Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and seventy-seven.9 snakes

977: Hydra

It's hard for Liu Hao not to think so. It's hard to imagine that such a pure "Law Spirit Treasure" would be born in a world as small as Marvel.

Yes, that's right, when the world was first born, there will be the essence of the laws preserved, but as time goes by, these essences will inevitably be absorbed by the world to complete the laws of the world, once the world matures, these essences of laws want to Searching is only possible in some specific restricted areas.

In fact, in most worlds, it is difficult to find such treasures.

And these law treasures, even if they are found, it is impossible to take the initiative to pass them on. Treasure also requires that there is a spirit in this spirit treasure, and spirit is also a kind of life characteristics.

"Could it be that there is a weapon spirit in the space gem?"

"If there are artifact spirits, then these gems are undoubtedly spiritual treasures. Are there such pure spiritual treasures?"

Liu Hao felt that his reserved knowledge was really weak, and he couldn't find an answer to this at all, so he could only record this information in his heart for later opening.

Right now, it's not the time to be entangled with this point, which is just one of the possibilities. Another point is that these gems really came from chaos, and fell into the Marvel world by chance.

The local people don't know this, they only think that this should be the treasure of the Marvel world, and the word of mouth has endowed them with the belief in the Marvel world. Up to now, these six gems have become real local things.

However, this does not change the source of the essence of the six gems, on the contrary, it makes it difficult for the gods of the Marvel world to inherit from them.

"Could it be that it really came from chaos as I guessed, and it was passed on to me because of the breath of chaos on my body?"

It is also impossible to get answers to these guesses. After thinking about it, I can only shake my head. The more I think, the more I have entered a dead end. If I don't stop, I will try to synthesize other information in the future.

Reining in his thoughts, Liu Hao tore off a piece of hair from his head, and blew it gently in his mouth. The hair turned into his own appearance, and the main body sank into the underground training room to comprehend the inheritance of these space laws.

Even a piece of hair should not be underestimated, not to mention Taiyi, it is absolutely impossible to break it. In terms of Marvel Earth, it is completely manageable without encountering the big boss and the like.

S.H.I.E.L.D., the marinated egg came in a hurry, and after inspection, it was found that there was no serious problem. However, when he watched the video, his brows were frowned. The S.H.I.E.L.D. The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. followed him, so he had to be suspicious.

As the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Pierce still works at S.H.I.E.L.D. after resigning from office. He is responsible for intelligence and logistics, and he has a lot of power. Even working overtime at S.H.I.E.L.D. is justified;

But even so, isn't it a little too fast? Arriving in the secret room before the agents entered, does this mean that Pierce knew that he was doing this experiment secretly? Moreover, knowing this well is the only way to arrive so quickly.

Nick Fury didn't doubt Pierce's other identities. The reason why he frowned was that he was very displeased with it. After all, he was the current Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., wasn't he? Is it really okay for you to monitor yourself like this? Is it deliberate monitoring or unintentional knowledge?

The marinated egg thought it was the former in minutes. If he didn't intend to know, it would be impossible to investigate so clearly. Through the peripheral video, it was clear that he was walking straight towards the destination, and it was clear that the secrecy he thought was not released by the former director. in the eyes.

Is it a struggle for power? Nick Fury only has this idea after much deliberation, isn't he willing to resign? This own Bole does not seem to be as open-minded as he seems. Even after resigning, he still has a large number of cronies hiding in him, lest he, the current director, will take his power away?

Even without doubting Pierce's other identities,

Nick Fury also has the idea of ​​defending against Pierce in his heart, and don't think that he has no idea of ​​fighting for power. When he is in his position, the mentality of a politician is also not small. Are there other conditions that are beyond your control?

This can be regarded as a crooked attack, and a small flap of wings also made Nick Fury wary of Pierce for the first time.

