Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and seventy-five. Thor

975: Thor

Zhen Jin, Liu Hao really didn't expect it before. When he saw Captain Bald Eagle, he remembered that Marvel Earth had such a good thing. Knowing it didn't mean he went to get it directly. The other party was a member of justice and order anyway. In addition, he will not surrender his status to take without notice;

Just now that Nick Fury is coming to your door, it's not bad to do some research on your own, to see what's so special about the hardest thing in the Marvel world.

If someone else wanted to beg Nick Fury, he would definitely slap him, but if it were Liu Hao, Nick Fury would be very happy. This is an excellent opportunity. If there is demand, it means that there will be more The more contacts, the more information he can get from Liu Hao's mouth, this is what he really wants.

"No problem, I will deliver it to you personally when I go back!"

Nick Fury spoke without hesitation, and Liu Hao nodded slightly to appreciate the attitude of the other party. It just so happened that the Asgardian protoss will also be on the stage of Marvel Earth. People will know in a short time, and that Thor is simply a Naive people will probably not hide anything at that time, so why not tell the other party because it happens to be of some value?

"You know how big the universe is, and you've seen aliens, but compared with the universe, do you have a concept of dimensional space?"

"Yes, know some!"

Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., so he doesn’t have any idea. He has read these materials before, but he didn’t see them after all. Now that Liu Hao mentioned it, he immediately remembered it;

"The area where the earth is located has many dimensional spaces. These spaces are independent, but they are different from the dimensional world. They are basically one with the earth;

In other words, it is separated into many spaces, and each space is like the self-supporting solar system. The big one is like Asgard, which is not even smaller than the entire Milky Way, and the small one is also the size of a planet;

Among them, the most typical ones are the nine worlds, and Asgard belongs to the top one among the nine worlds! And the earth belongs to the top of the middle level! "

Having said that, Liu Hao paused for a while to give Nick Fury time to digest. As for other worlds, he did not intend to explain further.

"A long time ago, as the god-king of Asgard, Odin was full of ambitions and had the experience of conquest and entanglement. The reason why their legends existed on the earth was left at that time;

The failure to be conquered by the opponent was due to the existence of the guardian of the earth, and most of the other worlds are now controlled by Odin;

The hammer that fell in the desert was the weapon of Thor, the son of Odin. The reason is that a father drove his son out to practice;

The armor that descended today is called the Eternal Armor, and it is also Odin's. As for the reason, it was not Odin's doing. It was his other son Loki who was having trouble with Thor. The source was to compete for the heir. bit.

So, you should be clear, right? "

A lot of information was poured into Nick Fury's head, which directly made him dumbfounded. Is this the earth he is familiar with? How come there are so many secrets?

In fact, Liu Hao didn’t explain everything to the other party at all. The so-called Ninth Session was just a summary of Asgard’s own. There is more than just these spaces, there are many spaces that they have not conquered or even reached. For example, the one where Kunlun is located is a typical one. Odin has never even been there, he only knows it, and he is also full of scruples and dare not make a move easily.

But even so, Nick Fury is already bitter enough, thinking that he is the best one, and the superpower backing in Marvel Earth makes him have no scruples, but now he realizes that it is his own three-acre land It's just dangling in the middle, from a world overlord to a village bully, such a gap almost broke Nick Fury's mind.

He was very worried in his heart, could the earth withstand Asgard's conquest again? They didn't succeed last time, so they didn't want to try again? At that time, if Odin goes out in person,

Once the guardian of the earth is restrained, can the earth withstand the army of Asgard?

The last time the legend of Odin was circulated in the world, doesn't it prove that people entered the earth on a large scale? Otherwise, how could there be legends of the gods left behind?

Suddenly, Nick Fury grasped a piece of information in Liu Hao's words, that is, Odin's two sons were vying for the identity of the heir. Could this be used? As long as they fight more fiercely and bring in all their army horses, will they have no chance to invade the earth? No matter how bad it is, it can make them lose more, right?

