Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Nine hundred and ninety-seven. Odin's suspicion

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997. Odin's Doubt

Natasha Romanov is a 100% polar bear, a woman who has been unable to control her own destiny since she was born, and can only survive in the cruelest environment;

Then, in order to survive, she had to be forced to switch schools, but she also knew that even in S.H.I.E.L.D., it was still difficult to escape the established fate. Once she lost her use value, death was the only way out.

Before Liu Hao appeared, even if Natasha had thought in the bottom of her heart, it was wiped out by her in an instant, and she dared not think about it or hope for it.

But after all of this, after Liu Hao appeared, Natasha's "fantasy" finally became possible, and she had the possibility of escaping from the endless fate;

Because she understands that all of this is because she is not strong enough. If she can have Liu Hao's strength, then she can do whatever she wants? Worst of all, with Hulk's strength, he can also allow himself to refuse many tasks that he didn't want to do, right?

It is also for this reason that Natasha practiced crazily in Liao Zhong's martial arts gym. After stepping into the dark force, her combat effectiveness in the past has also been greatly improved, especially in terms of lethality. In the past, one punch could only make the enemy Pain, now a punch can make the opponent vomit blood internally, it is basically two concepts;

But it also made her very clear that the national art of the Dragon Kingdom cannot be refined overnight, and she was not in a hurry about it. Such a bit by bit improvement made her even more happy. Don't need to be too impatient, I have endured it for so many years, and I am not in a hurry;

But when she saw a message, it almost made her collapse.

That is, Longguo Guoshu pays attention to the harmony of yin and yang, and the internal circulation is very important. It doesn't matter if it is someone else, but for Natasha, it has become the biggest obstacle, that is, her body is missing a part - Zigong.

This is the price she paid for getting out of the spy training camp, and it is also the nightmare of her life.

As the most important organ of a woman, without it, she can no longer be called a woman completely. Now even the Dragon Kingdom's national art to reconcile yin and yang has become an illusion. This is tantamount to extinction of Natasha's further hope. Ho's roots.

Facing Natasha's frank opening, Liu Hao nodded directly in response. With his method, there was no difficulty at all, but it was just to help restart cell division and speed up the growth of one;

If it were Qinglong Liu Hao's attack, it would be as simple as giving birth to a grass, but in the hands of Baihu Liu Hao,

The effect of imitating vitality will be slower, but it is also very effective, and it is not like the spirit of spiritual roots, and does not require the use of large methods.

A burst of emerald green aura shot into Natasha's body, and Natasha's body reacted immediately, the taste of which was not humane.

In just a few breaths, Natasha's decades-long expectation has come true, but it seems that the emerald green spiritual energy shot out by Liu Hao still has a little surplus, Liu Hao simply waved his hand and integrated it into Natasha's body;

This time, it brought great benefits to the other party. From the perspective of scientific genes, Natasha at this time can be regarded as awakening a certain part of the gene, but it is very different from the traditional "mutant". That is, those gene fragments that have not been awakened have also improved a lot, but they have not yet reached the level of awakening.

This can also be said to be a kind of ability. To what extent the wood attribute ability brought by the aura life energy of the green dragon attribute can be developed depends on Natasha herself, but Marvel Earth lacks aura. She has made outstanding achievements in this area, but she is somewhat weak, but even so, Natasha has gained great benefits, that is, she has no problem maintaining her youth until the end of her life.

This is already the biggest reward for a daughter. Moreover, the talent of Natasha, the black widow in such a state, is bound to become the top batch of Marvel Earth. To what extent can she achieve it in the future? Instead, Liu Hao looked forward to more. He also wanted to know how high the limit of the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts could be, whether he could enter the Tao with martial arts, and forcibly absorb the aura of heaven and earth to supplement himself.

"Thank you... sir!"

Natasha bowed to thank her, and she stuttered a little. It was obviously a manifestation of being overwhelmed by extreme excitement. The Chinese language in her mouth was very clear, and she even changed the address into the word "Sir", which also showed that Natasha During this period of time, I have a better understanding of the culture of the Dragon Kingdom.

