Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and fifty-six. Stark's entanglement

956、The entanglement of big shit

Out of the Liu Hao clinic, Nick Fury directly pulled Natasha into the Quinjet fighter jet. He had too many questions to ask, and he didn't want to wait for a moment. Although his mind was messed up, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he could only force Calm down, only Natasha can fill in the blank pages during the imprisonment.

On the fighter plane, Natasha spoke eloquently. After listening to the marinated egg, he fell into a long silence. When the fighter plane stopped, he still didn't move at all, and the others didn't choose to disturb him until the sound of hunger came from his stomach. , which woke him up.

"Natasha, aside from Doctor Liu, the ancient one he mentioned is that monk, do you think he is really the guardian of our earth?"

"I don't know, but I don't think Dr. Liu will lie to us, and besides, he shouldn't bother to lie to us, right?"

Natasha's answer was very light, showing a rare soft side.

Where does Braised Dan know that Liu Hao can't make up these things to deceive them? The reason for asking is just to make sure of myself.

At this moment, he really wanted to use the pager to call Captain Marvel back, but in the end he still chose to endure.

"If all this is true, why haven't we seen that Ancient One before?"

"Maybe he guards the earth instead of us!"

"That's right, in his eyes, as long as the earth is not in danger of being destroyed, people will not appear at all!"

"I remember that Dr. Liu said that the ancient one guarded the earth to help prevent invasions from other dimensions. What exactly is this 'other dimension'?"

"Dimensions? Other spaces? Or parallel worlds?"

"Parallel universes, I've heard of them. Those scientists have been talking about them, and they can understand them; but what are other dimensions?"

"I don't know either. I just heard that there are 'gods' in these dimensions. Maybe the gods we believe in are creatures from other dimensions."

"Didn't the Ancient One block the arrival of God?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's a demon? Maybe it's really a demon! I remember a hell messenger coming. Do you have an impression of this?"

"Looks like it probably is!"

Natasha nodded slightly. Although she had never seen the flaming skeleton riding a motorcycle, she had a lot of information on it.

"There are a lot of vampires on the earth. It seems that most of these races are the blood of visitors from other dimensions who stayed on our earth. The ancient one blocked or killed those strong people. These are irrelevant. Could it be that they deliberately reminded us? "

"Perhaps! One thing we can't be sure about is how strong the Ancient One is. Only by clarifying his strength can we accurately estimate the strength of enemies in other dimensions."

Natasha is not a flower vase either. When she really thinks about it, she is also very logical, pointing out the essence of it at once.

Brain Dan thought of Captain Marvel again. The hope of the whole village seems to be nothing more than that now. The strong man he thinks may be just playing tricks in the eyes of others.

But to measure the strength of the ancient one, Nick Fury doesn't think he can do it, and he is named the guardian of the earth. How strong does it need to be? Otherwise, how could it be possible to stop God?

Ludan knew that it was impossible for him to get the answer in a short time, so he simply didn't bother to think about it any more. At this moment, he never mentioned any thoughts that were beyond his control, and the arrogance in his heart had long been shattered.

The two had just entered the office of the chief when a hurried figure barged in from outside the door;

"Director, Tony Stark has news!"


"He ran out by himself. He has contacted the military and is now on his way back."

Braised egg nodded, suddenly, he thought of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, this baby who seems to have no bottom line of energy,

It seems that it's time to take it out for another experiment. Without a hole card in hand, this braised egg has no sense of security at all;

And when he thought of doing an experiment, the first guy that popped up in his mind was Big Shit, but soon, he vetoed it. With Big Shit's bad personality, he had no possibility of subduing it, let alone controlling it. up.

But no matter what, Braised Dan's determination was truly made. Liu Hao's butterfly effect also forced Braised Dan to develop the Cosmic Rubik's Cube much earlier.

In New York, the first thing Tony Shi Dake did when he returned was to buy a few cheeseburgers to satisfy his appetite. After eating and drinking, he realized that he was really alive.