Nick Fury felt a lot more comfortable when he thought of the operability. No matter what the result is, it's better than doing nothing, isn't it?

As soon as his eyes move, Liu Hao knows what he is thinking. He is also happy to see that, although he knows that Nick Fury will not succeed, if the other party makes the crack between Thor and Loki widen some are good too;

In Liu Hao's view, as long as there are changes in the follow-up, it is the role Liu Hao is looking forward to. He can go up and tease him when he sees an opportunity. Loki, Bambi, is still very interesting.

"You don't need to worry about things in the desert, but Tony just went there, you can let him try the strength of the Protoss, so that you can have a comparison in your heart, and such a comparison is also true for you. A good piece of information, huh?"

After Liu Hao's words came out, Nick Fury became more alive again. He raised his head and looked at Liu Hao suspiciously, clearly asking Liu Hao to give him more reminders. After all, these two Asgardians are fighting for power. Prince, where should I stand?

"Loki hasn't arrived at all, so what other choices do you have?"

"Yeah, only Thor is present, who else can he help? What's the point of helping a prince who is not present, and can't establish friendship at all?"

Nick Fury got the answer and didn't stay any longer. As soon as he walked out of the clinic, he immediately got in touch with Coulson and informed him of his attitude;

Then, he hung up the phone to Tony Stark, urging him to enter the arena in a whisper, not to mention, in order to achieve his goal, he also worked hard, directly expressing Liu Hao's attitude;

On the other side, Tony Stark was right when he thought about it. Watching from the sidelines, the accuracy of the analyzed data was not much higher, so why not take the opportunity to try it out?

With this thought in mind, he could no longer remain calm. Looking at the huge Odin battle armor, he wondered if he could create a steel battle suit with the same power in the future?

But then, he thought of another problem, maybe it would be fine to create it, but can he really control it when the time comes?

At this moment, Tony Stark made a decision in his heart that he must improve his frail body, and the direction, needless to say, was also Captain Bald Eagle Serum.

Liu Hao's promotion has finally made some progress today. With Tony Stark's decision, it is really hard to say what Tony will be like in the future. In his mind, the limit that technology can achieve, the so-called Liu Hao is looking forward to whether the man cursed by knowledge can make a sample for him.

Tony Stark joined the fight against the Eternal Armor, but angered Loki, who is controlling Loki from above. How dare a lowly mortal participate in the war of "God"?

This is Loki's mentality. He thinks this is an unforgivable thing. The original mood of teasing Thor like a cat and a mouse is thrown away. The power of the eternal armor is instantly multiplied, which directly makes Tony Stark almost died;

Only being seized by the Eternal Armor to hit him in the chest, Tony Stark was thrown thousands of meters away, and the damage to the steel suit was nearly half in an instant. Stay in the Eternal Armor, come on again, Tony Stark is likely to receive a box lunch today.

Finally seeing the armor power from the Protoss, Tony Stark, who couldn't get up for a long time, still laughed;

How did he know that this is not even 10% of the power of the Eternal Armor. After all, Loki is not the owner of the Eternal Armor, so how much can he use? What's more, it is still controlled by a world.

After finally standing up, Tony Stark also knew that he couldn't continue. He realized that he was busy in the future, and the deduction of the battle armor needed to be put aside for a while;

Right now, the deduced seventh-generation mark is the key to building a few self-defense first. The second-generation product on the body is not bad for beating the minions. Once it encounters the boss level, it is too fragile. Killing, this is not the situation he wants.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he is very familiar with the power of Iron Man. Seeing that Tony Stark couldn't even stop the opponent, Nick Fury was also terrified;

It’s one thing to look at it from a distance, but it’s only when you get started that you know how dangerous and powerful it is. He’s very glad that he let Shi Dake go up and try it out. With this data, even if he encounters it in the future, he can be mentally prepared .

