty one. The peculiarity of the earth

941. The Specificity of 'Earth'

"Has the Odin Protoss sent troops to the front?"

Liu Hao finally remembered the incident between Zhou Guo and the bald eagle border, fights stop and stop, stop and go fight, almost no day is peaceful, but compared with what he saw when he came last time, the scale of these conflicts is also small Many, if you think about it for a while, you will know that it is because of Fang Yun's deterrence. The scale of the war has been delineated, and the limit of the rank has been delineated, and this destructive power is limited to a certain level.

"The world of the Odin Protoss is very aggressive. The only way to make them give up fighting is to disable them. But in that case, the battle damage on my side will not be low!"

"So that's it! You suppressed the war in a conflict and limited the scope. Odin, the God King of the Odin Protoss, also came forward?"

"How could he hide behind? The others have no power to make a decision!"

"How is he?"

"Daluo Jinxian Daoguo's cultivation base; I'm used to being aloof in one world, and the ostentation is really speechless! When I came here, the drums and gongs were almost loud, hahaha!"

"He put on a scene like this, but it was for the Bald Eagles to see, but he was inferior in front of you!"

"I also know that although I can easily suppress it, Zhou's overall strength is still weaker now. Just to maintain this conflict can be regarded as a place for us to train troops. If we forget the battle, we will be in danger. This old-fashioned saying and also!"

"Next step, you should introduce your world's high-ranking powerhouse into the earth, right?"

"Hahaha, of course, I had this idea in the first place. Now that I have heard your words of 'Abyss', I can't delay. In the next step, many Daluo monks will be introduced into the earth, and I will put more effort into it. Throw yourself into the abyss of surveillance!"

"This arrangement is not bad! You don't need to worry too much about the abyss. At least in the first few battles, it's not the turn of the quasi-sages to fight each other. It will take some time to test each other!"

"Hearing your words, I am even more sure that this is the layout of Chaos Power!"

"So what if you know? A sage can use the creatures of the heaven and earth as a chessboard, how about the powerful ones in the chaos? I don't believe they are really looking for land and cultivating one by one!

Besides, don't you think the earth is very weird? "

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"I have been to many worlds, as long as there is no 'Earth' in that world, 99% or even 100% of the situation is that the civilization in that world is very single;

It is also the weirdest among the 'Earth', with different skin colors and different beliefs, as if there are many civilizations deliberately settled down, and these civilizations are placed in it, so that they can fight each other! "

Liu Hao's words also made Fang Yun stunned. He is also a traveler born on the earth, and he has long been used to the situation on the earth, as if it should be so;

But listening to what Liu Hao said today, I can't help but feel the weirdness in it. Confucianism and Taoism are also cosmic-level, and creatures are spread across countless planets. It is very huge, but it is still in the same line, even the way of the human race has not been able to break away from the original shackles.

In such a comparison, the earth is too strange.

In the final analysis, the practice mode of Eastern civilization still focuses on Qi training;

Western civilization, although the gods are different, but the essence is still the same, that is, the soul and spiritual power are used to control energy, in other words,

That is, 'magic' is their foundation.

The appearance of these two completely different systems in a small planet is enough to explain the problem, especially after the recovery of the aura, it is even more abrupt, and the many worlds connected to the earth are always inextricably linked to the earth. Under such circumstances, it is too far-fetched to insist that the human beings on the earth developed naturally.

From another perspective, if the human race on the earth is forced to be placed like this, it will feel natural, and the resettlers, it seems, can only be those powerful people hidden in the chaos.

"Just want to set up a battlefield? The earth can't stand a huge battle!"

"You should have also discovered the tide of spiritual energy. Every tide of spiritual energy is not only benefiting the living beings, but also the earth, or even more!"

"Earth is strengthening?"

"Of course, the earth is not only expanding, but also strengthening. Every time a monk upgrades to a higher level, the earth will quickly adapt. Now that the Da Luo level is fighting on the earth, it is difficult to break it. This point, you Should you feel it?"

Fang Yun had a look of sudden realization on his face. If Liu Hao didn't mention it, he would really ignore this information.

When Fang Yun entered the earth for the first time, he still felt that the earth was a little fragile, but before he knew it, this fragility had been repaired, and he was also the one who broke through the quasi-sage, otherwise he should have remembered.

