Just as Su Mo complained, Violet was suddenly stunned, “This is… Gauze? ”

She is a little unsure, after joining the Don Quixote family for so many years, she has not been idle, the grudge between Law and Doflamingo, she still knows something,

But this guy in front of him with “high strength” and fancy fruit ability, is it really Luo?

It’s not quite the same as she remembered…

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but look at Su Mo, could it be this guy…

As soon as she had this idea in her mind, she shook her head and stopped thinking about it,

This guy Su Mo now also has the ability to stare at the fruit, and maybe it is much more advanced than her, in case this kind of careful thinking finds out that Su Mo is unhappy and causes Dressrosa to have problems, it will be a real sin!

But fortunately, Su Mo’s attention was not on her side,

After a slight sigh of relief, Violet’s expression froze, and suddenly remembered Rebecca,

God killer, this guy Su Mo won’t do anything to Rebecca, right?

She had heard that pirates on the sea liked this body type, and all kinds of perverted things were possible!

Thinking of this, she began to worry again,

In case it’s true… Then she would be sorry for her sister who had died, but if she didn’t follow Su Mo’s meaning, in case she became angry with Dressrosa…

One Seven Wuhai they can’t help, let alone a Four Emperors?

“No, Rebecca can’t, Rebecca definitely not…” she gritted her teeth and whispered, making a decision in her mind,

At this moment, in the arena, Luo began his performance again,

With a grasp of the right hand, the room room unfolds, enveloping the entire venue,

Noticing this, Doflamingo’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, and at the same time, seeing that the domineering spirit was quietly released, watching out for Luo’s next attack,

In his perception, Moria and the family cadres are entangled, there is no way to come here for the time being, and there is only one Luo he has to deal with!

The heart moved, and the fingers began to gently hook,

With his movements, the surrounding field was suddenly shrouded in countless transparent silk threads, like spider webs made when hunting,

After thinking about it, he stepped on the ground again, and the fruit awakening was launched again, and the surrounding ground and rocks also began to change towards the silk thread,

“Boom, boom… Come on, Luo, end this game as soon as possible, I still have a lot to say to you. He laughed,

Not far away, Luo laughed contemptuously, “I don’t seem to tell you at all!” ”

“Mr. Cora’s hatred, and Mr. Cora’s wish, today, I will definitely come true!”

Hearing this, Doflamingo frowned, and just wanted to continue, he saw countless earth and rocks rushing towards him!

“Room Baton!!”

In the special space of the surgical fruit, not only teleportation, but all items are even within Luo’s control!

The earth and rocks around him shot out one after another, and Doflamingo just stretched out his right hand and smiled lightly,

“Cobweb wall!”


Countless silk threads condensed in the air, instantly forming a net!

All the earth and rocks hit it, only to bend the net wall, and then fall to the ground!

“Come up with some real skills, Luo! This move can’t kill me, you know it very well! Doflamingo said,

Luo Hehe smiled, and then, raised his knife and slashed to the side——


Smoke and dust rolling!

A sound similar to the collision of metal sounded, and Doflamingo’s figure slowly revealed,

At this moment, he was looking serious, his arms armed and domineering, blocking Luo’s attack,

“It’s another transposition, this trick is no longer useful to me.” Saying that, Doflamingo threw his foot hard and threw his leg towards Luo!

“Foot shaving!!”

With this move, several silk threads will be generated at the tiptoe, coupled with the armed color domineering and his own strength, a person with a strength like Luo is basically wasted with one kick!

However, in the next second, under his gaze, Luo’s figure disappeared again!

“?!” Doflamingo was stunned, but quickly accepted, converged his mind, no traces and omen of teleportation, this move he really has no solution, can only predict the location of Luo’s appearance, see the domineering and spiritual power must be tense at all times, otherwise a careless, is he injured,

Just thinking about it, Luo’s figure suddenly appeared above his head, and a spinning body stabbed down with a ghost cry!

The speed reaction was extremely fast, and Doflamingo was hit without even having time to dodge, and fell into the ground with a bang!


A move was profitable, but Luo’s expression did not relax much, the moment the ghost cried and stabbed just now, he could feel that he was not piercing the skin, but a layer of domineering!

In other words, the trick just now is basically ineffective!

Sure enough, in his line of sight, Doflamingo slowly crawled out of the pile of stones, still covered with armed color domineering,

“Damn it!”

Luo gritted his teeth, and the moment the figure brush appeared in front of Doflamingo, he did not hesitate to stab out a sword,


Even if it is domineering to protect the body, it is impossible for the injection to have no effect at all!

The strength is not enough, but the dream opportunity is just around the corner, that is, it is consumed, and today it will also consume Doflamingo!

With this thought, Luo’s attack was a little more drastic again!

Looking at Luo who stabbed fiercely and directly, Doflamingo hooked his hands, and in an instant countless silk threads surged up, forming a shield!

In the next second, Luo’s move stabbed fiercely on the net wall shield, making a muffled sound!

After a failed move, Luo did not hesitate to teleport and the figure disappeared again!

Doflamingo, “.?? ”

Teleport again?!!?

The surgical fruit obviously consumes more physical strength than other fruits, how can this guy Luo use it so many times?!

Has this little devil practiced this trick for so many years?

An inexplicable unhappiness surged in Doflamingo’s heart!

But he didn’t hesitate, seeing that the domineering was driven to the maximum, and then he punched out, sure enough, just like just now, Luo this guy made a dead hand, and every time he aimed was his dead end!

But this time, you can’t run, right?

With this thought, Doflamingo’s punch even (Nono’s) increased its strength a little!

However, immediately afterwards, in his expression of a Japanese dog, Luo’s figure disappeared again,


Doflamingo hesitated for a moment, and directly kicked the whip leg to his left side, aiming at the dead corner, he also predicted it well…

Sure enough, the next second, Luo’s figure appeared on the left side!

Doflamingo smiled, this time even the fruit ability was activated, kicking out at full speed!

But then, before the foot hit the target, Luo’s figure disappeared again!

Immediately, a strong sense of crisis emerged overhead, and just like just now, Doflamingo’s figure didn’t even react, and was shot straight out!

The feeling of the world spinning came, and Doflamingo felt like he was going to explode,

What the hell is Temero’s physical strength?

What about the great cost of good surgical fruit?

In the audience, Su Mo was also crying and laughing, this Luo, a little old…


See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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