Under the gaze of everyone in the port, a fiery burning fireball brush fell, and as the fireball approached, the surrounding temperature suddenly climbed

“Has the fruit ability actually been developed to this extent?” Lieutenant General Tsuru touched his chin and showed a thoughtful expression

Sengoku frowned, “Karp! ”


In fact, there is no need for the Warring States to remind at all, the moment the fireball appears, the momentum on Karp’s body climbs, on the head, on the neck, both fists, and with a bang armed color domineering cover!

At the same time, around the Sengoku body, the golden Buddha light flickered

“Big Buddha Shockwave !!!”

“Fist bone meteor!!”

Two invisible shockwaves shot out in an instant, rushing straight towards the fireball falling from the sky!

In the next second, in the eyes of everyone, the fireball and the shock wave suddenly collided together, emitting an earth-shattering roar!

In the sky, after seeing this scene, Su Mo couldn’t help but laugh, “Originally, this kind of move, the two of you went together… No, Warring States alone can block it, but this is superimposed by my magic transformation, which is so simple? ”

Saying that, he waved his hand, and with the movement, a dazzling light suddenly erupted on the Yandi fireball!


With a loud bang, Sengoku and Karp were shocked

In their perception, the pressure suddenly hit!

“The moves sent out can actually be strengthened?!” Sengoku’s eyes widened, indescribably surprised

Generally speaking, regardless of your ability, the move has already been finalized after leaving the hand, and it is basically impossible to change it, but now…

The pressure on the fireball is actually increasing?!

He gritted his teeth, directly swung out two shockwaves with both fists, and frowned, “Burning fruit, shock fruit, Momo fruit… Your ability is to copy?! ”

“Copy…? Half right, my ability is more than just copying…”

Su Mo smiled slightly, clenched his fist with one hand, and the white halo of the shocking fruit flashed with a bang——

“Ever heard of infinite stacking? Unlike Bundy Waldo’s Momo Fruit, he can stack a hundredfold, and I… It can be stacked, but it is infinitely multiplied! ”

As his words fell, countless cracks suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, and at each crack, a violent shock wave erupted, and countless ripples suddenly appeared on the surrounding sea surface!

Seeing this, not only Sengoku and Karp, but everyone around was shocked

However, those who can stand here are masters with combat experience, and in the face of the blow that may come, no one is nonsense, and in an instant, they all come up with their best defense!

“Shadow Mage !!!”

“Fishman Karate, Five Thousand Washoken !!!”

“Cobweb Wall, Spider’s Nest!!!”

Black shadows, water streams, cobweb walls made of thread fruit appear in an instant!

Just kidding, this is the ability of Whitebeard, if you are not careful, you will die!

Su Mo smiled, “Defense? I’m not here to hit you…”

Saying that, he looked at Robin in his arms, “Robin, Mary Joya… Probably in which direction? ”

“Huh?” Robin was stunned, and then as if thinking of something, his eyes widened directly, “You…?!” ”

“Well, where is it?” Su Mo smiled

Robin frowned, thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and pointed in the direction not far away, “That’s it… However, if you attack Mary Joya, you will be wanted by the whole world! That’s Draco! ”

Su Mo smiled, “Don’t worry, there are numbers.” ”

After speaking, he waved his right hand and swung it fiercely in the direction Robin was pointing——


The spatial cracks instantly gathered in one place, and as the cracks gradually spread, countless waves suddenly rose above the sea surface!

At this moment, a lazy and lewd voice sounded

“The target is Mary Joa, the old man can’t assume that he didn’t see it.”

Su Mo turned his head to look over, and after seeing the person coming, he shrugged with a smile, “So, how do you stop the moves that have already been played?” ”

The person who came smiled, “Mary Joa has a red dog sitting in town, don’t worry at all… Moreover, the old man doesn’t think that your move can hit Mary Joa…”

“So…” Su Mo nodded, thought about it, and he glanced towards the port below, “So, the Warring States and Kapu were suppressed by the Yan Emperor, the Lieutenant General He couldn’t fly, and the Seven Wuhai were separated… You just came up and sent people’s heads? ”

“How can I say that the old man is also a general, and it is not okay to always paddle on the side…” said the visitor with a smile

Hearing this, Su Mo was a little happy

Stroke…… I didn’t expect that the yellow ape would ridicule himself so much

He said happily, “Yes, there is no problem, so, go through the procedure or play directly?” ”

“Huh…” the yellow ape also smiled, but with the laughter, around him, golden points of light condensed, “Copy superimposed… And dare to attack the Draco, you evil thieves on the sea, one by one is really terrifying….

“Ha…” Su Mo smiled, and just about to reply, a roar suddenly sounded!

“Pirates, just grab it!”

With the sound, a strong momentum spread out violently

Su Mo turned his head to look, in his line of sight, the figure of the Warring States had jumped into the air, and in the sound of thumping moonsteps, his figure quickly approached Su Mo

At the same time, the entire figure began to turn golden, expanding, and in a few breaths, it had already become a giant

Behind him, Karp was following with a serious face, he had no Devil Fruit ability, and he could only fist hard in the face of the fireball just now, but Rao was so, he still quickly broke through the fireball and rushed over

“Eight-foot Qionggou Jade!!” At this moment, the voice of the yellow ape suddenly sounded!

Countless points of light, all of them filled the entire sky in an instant, and unsurprisingly, all of them shot towards Su Mo!

Seeing this scene, Su Mo smacked his lips and said with some emotion, “Three people besieged, and it is still the highest combat power of the three navies, you really give me face…”

“If the abilities hadn’t been superimposed, maybe it would have been planted here today…”

With his voice, a sea of fire suddenly ignited everywhere in the surrounding space, and the sound of snorting continued to sound, and even the surrounding temperature began to rise!

“Actually, there’s one thing I’m curious about… Knowing that my ability is still going to fight, are you all M? ”


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