Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and seventy-one. Liu Hao makes a move

971 , Liu Hao makes a move

Loki, whose mind began to blacken, turned his eyes to the Marvel Earth. To be precise, he turned his mind to Thor, the god of thunder who was demoted by Odin. He saw Thor mixed with a human woman, He completely forgot his identity as Thor God, let Thor's Hammer be discarded in the desert, and let those lowly mortals play with it at will;

This made his anger rise again, and the blackening of his heart further intensified. He could no longer tolerate himself looking so far away, and found an opportunity to descend into the earth. At this moment, he only wanted to teach Thor a hard lesson, so that My cheap brother understands, who is the real son of destiny? Who is the one who should take over the throne of Asgard's king?

Loki didn't know that all his actions were seen by Odin, and even the news he overheard just now was also deliberately done by Odin.

One thing, Loki's thinking is correct, that is, compared with Thor, Loki is just an outsider, with the identity of an adopted son, he is already a complete outsider, and Odin never thought of letting Thor Loki took his place.

Don't regard Odin as a kind father. If you really want to think so, you are the biggest fool. As a father, he even banned his own daughter without hesitation, and would he care about a foreign appearance?

The fundamental reason why he has kept Loki, the descendant of his mortal enemy, and been kind to him, is that he wants to leave a stepping stone for his son Thor. Be your own son, but you will forget all about it in an instant;

The saying that the Tian family has no family affection is not a joke. His daughter Hela is a clear example. When he was in his prime, there was such a descendant who could threaten his status. There is no need to say anything about what to do.

The history of disputes between the emperor's family for thousands of years in the Dragon Kingdom is also the performance that the Odin's family should have. The only difference is that the time has dragged on for a long time.

Thor's silly character, isn't Odin deliberately developing it? With Hela as an example, would Odin let Thor continue to threaten him? All of this would be a ghost if Odin didn't deliberately do it.

And such a Thor, how does Odin know that he is not a qualified heir? This is the fundamental reason why he has kept Loki all the time. The experience, the stepping stone, the object of family affection, everything is so perfect, and it is impossible for anyone to replace him.

It's a pity that even Loki, who is called the god of deceit, still can't see the truth, let alone that everything is just arranged properly, the only rebellion, and in the end it still ends up as a villain who seeks revenge and revenge , how sad?


Ever since old Odin raised his cultivation base, this thought has also faded. The improvement of his realm made him no longer worry about his descendants taking over, but the arrival of Gu Yi gave him more ideas, that is, to continue to push himself previous arrangements;

Because he understands that even if Thor steps into the realm of the god king in the future, he will not be able to pose the slightest threat to him. Similarly, when he returns to his prime, his ambition will soar again. He needs more and stronger soldiers to fight for him. And his son Thor is the best striker.

That is to say, after thinking through all this, he agreed to Gu Yi's request smoothly, and found an excuse to demote Thor to the mortal world, and the same is true for Loki today.

Liu Hao's previous guess about Odin was also very correct, that is, Odin's ambitions will definitely soar after returning to his prime, but there is one thing that is different from his guess, that is, although Odin has an abnormal view of the earth where Liu Hao lives. desire, but also has a very deep sense of caution.

Odin didn't dare to step into Liu Hao's earth on a large scale easily. Instead, he still wanted to improve his status in the Marvel universe and win one of the life courts. Once he did, the resources he could mobilize would be even greater When he grows up, it will be logical to look back and covet the earth where Liu Hao is.

Liu Hao's attention was on the battle in New York City, and he didn't know about Rocky's arrival. He watched Tony Stark rush out of the building to kill Ivan Vanke, and knew from the mouth of 'Yi' that Shi Dake was going to kill him. The output of the battle suit is opened to the maximum;

Shi Dake has figured everything out, and the guilt in his heart that interfered with him has disappeared without a trace. Only by completely defeating the opponent in front of him can he completely control the initiative in his own hands;

At that time, it will be up to him to decide whether to give the other party part of the compensation or simply kill the other party to end the hatred from the previous generation.