Seeing that Fang's luck was clear, Liu Hao smiled wryly, and made another guess:

"The earth, if it was deliberately opened up by the powers of chaos, it would be more explainable;

However, where these creatures come from, you need to think carefully! "

Fang Yun's eyes flashed, and he quickly blurted out:

"What do you mean, these creatures on earth are basically those who are about to destroy the world?"

"Hahaha, it seems that you also guessed like this! Don't you think there are too many 'earths'?"

Fang Yun was taken aback for a moment, "Earth" is quite a lot. Among the many worlds connected, not to mention 50%, 20% or 30% of the planet "Earth" exists. If some traversers come from "Earth", 50% is still achieved, so looking at it, the weirdness of the planet 'Earth' stands out.

"Such an obvious loophole, haven't those great powers in the chaos thought about it?"

"Do they need to think about it? You don't know the saying 'all saints are ants'?"

Fang Yun had a wry smile on his face;

"That's right, the saints don't even mind spreading the word 'all saints are ants'. What's more, those chess players in the chaos? So what if we know? They still can't escape the fate of chess pieces!"

"The law of the weak is the law of the strong, even in the chaos, it is still the truth! Maybe they don't care, but they are very confident, deliberately leaving such a flaw, let's see which monk can jump out of the chessboard and play against them?"

"Hahaha, you are optimistic! However, hearing this makes me feel a lot better! That's right, maybe the real strong don't care about more chess players at all?"

"Don't we have the same mentality?"

"Looks like you're walking in front of me again!"

"Maybe! Fighting against the sky is a lot of fun, Taizu sincerely does not deceive me!"

"Hahaha, okay, let's drink this cup together. I want to see who those chess players are? Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to it! The higher you climb, the more beautiful the scenery, and the vast world, there is really a lot to do!"

"mutual encouragement!"

"mutual encouragement!"

The two held up the teacups with both hands, touched lightly on the center line, drank like strong wine, and then laughed again.

"This matter, speaking of it, we can guess it, so there must be other people who know it well, right?"

"Who knows? But I think, those quasi-sages who have traveled around the earth, even if they don't know it today, they will probably have guesses in the future!"

"That's even better. The monks who can step into the quasi-sage must have extraordinary perseverance in their hearts. In this way, we don't need to fight alone!"

"In the future, quasi-sages will definitely not be rare, otherwise, how can they resist the 'Abyss'? It seems that the new tide of spiritual energy will not be too long!"

"Hahaha, I am looking forward to the arrival of the spiritual energy tide even more!"

"It's good if you have this confidence! On the other side of the prehistoric world, all forces will soon be on the stage of the earth, and they will not let you go!"

"Hahaha, if it was in the past, maybe I would have suppressed it. What if I got this information today, so what if I let them preach in the future? The way of hundreds of schools has already grown into a tree that supports the sky, and it is impossible to collapse. When they come, On the contrary, it is a good thing, a single tree does not make a forest, only a lush forest can withstand the storm!"

"If you can think like this, I'm relieved!"

"What? I can't see the big picture? Don't talk about Buddhism, even magic, and I have no obstacles;

Humans are the ones who are the most adaptable to the environment, and their talents are also different. The introduction of more systems can make more talents stand out. This is a historical trend, how can I stop it?

Not to mention the Zhou Kingdom established on Earth, even my world has introduced many, and countless researchers, but I didn't deliberately promote it before! "

"I believe these words! But you also have to find a way to establish a talent assessment, otherwise the many cultivation methods will divert the energy of many monks, and the gains will not be worth the losses!"

Fang Yun didn't care much about Liu Hao's words. The most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism is still very different from the earth;

"I'm not worried about what you said. The way of the hundred schools has long taken root in the hearts of the human race in my world, and this is the first choice. If they find that the talent for reading is not high, they will switch to other ways;

Today, in my world, physical training has increased a lot. This is also the case for others in the future. Instead of interfering early, it is better to let them choose. Those who are really talented in a certain aspect can always stand out! "

"It's reasonable! I ignored the main body of cultivation in your world! Compared with your world, Dragon Kingdom is a bit troublesome in this regard!"

