The sky was cloudless, and Ron felt like he was going to die of heat.

Walking on the way to school, his whole body was dying, sweat kept appearing on his body, and after walking a few steps, the shirt on his body was already wet.

Then at this moment, the whirring forehead suddenly blew over, although it was still hot air, but it was finally a little cooler, Ron sighed comfortably, and just when he wanted to express his exclamation, the sky suddenly darkened, but before he could react, the swarming heat wave swept over again.

“What’s going on?” Ron looked dazed.

Then he looked up at the sky, and then his eyes widened and his mouth grew to look stunned.

Because there was a huge meteorite falling towards him in the sky, how big the meteorite Ron didn’t know, because he couldn’t see it now, all he could see was the huge burning flame that kept falling towards him and the stone wall with circular waves because of the rapid fall, and the roaring sound continued to reach his ears, Ron stood there completely unable to move, he could only watch the thing coming towards him.

The pressure became heavier and heavier, and the air around him was all drained, and Ron already felt that it was difficult to breathe.

The meteorite is getting closer and closer, the roaring abundance has completely covered the surrounding sounds, the flames above the meteorite rush will completely ignite the surroundings, the oppression brought by the huge meteorite has made Ron sit on the ground, he watched the meteorite getting closer and closer, the clothes and hair on his body began to curl, that is the manifestation of the moisture being pumped away, Ron’s throat is dry and the skin is dry, the breath of life is constantly moving away from him, this meteorite has not completely fallen he is already suffocated to death.

The meteorite was getting closer and closer, and Ron could already see the tongue of fire coming to him, and the meteorite was about to fall on him.

He had forgotten everything, and there was only the light of destruction shining from this meteorite in front of him.

Then at this time, his feet suddenly emptied, the ground under his feet seemed to suddenly become hollow, his whole person fell like this, and the meteorite that fell towards him also fell, and in the blink of an eye, a person and a meteorite disappeared into this world, as if it had never appeared.



This is a small island located on the territory of Italy.

With beautiful scenery and next to the sea, it is a rare and beautiful island for people to relax.

But today the island presents a different scene, dark clouds and lightning cover the entire sky of the island, even the sea sky outside the island is completely covered, from time to time there is a deafening thunder, and there are strong earthquakes accompanied, the whole island is shivering under such natural disasters, and all the people on the island are arranged to take refuge, which is unfavorable to these ordinary people, but in the eyes of some people with special abilities, this is a different picture.

In their eyes, the dark cloud thunder was brought by an unkempt giant who was a hundred meters tall.

The earthquake was the aftermath of the battle between this giant and another teenager who was about the same height as an ordinary child and still held a golden sword in his hand.

Two more than a hundred meters tall and one more than one meter tall, the size difference looks huge, but the battle between the two shows a comparable momentum, and the power of the collision between the two is so huge, there are not many people on this island with shocked eyes, only some special people can see this scene, their eyes are so shocked.

Two people are certainly not ordinary people.

They are God.

It is an insubordinate god who has departed from the manifestation of myth on the earth.

The existence of gods is not something that ordinary people can peep into, so ordinary people cannot see their existence at all, and can only feel the disasters they bring.

But this world also has people who are not ordinary people, that is, those magicians who have magical power, these guys were servants of the gods during the obscurantism period, so they can see the existence of the gods, and after the modern society today, they are open-minded and form one magic association after another, they no longer regard themselves as servants of the gods, but stand at the forefront of the fight against the gods, because the gods will bring disasters in the nether world, so they have always resisted the gods.

However, it is a pity that the power of the gods is not something they can resist until someone with the power to kill the gods appears.

The existence of god killers makes the people who resist the gods protect the earth no longer in the mirror, so they gather behind the god killers to bring convenience to the god killers so that they have no worries and concentrate on fighting against the gods who do not follow, so the disasters brought by the gods are declining year by year, and human civilization is formed.

But this is not everything, there are only six god killers in this world, and there are countless gods.

Although the gods are not going back all down, but from time to time down one will still make the god killers exhausted, and the arrival of the god of non-obedience has no signs, only suddenly descends somewhere, and now Sardinia this giant and a young god of disobedience is suddenly descended on this place, and then without saying a word, the two gods fought here, Sardinia is originally a tourist attraction in this season, so there are many people gathered here, As soon as the two gods came out in a big battle, I don’t know how many people died, and none of the god killers were around here, so there was no one to stop them at all, and they could only watch them cause damage here.

There are magicians left on the island, but they cannot stop these two gods, and can only do their best to evacuate the people and protect the safety of the people.

The existence of the two gods who do not follow can only wait for the god killers who are rushing towards this side.

“O gods!” A witch was muttering.

She stood on the balcony of one of the innermost villas in Sardinia, her long hair fluttering she was looking resolutely at the cloudy center, this is a powerful witch who has lived for hundreds of years, but her face is still as immature as a twenty-eight maiden, only a serious flash of wisdom will make people recognize her age, this witch is the supreme head of the magical forces of Sardinia, and now she is standing here observing the battle between two gods who do not obey.

She wants to predict the direction of the battle site of the two disobedient gods through this battle, so that the people of the island can move to a safe place.

However, the battle of the god of non-obedience is not so easy to peep at, if it is directly watched in the center of the battlefield, the gods of non-obedience will not do anything to her, only admire her courage, but she is standing at such a distance to peek, this is provoking the two gods of disobedience, so the hungry witch mouth is constantly spraying blood, and finally directly plopped down on the ground, but there was still a smile on her face, she predicted the direction of the battle battlefield between the two gods of disobedience.

It’s worth it.


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