Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and eighty-three.8 Qi big snake

983. Eight Qi Orochi

Genes are a forbidden area for human beings. All countries have invested heavily in private, and if they gain anything, they hide it one by one, lest they be exposed, because these high-level officials know that once they are exposed, they will get more condemnation.

This is the reason for the appearance of the lizardmen, and it was definitely an unplanned situation. When they found out, their own news would naturally be blocked, but Case's live broadcast broke this situation, making what should have been a hidden A small matter that was dealt with caused a huge wave.

Before Little Spider and Dr. Lizard sealed the outcome, the news media from all over the world of Marvel had already begun to spread the news, but they were citing the pictures from Case’s live broadcast room. People from all over the world felt mixed feelings after seeing it. extremely.

It cannot be said that the lizardman is definitely a failed experiment, and has completely separated from the human structure. It is not so much a person as it is a lizard. How many examples of this are there in the Bald Eagle military? How many trials does it take to create a failure case? Is it contagious?

Especially the last question is definitely of great concern to the people of Marvel all over the world.

The bald eagle was very angry and scolded, it wasn't their fault, and they would never be willing to bear the burden, but the source has long been cleared up by 'Yi', and they can't get an explanation for a while, so they can only withdraw to take the blame for the dead ghost, thinking about it Want to go, but the bald eagle is a little crooked, throwing out the long-lost 'Hydra Organization' to take the blame;

The implication is that the cunning 'Hydra' is once again responsible for this kind of evil research, as far back as World War II, they have many previous convictions, and there will be no more.

In the eyes of the Bald Eagle military, this scapegoat is absolutely killing two birds with one stone. It can not only prove its innocence, but also attract the attention of all countries to the elusive Hydra organization. As for himself, he silently captured the lizardmen Just make a fortune.

The bald eagle military's coquettish operation shocked a lot of people, and the old Europe was frightened. The organization under Mustache's account came back again, reminding them of the fear of Mustache's Megatron in the old Europe during World War II. more closely;

In this situation, the Black Palace almost cursed and wanted to increase the unity of the divided old Europe. Why did it have a counterproductive effect?

Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. is also very irritable. He was just about to persuade the United Nations to authorize the Women's Federation. Now it seems that even if this authorization is obtained, superheroes from other countries will not be able to enter the account of the Women's Federation;

With the existence of such an organization, even old Europe, which has the best relationship with the bald eagle, would never be willing to let their superheroes go abroad. Only by staying at home can they feel more secure. Don't even think about this coveting in the future.

If this can be forgiven, then the resurrection of the hydra that he has worked so hard to vaguely detect is the most painful thing for him to be announced to the public. He still wants to lure the snake out of the hole, and now the other party must be hiding deeper.

How did he know that Hydra is also half dead with anger. They are an evil organization. It is not enough to obtain the experimental data and materials.

Pierce, who works at S.H.I.E.L.D., made a few phone calls, and the forces of Hydra reached an agreement. They didn't know that the Bald Eagle military thought of them in a crisis, thinking that the other party had already obtained a lot of evidence. Yu, thinking about going out to say hello, and at the same time telling the world about the blame.

With such a decision, within half an hour of the bald eagle's military announcement, a news announcement from Hydra appeared on the Internet. The publisher of the full-body package first advertised the purpose of his own Hydra organization. After a lot of cursing, they said that the Lizardman was not the result of their research. In the end, they also viciously satirized the disgusting behavior of the Bald Eagle military. The implication is,

In terms of fairness and integrity, they are not as good as their Hydra.

As soon as this news announcement came out, Marvel Earth was completely buzzing.

The news media of various countries have started a series of reports. Those countries that were plagued by mustaches during World War II focused on the Hydra organization, various science popularization, and crazily instilled in the world how evil Hydra is. It is a terrorist organization at all. The terrorist organization among them, by the way, also took the time to satirize the inhuman genetic experiment of the bald eagle.

While other countries focus on the bald eagle gene human experiment, they feel that they are not close enough to the people. After thinking about it, I don’t know which country broadcasts the number of missing people in the country. The implication is, How many of these missing people were secretly captured by bald eagles for genetic experiments remains to be seen.