"Oh? Too many choices? I don't recommend too much interference!"

"Yeah! Sometimes interest is the key, forget it, don't bother to care about it!"

"Don't put everything on your shoulders, Long Guo has already passed its infancy!"

"You saw it! It's because the great powers of the Great Desolation landed on the earth one after another that they have these distracting thoughts. In the end, I was still worried about their interference, but I ignored that what I did was also a kind of interference with the people of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Being in the center is always inevitable! I know you are worried that the people of the Dragon Kingdom will contribute their beliefs. In fact, you don't need to worry about these things. Since the recovery of the spiritual energy, the information society of the Dragon Kingdom has not been broken. Under the rampant Internet, human beings How complicated is your mind?

Perhaps what you are worried about is that the most uncomfortable part of the great forces of the Great Desolation is uncertain! "

"Hahaha, listening to your words, I am much happier!"

"I also want to thank the Dragon Kingdom for their dedication to stability. Without their full efforts to maintain this stability, it would be terrifying. Today's Bald Eagle is the biggest counterexample!

At any time, internal troubles are often more terrifying than external troubles! "

"Yes! Our civilization is absolutely excellent! The earth has expanded so much, and the network of the Dragon Kingdom is still unimpeded. Among them, those governments and scholars who have abandoned cultivation and devoted themselves to maintaining technology have immeasurable merit!"

"I also want to thank the Dragon Kingdom for not implementing the strategy of fooling the people. Compared with it, the bald eagle is really speechless. There are so many cults, all of which explain the problem. There are so many followers. Hahaha, I really don't know how to tell them apart. For good!"

"It's not bad to have them as guinea pigs, and they can also remind us, can't they?"

"Hahaha, I just like your attitude. In this regard, our positions are really very consistent!"

Fang Yun has no intention of hiding at all. In the most holy world of Confucianism and Taoism, his only position is the human race, but this human race is just the people of Yan and Huang. In Fang Yun's view, the bald eagle people are no different from monsters. He didn't take it seriously at all, which is similar to Liu Hao's attitude.

It's just that Liu Hao is much more treacherous, and he is also angry with the Yaozu in his heart, but on the surface he is calm, thinking about dividing them all the time, and the deepest purpose is still to let them serve the people of Yanhuang.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Fang Yun just brought this dislike to the surface. After stepping into the earth for so long, he also hid this thought, that is, he communicated with Liu Hao face to face alone. If it were someone else, who wouldn't be able to act?

The two didn't continue their conversation, and Liu Hao quickly changed the subject;

"Do you think Odin is sure to break through the quasi-sage?"

"I have to say, that old guy is not easy to deal with!"

"From this point of view, he will step into the quasi-sage sooner or later, which is also good, with such a quasi-sage standing in front of you, you can also understand the depth of the 'Abyss' to a greater extent!"

"It's a good thing, I'm afraid that the other party will be arrogant!"

"Oh? Are you worried that Odin is too aggressive?"

"Well, it's no wonder he was willing to come back after being intimidated by me. He's used to being aloof, and I've lost face. He's definitely thinking about how to get it back. Once Odin breaks through, he'll be the first one to come to trouble me. !"

"It seems that this matter is unavoidable, just give him another blow at that time! Are you worried that the other party will join the forces of the abyss? On the contrary, I don't think there is any need to worry. Odin has ruled a world for hundreds of millions of years, and it is impossible that he has not experienced decline. Fight, moreover, the master of one side of the world can imagine the arrogance in his heart, how can he be willing to be someone else's lackey?"

"I can only think about it this way! Speaking of which, after that time, I also sneaked to the world of the Odin Protoss to check, but there are some differences in that world. I originally thought that I would explore it someday Now, from the looks of it, we can only dispatch the avatars after killing the three corpses!"

"Oh? I'm a little curious. When you say that the world is different, what are the differences?"

"Well...the place where the world is connected to the earth is the Odin Protoss's own continent, and it seems to be a world of its own. I took a rough look and found that their world seems to be formed by the overlapping of several different spaces. It was done because I was worried that Odin would find out, so I didn’t investigate carefully, and I just reached an agreement with Odin at that time, and I didn’t want to ruin it because of it!”

"Are there several different spaces? How many?"

"It seems... there are nine!"

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