Shi Dake, who was desperately fighting for his life, opened up all his firepower, and he really came and went with Ivan Vanke for a moment, but if there was no external force involved in this situation, it would also be difficult to last for a long time. Fortunately, this external force finally arrived .

Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, who got another set of Mark 2, finally became familiar with how to use it after stumbling. Although he is still like a child compared with Shi Dake, his combat effectiveness has improved by more than one level compared with before. In the follow-up, the Bald Eagle With the help of the military, Ivan Vanke's steel battle suit was defeated with difficulty, and now he is heading in the direction of Big Shit.

His arrival may not have much effect, but it would be good to even take away a manipulated steel suit.

The victory of Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes seemed to have some kind of signal. Not long after, the little spider Peter Parker also defeated one of the opponents, and smashed the other steel suit to the ground, and then this steel suit was long awaited. Barton on the side shot three arrows, ending on the spot.

Rhodes came and walked one, and the little spider came and pulled two away, which made Tony Stark loose. He jumped out of a gap at the right time, seemingly fleeing in a panic, but in fact he took the last three steel The suit introduces the meaning of Lafasheng.

The sudden change made Ivan Vanke not think about the paralysis at the edge of Lafayette. Caught off guard, the two intelligently controlled steel suits instantly turned into scrap iron. It is no wonder that he was paralyzed at the end of the edge. His steel suit was nowhere to be found, otherwise he wouldn't have made this mistake.

Shi Dake's calculation was successful, his morale was high, he turned around and rushed to the opponent, even if the opponent had a helper, he was not afraid at all.

After watching it for so long, everyone knows that Mark II with Big Shit is definitely much better than Ivan Vanke. If you are a master of Chinese martial arts, even if you are besieged by many people, it will not be a big problem, but Big Shit itself is not at all. It's just a piece of trash, the rough you punch me is his destination, and it's impossible to expect a lot from him, it's pretty good to be able to beat him like this.

"Master, Mr. Orochimaru took away the two steel suits that were paralyzed just now!"

"Really? Looks like he's finally caught up! Do you know who got the other steel suits?"

"Yes master! Do you want me to show you one by one?"

"Forget it, no need, you can eliminate the possible camera images along the way, and let the Bald Eagle officials make it more difficult to recover!"

"Good master!"

Orochimaru is interested in the steel suit. Liu Hao is too clear, but at the beginning of the war, he was still doing experiments in Osborne, otherwise he would have been there to collect it. For strange things, Orochimaru's curiosity is definitely strong , If he really doesn't care, there will be a problem, but compared with biological science, in terms of mechanics, Orochimaru needs more time to invest in research.

Liu Hao doesn't like the Mark II series at all. The first-level powerhouses can smash them with a little effort, and even some seventh-level powerhouses can kill the wearer without breaking the battle suit. Such steel When the battle suit arrived on his earth, it really didn't have much effect, it was just used as a toy for children.

What Liu Hao is looking forward to is the nano-suit that Tony Stark will research in the future. This kind of steel suit that can withstand the slash of Thanos can have greater value on the earth.

He also knows that even so, it still has great limitations, that is, it is too one-sided, it can only protect the body, and only has physical attack attributes;

This method is likely to become a target for some unique monster opponents, and a violent spiritual attack will lose its fundamental effect, not to mention the evil gods of the abyss, those creatures are the real powerhouses in terms of souls.

"Master, Mr. Orochimaru has brought the steel suit back to the clinic's underground base!"

"It's normal, his own laboratory hasn't been fully built yet!"

As soon as he answered the question of 'Yi', Orochimaru appeared next to Liu Hao, with a satisfied smile on his face, still so gloomy.

"Oshemaru, do you want to make a steel suit?"

"Well! I'm just curious. With this kind of equipment, I already have combat power above that of an album! Science is really interesting!"

"Science is not simple. It is a civilization system that was once thought to be comparable to theology. How can it be simple?"

"Oh? Can the power of science be compared with God?"

"Below Da Luo, there is still no big problem. Above it, it's hard to say. At least I haven't seen it now!"

"Is that so? It's very interesting!"