"This aura has completely changed you and improved your physical talents. After a while, you will be able to step into the realm of the Dragon Kingdom's national art;

On top of that, there are Dan Jin and Gang Jin. Crossing Gang Jin is to shatter the void. In the name of Taoism, they are called 'immortals', which is a huge improvement in life level, and longevity is just a trivial matter. .

If you want to achieve it, the culture of the Dragon Kingdom is indispensable, especially the understanding and mastery of various Taoist classics. I tell you today, and I hope you can achieve this achievement in the future. It's not easy to get out of the body, so do it yourself! "

"Yes, sir!"

Natasha was shocked, full of doubts in her heart, but she also knew that Liu Hao would not tell more, so she could only bow and salute again, but her anticipation in her heart was even greater. The main force stood on the same starting line;

Even if the three of them have run a certain distance, at least they will not fall behind fundamentally. She has full confidence in catching up in the future. She is not one to admit defeat. Now that she has the possibility to control her own destiny, how can she be willing to take it easy? give up?

Dragon Kingdom Guoshu is naturally an excellent method, but the requirements for the environment are also not small. In the world of Absolute Magic, the realm of transformation is already the limit. Marvel Earth may be better, but it is also not too high. Maybe it can reach The fairy rank may not work, the reason is still the energy source;

But Natasha has a little advantage, that is, her background is not small. Once S.H.I.E.L.D. knows how high she may reach in the future, it is definitely possible to help collect high-year medicinal materials such as century-old and thousand-year-old ginseng.

Marvel Earth also has an advantage that other worlds do not have, and that is the means of biological science. Maybe one day the development of science will allow them to convert other energies, such as electric energy, into usable energy blocks to fill higher The flow of energy sources required by the realm;

For them, Natasha's advancement is itself a common means of human evolution, and no matter how much investment is required, such an extremely low-risk evolution means is also the direction that Marvel Earth lacks most. If the bald eagle The major consortiums know that even if they go bankrupt, they will definitely not say a word of 'no'.

Liu Hao understood this after a little thought. He also knew that after Natasha left, he would not hide it from Nick Fury, because the concealment would not last long, and Natasha's strength would not last long. will greatly increase;

At that time, Nick Fury will definitely know that instead of being interrogated by the other party, it is better to inform in advance that with the help of Liu Hao, everything will no longer be a problem, and Nick Fury will not dare to take it lightly. How can she get more support from the marinated egg? It's killing two birds with one stone.

And once Nick Fury knows the inside story, his first thought is whether he can replicate Natasha's miracle. Even if the height is short in the future, the overall combat power is bound to increase greatly. This is definitely a challenge for S.H.I.E.L.D. Great benefit.

This kind of improvement method, if Nick Fury does not continue, it will be a ghost. At the same time, this guy will definitely pay attention to Natasha's changes all the time. This kind of research becomes inevitable;

In SHIELD, there are many Hydra members hidden, and there is no way to keep it secret. Hydra knows it, which also means that many high-level leaders of the Bald Eagle know it, and it also represents the biggest ruler of the Bald Eagle. The major consortiums know that the investment in this research will inevitably increase rapidly, and the first person to benefit must be Natasha.

Immediately after that, it is definitely the entire Dragon Kingdom culture that will benefit. These rulers will never choose to prepare after the results come out, so it is inevitable to study the Dragon Kingdom culture early. It is no longer possible to be pure;

This kind of moistening and silent infiltration is the best way to prevent it. With the profit as the guide, they are completely tied to the chariot of Longguo culture. When they find out, it is absolutely impossible to get off the car. The hegemony of language It can only be transferred to Longguo.

Given the future height of a crooked nut, Liu Hao didn't want to favor one over the other. Liao Zhong and Zhang Kuai, two familiar Longguo residents beside him, the former is a bald eagle nationality and can only be regarded as half of his own, while the latter, Liu Hao Looking forward to the other party stepping into the Baijia system more, this also made him hesitate a little. After a little thought, he sighed softly:

"It's time to go to the Dragon Kingdom!"