As for Tony Stark's safety, Nick Fury really didn't think about it at this moment. Compared with a single body, his ideological realm is much higher. In other words, there is no one who cannot be sacrificed in his opinion. Even the son of his best friend is the same.

If Tony Stark knew that Nick Fury would think so, he would definitely smash this marinated egg into pieces. He was the one who almost died after all the effort. Not to mention you picked up ready-made ones in the back, and you didn’t even care about it. No, are you still human?

Off the court, Thor had an awakening in his heart. Seeing that the four great generals under his account were miserable and abnormal, if he had no other insights, Thor would be considered useless. He also saw that Thor had awakened and hid behind the scenes. Odin also loosened the seal, and Thor, the god of thunder, who used to be powerful in the past, returned at this moment driving the thunder.

From Liu Hao's point of view, his heroic demeanor is very disdainful. How big is the thunder and lightning field when a thunder god returns? Even counting the periphery, it's only one square kilometer, right? How dare you call yourself Thor? If Wen Zhong was present, wouldn't he die of anger?

"The gap between Marvel World and Hong Huang is too great!"

Seeing this, Liu Hao also lost interest, and played for a long time, that's all, it didn't make people happy at all, it was a waste of time.

He disdains, but Thor, the god of thunder, who has regained his own power, is ecstatic, and only when he loses it can he understand the true treasure. This is a perfect fit for Thor. With such an experience, not to mention meeting Odin's expectations The height, but the character finally has a trace of stability;

Talking is better than nothing, Odin can only think this way, and he also has more thoughts in his heart, that is, simply let his son stay on the earth to continue his training.

I have to say that the Thor of this period is still full of muscles, very naive, let him go to the battlefield, he will yell, let him calculate something, don't count on it.

As for how to deal with Loki, Odin had already planned. After the four gods of Thor returned to Asgard with Thor, Odin took advantage of the situation and pretended to be old, weak and weak. the appearance of supporting;

While waving his hand, he continued to send Thor down to Marvel Earth, in the name of establishing diplomatic relations with Earth, while posing a model of a loving father, the kind of pain that he obviously loves his son but has to hate and punish.

Not to mention, even Loki was overwhelmed by Odin's acting skills, and once wondered if he had done something wrong;

But when he discovered Odin’s pain and resolutely drove himself out of Asgard, he understood that his adoptive father on the throne was already paving the way for the cheap brother Thor, seeing how his lifespan was approaching. , afraid that staying in Asgard will affect Thor's accession to the throne?

Odin didn't care what thoughts Loki had, made decisions, and acted like he was exhausted. He created a wormhole and directly sucked Loki into it. As for where Loki was rushed, it was not him. Ding needs to know;

But even so, he still understands that he is about to die, and the unwillingness to be sucked in like this means that Loki will still return. This is the second time he set up for his own son Thor. Road experience.

Liu Hao's clinic in New York, Earth, Liu Hao couldn't see Odin's movements, but when Odin opened the wormhole, he clearly felt the emergence of a space force, which seemed to be exiled from space, and seemed to have a lot to do with teleportation. The big connection, he thought for a long time, and didn't guess in the direction of the wormhole, but he also noticed that Odin's cultivation level had broken through, and he could be regarded as entering the quasi-saint class.

He didn't bother to guess what the old guy's next move would be, whether he would invade his own earth or conquer again in the Marvel Universe. Occupying most of the bald eagle country, expanding in the Marvel world, he will not rashly conquer the Marvel Earth. What does it matter to him in other regions?

He even wished that Odin would be more rampant and lure out other powerhouses hidden deep in the Marvel universe, so that he could watch and watch.

What Liu Hao thought of at this time was the unique "Space Gem" in the Marvel world, that is, the "Universal Rubik's Cube" that is still in the hands of Nick Fury. It seems that it is time to borrow it for enlightenment.

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