Where is Pierce? Why doesn't he know that he is a little bit aggressive today? But what if things have come to this point? No matter what you say, it is impossible for Nick Fury to be honest with himself. Of course, you have to explain it, and you have to explain what is going on in private, and you must face it.

The reason is very simple, and it sounds very reasonable. As a former director, shouldn't he know the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D.? It's reasonable to judge the location directly after hearing the alarm, isn't it?

What? Have you made major changes since you took office?

Please, even if I resign, I will still be in charge of a large part of the information, as well as logistics, decoration and the like, can you hide it from me?

Reasonable, very reasonable, and too reasonable.

But both of them know that the rift between the two has been planted, and it is impossible for the trust of the double-reverse parties to return to the past in the future.

Pierce stated that he was also very annoyed when he returned, and he thought of another possibility, that is, a temptation, a temptation from Nick Fury, after the alarm, it was clear that every little problem suddenly appeared, as if to make him panic Come to view General.

"Could it be that this one-eyed corned egg is already doubting his identity as a Hydra?"

Pierce had to make such a guess. All his dark sides are only here. After thinking for a long time, he denied this guess. Over the past few decades, Hydra has been deeply implanted in S.H.I.E.L.D. , even for him, it is difficult to tell which one is his own and which one is the real S.H.I.E.L.D. agent;

The most important thing is that I have become more low-key after leaving office. I have not tried my best to maintain Nick Fury's position as the director in front of outsiders. I even try my best to convey secrets through others. No one who participated in person is clearly already an office. Clerk status, so if the other party still suspects his identity, it is only possible that the gap from the outside world has been pried open.

He picked up the phone and made a few external calls, and he was relieved by the news that came back.

As one of the nine snake heads of Hydra, he is very clear that the organization still needs the big skin of SHIELD. As an organization under the name of the United Nations, SHIELD has extensive and reliable sources of information, and more importantly, it responds quickly. One Hydra commits terrorist acts, and that SHIELD will soon know;

Then, the response of S.H.I.E.L.D. is crucial, who to send? Which line to go? Wait, these messages will allow the organization to respond quickly, whether to ambush or escape, how to ambush, where to escape, etc. The possibility of success is very high.

With the help of S.H.I.E.L.D., you can calmly provoke the whole world, save your own strength in time, and hide yourself completely, etc. Many benefits are completed by S.H.I.E.L.D. It's really not the time to be exposed. Nor is it time to let S.H.I.E.L.D. disappear.

Since his identity as a member of Hydra was not suspected, Pierce also felt that there was nothing to worry about. After all, he was the former director, so what if he knew more? What can you do with yourself if you have a little doubt? There is no solid evidence that he is absolutely safe.

He smiled disdainfully, even if he knew that the one-eyed braised egg would probably deliberately hide it from him in the future, so what?

Do you really think you have no way to know?

Others don't know, he still doesn't understand that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been thoroughly infiltrated by him long ago, what else can completely avoid his eyeliner?

There are many villains in the Marvel world, but Hydra is an extremely special existence.

This organization was born during World War II. According to the plot description, it is an extreme intelligence and violence organization under the Communist Party, assisting Mustache, and its ultimate goal is to rule the world.

Such an organization with lofty ideals, after experiencing a failure, has been silent for a long time. After that, a part of Hydra was reborn through the S.H.I.E.L.D. More low-key and pragmatic.

They firmly promote their own goals. The nine branches are responsible for each and are closely related. Like the nine elders, they control countless members and spread all over the world.

As for them who came from the mustache intelligence system, they are too familiar with agents. That is why, even if there are countless members, there is still no possibility of exposure. These members, if one is caught, there are definitely not many who can be pulled out, and there are many. Sometimes, the connection between them is very secretive in itself.

It can be said that as long as the world is not destroyed, the Hydra organization will never disappear.