The three-month journey of the nightmare is also the journey of Shi Dake's transformation;

Before that, Shi Dake was more like a gamer. All human beings in front of him were NPCs. It didn’t matter if he was arrogant or proud, or he was so arrogant that he couldn’t see anything, but it was a fact, except for him I, and the whole world, are scum.

Only when he himself realizes that he is a mortal at all, a person who is easily injured, and many things are beyond his control at all, is the time when he truly transforms, and it is also when he truly integrates into this world.

This is completely different from knowing the fragility of life and experiencing the fragility of life. The former is just talking nonsense. The number of lives is just a statistic. Only when you experience it yourself can you understand that each number represents One by one living life can truly know how to cherish it.

As the assistant of Big Shit, Pepper knows best that the embarrassed Big Shit in front of him is still the arrogant Big Shit, but he is no longer the big Shit he used to be, because he let go of the biggest shit in his heart. His arrogance, he no longer regards other people as NPCs, and has real emotional integration.

And all of this is the real core of Shi Dake's ability to become a superhero in the future.

Among all the people in the world, only Pepper can understand why Tony Shi Dake closed the weapons manufacturing department so casually, not only understanding, but even agreeing.

She was not afraid of the rapid decline of Starkey Industrial stocks at all, and even watched the stocks plummet happily, and then took Starkey's savings to crazy ultra-low prices;

Because she knows what kind of genius Shi Dake is, and she doesn't think that Stark Industries will decline. Starkey Industries' board of directors has been completely controlled by Shi Dake.

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, Mr. Stark, our underlying computer language is completely behind! The Chinese language of Longguo is a three-dimensional language!"

"Jarvis, have other artificial intelligences appeared?"

"91.5% chance is yes, and the remaining 8.5% is that the artificial intelligence is still being born!"

Big Shit's head was a little ignorant, before he could think of a solution, the door was pushed open, and Little Pepper was holding a bunch of documents for him to sign, but at this moment, he wasn't in the mood.

"Pepper, is there a revolution in computer language?"

"If you are talking about programming in Chinese? I think so. I asked someone to do an evaluation. Although the upper echelon of the Black Palace has not commented, it is very clear in private that the Chinese language is the future. The Hexagon has recently been From this, it can be seen that they have completely lost confidence in the confidentiality of computers."

"Jarvis, bring up the Chinese language programming tutorial!"

"Yes, sir, but I suggest you learn the language of Dragon Kingdom first!"

That's what Jarvis said, but what needs to be done is still being done. This tutorial has been translated by many universities in Bald Eagle. Jarvis called up the latest version of Stanford, but it still calls out many dragons. If you don't know the Chinese language, how can you learn it?

"Malefak! Why has the whole world changed after I've only been out for three months? Who the hell is this 'Yi'?"

"Sir, there is a 63% chance that 'Yi' is an artificial intelligence!"

It has to be said that even if the underlying language has fallen behind, it doesn't mean that Jarvis is bad. He can't track down 'Yi', but the assessment is also very accurate.

When Jarvis was making an assessment, Liu Hao who was far away in the clinic was also reminded by 'Yi'.

"So, there's still something to be said for artificial intelligence with big shit!"

"Yes, master. Jarvis is a rudimentary artificial intelligence. It is not difficult to deduce my existence based on known data!"

"Oh? Then how much difference is there between it and you?"

"Master, I belong to super artificial intelligence. Jarvis and I are not comparable at all. For example, Jarvis's computing power is only one trillionth of mine. I am monitoring the entire earth at any time." , which doesn't take up much of my computing power at all;

On the contrary, if Jarvis wants to monitor the world at all times, he can’t do it. He can only search for known information in the world under a specific order, and then make judgments based on this information;

This means that when he came up with the answer, he had already spent a lot of time! "

'Yi''s explanation made Liu Hao nod slightly, and understood the huge gap between the two. In other words, as long as Liu Hao wanted to know any information, 'Yi' could give the answer instantly, but Jarvis needed all the information. The world searches for information, and the information it knows will always be the information of the past.