This news immediately aroused the sympathy of all countries, and immediately became a vital interest. Who knows if one day I will also become a part of the missing population? Will he be secretly caught by the bald eagle in some laboratory to be a guinea pig?

The upper echelons of many countries also know that this matter is mostly unreliable. Even if it exists, it must be a very small number. However, there is such a country that seems to empathize with it very much, and secretly started a secret investigation. This country is the country of Xiaobenzi.

Xiaobenzi country is pitiful with few human beings. They judge others by themselves. The more they think about it, the more they feel that this matter is probably reliable. On a global scale, their country also has the largest number of missing persons. I don’t know how many people commit suicide silently every year. The ones that could not be found accounted for the vast majority. As a result, it was difficult for them to think about it. Who told them that they were the dogs of the bald eagle, and it was too easy for the bald eagle to make their domestic population disappear.

If such a secret investigation in the dark is not reported, it will not cause too many problems. As time goes by, it will always be forgotten, but once it is reported, it will be a big problem;

In less than a few days, people in the country of small books began to get nervous, and all kinds of rumors spread, as if there were many such examples around them. They were fine yesterday, but disappeared today, just like in the world. It's as if he disappeared. Could it be that he was secretly captured by the bald eagle for experiments? Definitely yes!

Once rumors arise, all explanations will be in vain. The stern explanation given by Prime Minister Ji San makes the public think that their prime minister must have endured greater pressure from the bald eagle and betrayed the interests of the people for his own status. Let the people continue to be harvested and act as guinea pigs? How can you bear it?

Fear is spreading, and even the small books that have been disciplined for a lifetime dare not let their high-level officials continue to ignore them like this. There are more and more protests, and the gathering is getting wider and wider. There are more and more cases of arresting people, which led to the fact that I believed the story at the beginning, and treated every white race as if I was guarding against a deadly enemy;

If the people of Xiaobenzi were like this, the bald eagle would not bother to talk to it, it was just a dog, and it would be fine in a few days, but what happened next made the bald eagle furious;

For this matter, I don’t know who initiated a precautionary method on the Internet, that is, to monitor every population of the bald eagle entering the Xiaobenzi country, even those garrisons are no exception. In order to better monitor, The people spontaneously installed cameras around the garrisons of the Bald Eagle, regardless of whether this would expose the military secrets of the Bald Eagle.

How could the bald eagle bear it? With one order, the bald eagles stationed in various places in Xiaobenzi came out of the camp, regardless of whether these cameras were private property or not, and directly dismantled them violently, and arrested many visible installers.

This time, the Xiaobenzi people directly exploded. It’s not enough to arrest people secretly, but if they are exposed, they should be arrested directly and aboveboard? No matter how humble we are, we can't endure like this, can we?

As a result, the major military camps where the bald eagles were stationed in the Xiaobenzi country were completely besieged by the people. These Xiaobenzi did not dare to break into the camps, but they also had a clever trick, which was to completely isolate external supplies, especially daily necessities. It can force the Bald Eagle military to release the arrested people.

The idea is good, but who is the bald eagle? How can you compromise? In their view, a dog is a dog, and all resistance is heinous, and they will never be used to it.

After a few days, the bald eagles had to start using spare parts for the daily necessities in the military camp, but at the same time they also started to walk violently, regardless of whether there was a wall in front of them, and they crushed them. This time, hundreds of small books were killed. Let the people of Xiaobenzi wake up, only to realize that they are simply strong outsiders, just a dog of others.

The heart of grief and indignation spread in Xiaobenzi Country, as if the ruin of the country was just around the corner. At this time, Liu Hao made a move, or in other words, the Orochimaru ordered by Liu Hao made a move;

The small book citizens who have fallen to the bottom need an idol, a real god to save them, and Yamata no Orochi, a model that has already played an important role in their myths and legends, is an excellent opportunity to appear on the stage.