Strict, pragmatic and really have a unified 'ideal', also has a pretty good combat effectiveness, walking on two feet, can be said to be very stable, even if injured, it can heal quickly;

This is why Hydra has the idea of ​​"cutting off one head, and then growing two heads to replace it". If these nine heads cannot be removed at one time, they can really achieve an inexterminate level.

For such an organization, Liu Hao actually quite appreciates it. He not only has a firm belief, but also can firmly advance his lofty goals. For these two points, he must give praise, but he is very fond of Hydra's methods. Contempt, provoke the world with terrorist acts, it can only be said that their brains are not clear enough, and their IQ is very touching.

All fools know that doing this will only make the world more united. Isn't it forcing everyone to resist with such a disgusting action? It means that there is no big villain to create a villain for everyone to be a target. What kind of strategy can only be formulated by IQ?

After doing so much, it would be more practical to support a bald eagle commander who is so unreasonable. In this way, it can also stir up confrontation in the world, and then lead to a possible third world war. In the time of reshuffle, the war will be together. , as the hidden Hydra has a greater chance of ruling the world.

If you want to do it, you must make it bigger. Don't you understand the truth?

I don't know whether it is the will of the Marvel universe to reduce the dimensionality of these villains' brains, or it is stipulated that they can only do disgusting things that these sewer rats can do.

But no matter what, such a promising organization is in vain. It is hard to say whether some of these leaders have fallen. For this, Liu Hao only has deep contempt. After checking some of their information, Never bothered again.

Liu Hao is not interested, but Orochimaru is very interested. He read these materials from 'Yi', and he really wants to get in touch with this legendary organization. How to say, there is a 'snake' in the name of the organization Words, you can see that you are destined to him, how could you miss it?

That is to say, Orochimaru has been so busy recently that he has to absorb new knowledge on a large scale, and also needs to experiment with new data every day, which makes him have to let go of his thoughts, but it doesn't mean that he let it go. Among the Hydra members he marked, he asked 'Yi' to carefully track and record any information, waiting for the opportunity to participate at any time.

No, isn't the opportunity here?

The New York Ninja Commissioning Company is also Orochimaru's branch of the Tewakai in New York. On this day, a commissioner with a hood came, but the commissioned task was very strange, that is, to find the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury's trouble.

It's just trouble. In the entrusted task, there is no mention of prohibited words such as "injury" and "killing". It only said that different amounts will be paid according to the trouble of the other party. The more "destroyed" the other party is, the commissioner The higher the fee paid.

Not to mention, even Matt Murdoch, who drafted the contract, was very speechless. You can say that this client committed a crime. He really didn’t. It seems that he was just doing it for a prank, but giving some money is too much, right? Could it really be as simple as a prank? If he believed Daredevil, he would be a ghost.

These are fine, but what does it mean for the commissioner to clearly present Nick Fury's information? Let the company find trouble with the director of SHIELD under the United Nations. Isn't this telling yourself that he is not a good person?

Combined with his secretive appearance, it is understandable, he is clearly not a good person.

Daredevil Murdoch thinks more. During this period of time, as the chief lawyer of the company entrusted by Ninja, many tasks of the company have not been hidden from him. The company just doesn't know, according to the character level you provide, according to the amount you pay to send power, and it's all done well.

Not all of them are completely solved, there are always failures, but the proportion is not high, or even very few, and they are all missions that want to hide the truth, pretend that the mission level is low, but actually send things that are very precious, often due to insufficient personnel. It led to failure, but the company also paid compensation for the entrusted value, you really can't blame the company.

Through these entrusted tasks, up to now, the credit of the Ninja entrusted company has been established. There are all kinds of strange entrusted tasks, and even a lot of black words have appeared because of this.

But these black words, the Ninja entrusting company will never admit it, and it is impossible to put it in any court that will not agree to the signed contract;

It is also for this reason that the major agencies in New York City know that Ninja entrusts the company to follow the law for many tasks, but there is really no practical way. They are a regular company, and all taxes are paid normally, and they must not be deliberately targeted.

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