That being said, Liu Hao still shot a sliver of emerald green aura towards the two of them, although the number was rare, but seeing that they had been following him for a long time, it would be easy to improve their talents;

The effect brought by this trace of life-rich aura is also remarkable, especially Liao Zhong, an old man in his seventies, seems to be twenty years younger in just a short time;

That is to say, Liu Hao didn't want to change his appearance, otherwise he would be able to find out the problem now, but even so, the limit of Liao Zhong's original transformation has been opened. How long it will take is unpredictable. On top of that, it depends on how much he invests himself.

And what about Zhang Kuai? But it made Liu Hao feel a little bit of joy. As soon as this trace of spiritual energy entered the opponent's body, half of it was absorbed by Zhang Kuai's knowledge sea, nourishing the opponent's soul. After a filling, it will become more solid. Maybe it won't be long before the first hundred monks in the Marvel world will be born.


A clear cry seemed to come from heaven and earth, and the duration was only one ten-thousandth of a second, but what it brought to Marvel Earth was the horror of the coercion of heaven and earth, as if the gravity of the entire earth suddenly increased by a hundred times, and all creatures were instantly crushed. pressing down on the earth;

Fortunately, this time is extremely short, giving people the feeling that it was just an illusion. Under the pressure of the massive coercion, it seemed that when the body was about to explode, a gust of wind came blowing, and everything changed again. Became the original, even the violent heartbeat returned to the original;

These people looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to guess why. Later, some scientists explained that there was a momentary disturbance in the earth's magnetic field, which also greatly relieved the human beings on earth. It seems that as long as the aliens do not come again, it will be fine.

Ordinary mortals can forget this coercion very quickly, but how can those people with advanced cultivation bases not know that this is not the case at all?

Odin in Asgard was forcibly interrupted from the retreat at this moment, a mouthful of blood surged up, and he almost spat out;

"Who is coveting the ninth session?"

Odin's eyes opened wide, as if a lion had discovered a natural enemy, he raised his head and shot straight into the depths of the universe, patrolling around, but found nothing, which made him even more anxious.

"Is it Thanos? Could it be that he can't wait any longer?"

At the end, Odin muttered to himself, frowning slightly, as if it was difficult to weigh his own judgment, and felt that it was too much to deter himself with the strength of Thanos across half the universe;

"Could it be the people in the Life Tribunal? Or maybe the five supreme gods have discovered the passage from Asgard to other worlds?"

When this channel was connected to Liu Hao’s Earth, the density of the Earth’s aura was not as good as that of Asgard’s, which also caused Asgard’s aura to surge towards the Earth. Odin discovered the situation at that time, He tried all kinds of methods to block it, but still got nothing, but at that time, he couldn't cross the passage with his cultivation base, so he could only watch the visitors from the other side of the passage enter Asgard.

After some inquiries, Odin got a lot of information, compared with the information he sent his subordinates to bring back, he could only choose to wait silently;

After this, the aura of Asgard no longer rushes towards the earth, and after that, the aura of the earth rushes towards Asgard crazily. In less than half a year, the aura of Asgard is gone Returning to the original height, and then improving as a whole, it was also at that time that Odin's bottleneck that had been stuck for an unknown period of time loosened a bit, so as to prove the Daluo Daoguo and completely break his own destiny.

It was also at that time that Odin stepped into Liu Hao's earth for the first time. He was ambitious and wanted to build a large territory in the other world, but unfortunately, he met Fang Yun and faced a situation he could not understand at all. Attack mode, failed shamefully, and returned to Asgard in despair;

But it is not without gains. During this battle, Odin vaguely discovered that he can break through to a higher level. Once he achieves it, he no longer needs to be afraid of the supreme rulers in his own universe. Therefore, he restrained himself. With his own ambitions, he devoted himself to improving himself, and now has the current level of cultivation.

Originally, he still wanted to wait until he had completely consolidated his realm before colliding with that 'Fortune', but today it seems that the coercion of one side of the universe gave him more ideas;

That is the cultivation level and attitude of those supreme gods in his own universe, and he has to find out about these.

If you don't know their cultivation level, will the territory you built in the other world make wedding dresses for them?

If I don't understand their attitude, will I become a pawn in their hands without knowing it? Foolishly put in a lot of effort, in the end it was Asgard who paid the most, and the gains brought by the heavy losses were only pitiful rewards?

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