Of course, it is not impossible to say that Jarvis cannot know the information that is happening now, but if he wants to do it, he must devote all his computing power to the global information search, but even so, it is still not complete.

Because of a lot of secret information, Jarvis needs to crack other people's firewalls, which means that it can't really monitor the world at all, but this is determined by the underlying programming language.

This difficulty does not take time at all in front of 'Yi';

Because all the firewalls known so far, in front of 'Yi', are basically fake, and they don't even need to be cracked, just like their own gates, they are open anytime, anywhere, and can be viewed anytime, anywhere In the monitoring of 'Yi'.

"Perhaps, 'Ultron' will appear earlier, and I don't know if the big shit will change the programming language."

Liu Hao muttered to himself, and he also had more expectations in his heart. Did he know that the current Dragon Kingdom has gathered a group of people to develop artificial intelligence, and it will not be long before elementary artificial intelligence will appear in Dragon Kingdom. , I don't know if 'Ao Chuang' will be clicked by the artificial intelligence that appeared in Longguo.

"It shouldn't be so. The technology of the Dragon Kingdom in this world is still behind America, and even more. Who made this world a manifestation of Western civilization? There are more unreasonable scientists with bald eagles, right?

Even if Dragon Kingdom develops artificial intelligence, most of them will not engage in artificial intelligence hegemony. In the final analysis, the overall technology has not caught up, so it should be low-key.

However, at that time, even if "Ao Chuang" appears, it will not be able to enter the territory of Longguo, and the security of the Chinese language three-dimensional system is still very guaranteed. "

Thinking of this, Liu Hao felt at ease. He didn't think that a big shit could be worth a group of geniuses selected by more than a billion people from the Dragon Kingdom. Even if a big shit can learn Chinese, the deep-level civilization will not take a while. If you can master it, then it will be reasonable to combine "Ultron" with Chinese language programming at that time, and such a guy is still inferior in dimension, so there is nothing to worry about.

In addition, the bald eagle is used to being proud, and it is too difficult for them to accept Chinese language programming completely. After being arrogant all their lives, how could they not try it first?

Before there are a few failures, all kinds of messy programming languages ​​will inevitably appear, but by then, the artificial intelligence of Longguo will have been upgraded to an intermediate artificial intelligence, right? Really nothing to be afraid of.

It has to be said that even if it is a different world, Liu Hao is still thinking about the Dragon Kingdom in his bones, even if it is thousands of miles away, this concern cannot disappear.

It's not that Liu Hao never thought about sending the information on the 'Ark' reactor to Longguo, but after thinking about it, he still chose to give up, or in other words, it's not yet time.

If Shi Dake just came up with this thing, and if he turned around and was sold by Liu Hao, even a three-year-old would know that there is such an omniscient 'god' on the Internet, and Long Guo will be responsible for it. The loss outweighs the gain.

Moreover, don't worry about it for a while, the 'Ark' reactor has such a good way to leak, that is, wait for the goose country guy from Iron Man 2 to appear, and at that time, even Liu Hao wonders whether the 'Ark' reactor will be leaked. 'The reactor was directly linked to the'dark net', which directly subverted the energy system of the Marvel world.

In this way, the bald eagle can be dealt a bigger blow, that is, the complete end of the petrodollar. This stick will definitely hurt America to the bone, and she will have to smash her teeth and swallow it in her stomach .

As for the energy source of the next-generation "Ark" reactor, Liu Hao did not continue. After all, it is a big piece of shit who has worked so hard to upgrade, so he has to leave some cards for him, right?

But he doesn't know that the big shit is so entangled to death now, the probability given by Jarvis clearly tells the big shit that all his information may be under the supervision of another artificial intelligence that probably exists. In this case, it is better to upgrade first. Your own artificial intelligence, or make your own Mark II steel suit first?

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