When the incident started, Liu Hao focused on it early on, and even for this matter, he devoted almost all his energy to it. Originally, he also controlled a few bald eagles and arrested a few people in the dark. to be thrown for a certain period of time;

It's a pity that there is no need for his actions at all. The citizens of the small book country have arranged everything well. They didn't see that they still described it clearly and logically, as if they had seen it with their own eyes. When other citizens heard it, they didn't doubt it at all and believed it directly. No, it was a waste of his layout.

Of course, during this process, Liu Hao did not do nothing. He also made great efforts to block the news from Xiaobenzi, and even suppressed the news of other countries' "bald eagle military arresting experimental products" from hot searches Below, because he knows that these things need a real breaking point;

But now, the time is just right, and the appearance of Orochimaru Yamata no Orochi is the real value.

Xiaobenzi Country, in the early morning of this day, the top of Mt. Fuji, the national mountain, was still covered with snow, but today the whiteness seems to be much more, as if a white chain wrapped around the entire mountain, and even spread to the foot of the mountain.

As the sky gradually brightened, the gathered people noticed a big difference. This white chain seemed to be a living thing, and it could be vaguely seen to be moving.

Mount Fuji, there are many climbers every day, but today these climbers have been completely sluggish, those people who are watching from a distance can't see clearly, but how can they not know when they are up close?

The snow-white coiling around the entire Mount Fuji is simply a big white snake of unknown length, and any scale is the size of a house, but the peculiar fishy smell of snakes seems to have disappeared, replaced by an indescribable fragrance, which smells like The mother's body is as close as a mother's body, if it is not too large to make people feel panic, these people can't wait to come forward to touch it.

"Baqi no Orochi!"

A trembling old man murmured, and then seemed to wake up all the surrounding people. The sound of commotion seemed to make the huge monster in front of him respond. Then, a snake head the size of a tall building came down from the top of the mountain. The big golden eyes of the year old are so cold;

But even so, the onlookers were still fascinated, and they made comparisons unconsciously. Just an eyeball is more than a hundred meters in diameter. Does the earth really have such creatures?

It can only exist from mythology, right?

It must be the same as Yata no Orochi. Did Yata no Orochi appear only when he knew that the country was in despair?

Will it help us?

A series of questions were born in the hearts of these people. Many people who came here today to climb here wantonly ended their lives. Their first reaction in despair was to understand themselves and stop looking at this dirty world. Such an association is logical.

The trembling old man knelt down on the ground as soon as his knees gave way, and then he prostrated himself and threw his body to the ground. It seemed that his action aroused greater interest in the giant snake in front of him. Two more snake heads poked out from the top of the mountain. The size is the same as the previous one, the only difference seems to be that the eyes have a touch of other colors, which matches the Yamata no Orochi in their minds. I have fully contributed my most loyal beliefs.

This made Orochimaru very happy. Although he had done research before coming here, he was still not very sure. He was very clear about the difference between modern society and the feudal era. Human beings who have been exposed to a lot of knowledge have complex minds and want them to contribute. Expressing faith is even more difficult. If Liu Hao hadn't opened his mouth, he would really be too lazy to go through this experience;

From the looks of it now, it was still Liu Hao who saw it right, and the timing was just right.

From this moment on, the people at the foot of the mountain can only be his most sincere believers in Orochimaru for the rest of their lives, and the small book people who saw this scene from afar also contributed a lot of beliefs, and Xiaobenzi under the despair of the country At this moment, too many people in the country abandoned their fear and rushed towards Mount Fuji firmly.

Among them, there are many news media, and everything about Mt. Fuji in the small book was quickly spread on the Internet. In less than a few minutes, it spread to the entire Marvel Earth, which opened the era of mythology in the Marvel world.

Above the ten thousand meter skyline of Mt. Fuji, two figures were suspended in it, silently looking down at the changes below. After a long time, the two finally looked at each other.

"Is your lord the incarnation of Taoism?"

"You saw it. A few days ago, the main body went to check the space gem out of curiosity, and got some insights. Now it is retreating, and I don't know when it will come out!"

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