Liu Hao smiled slightly. Orochimaru who jumped out of the Naruto world is already a scientist in essence. As long as you don't provoke him, it is even hard to imagine that he would be a strong man with his own sense of combat power.

The long scientific career on the original earth also made Orochimaru restrain his temper a lot, but in the Marvel world, it seems that this evil has begun to breed again, and the broader scientific knowledge makes him unconsciously indulge in it, and the exploration in his heart ** began to flourish, as if returning to the previous state of ninja world, there was a feeling that there was not enough time at all, too much knowledge to learn and improve.

"How is your ninja consignment company doing now?"

"Well, it's just to find something for those people to do. There is a target there, so that a steady stream of experimental products can be delivered to the door, right?"

Orochimaru has also learned badly, or learned smartly. He restrained his offensive desire, played himself as a harmless cake, and seduced those opponents who wanted to take a bite. It is very interesting to say that such a transformation has many relationships with Liu Hao's deity, or in other words, Orochimaru has unconsciously learned from Liu Hao's deity.

"Promoting the ninja system is also of great benefit to you. You can try to promote some basic ninjutsu in the company!"

"I thought so too. During this period of time, I also discovered that the power of ninjutsu in this world seems to be much smaller than that of the ninja world. It is only about 70% and the one with better talent is currently only 80%. No! It seems that there is a restrictive shackle in it!"

"Maybe it's a chakra seed!"

"No! I gave others my own chakra seeds, which only speeded up their stepping into the ninja, but the attack effect also didn't change much!"

"Really? It seems that every world has some beneficial elements hidden in it for certain systems!"

"Yes! I saw the problem in the cell genes extracted from Asgard. Their energy activity is more in line with this universe. On the contrary, Chakra seems a bit inert!"

When it comes to his own research, Orochimaru is hard to stop. Fortunately, Liu Hao is also a good listener. He also has sufficient knowledge reserves in this regard, and he can also communicate with Orochimaru, which makes Orochimaru more motivated. Maru's chatter increased greatly, and a lot of professional jargon was poured out. This guy seems to have been holding back for a long time.

Outside, Tony Stark gradually began to gain the upper hand, and seized an opportunity to break the steel suit controlled by Ivan Vanke in the last round, and confronted his opponent directly, and the balance of victory began to tilt towards the big shit.


In the sky, a steel battle suit entangled with a bald eagle fighter exploded, expanding at high altitude like a small sun, and violent shock waves were emitted under the flickering of intense glare. This is the core 'Ark Reactor' The self-explosion under the control of Ivan Vanke was itself a small nuclear bomb, and the sudden explosion frightened the entire Bald Eagle.

This is not just as simple as the damage caused by the explosion, the long radiation period produced by the explosion is truly terrifying.

"Hahaha, Tony, you're scared!"

"You madman! Do you want to destroy the world?"

Tony Stark let out a yell, and directly drove the output of the second generation of Mark to the maximum, driving himself to slam down Ivan Vanke's face, directly smashing the opponent hundreds of meters away, on the street Plowed a deep trace, and finally hit a coffee shop on the street, a whole wall collapsed, and then, the coffee shop couldn't bear it anymore, and fell directly, burying Ivan Vanke in.

After punching with hatred, Tony Stark did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but looked up at the explosion in the sky, watching the violent shock wave coming towards New York City, his eyes filled with tears.

"Hey! What a hassle!"

Liu Hao didn't want to intervene at first, but when he thought that he would need to live here for a long time in the future, he raised his hand and grabbed the sky;

With the movement of his hands, the blazing white light in the sky seemed to be tightly pinched by a giant hand, and then collapsed towards the inside. After a few breaths, it was like going back in time. The entire explosion began to converge, and then turned into a Only a small light bulb flickered high in the sky.

"Boss is really kind!"

"It seems that there are some benefits to helping them!"

"Is it luck?"

"A little merit and some faith!"

"That's not bad!"

Orochimaru was thoughtful, as if he was planning something, but Liu Hao didn't say much about it. He brought Orochimaru into the Marvel world, which means to put it in stock, and how much trouble Orochimaru can cause is the most important thing. He wants attention.

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