As long as the power is sufficient, the plate bricks can also fly into the sky. But if it loses power, even the plane will fall.

The civil airliner in the sky has lost most of its power and has begun to stall, even the altitude of the flight is difficult to maintain, the airliner is shaky, and there are already signs of deflection. Despite the pilot’s best efforts, the plane was falling at breakneck speed.

The sides of its wings were burning with raging fire, like firebirds swooping down towards the ground. There is also a part of aviation fuel in the fuel tank of the passenger plane, once it hits the ground, it is bound to cause explosions and fires, which will bring huge casualties to the people in residential areas.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed away, and the people who fell into panic on the ground did not find that a girl was missing.

“Report tower, the plane has lost control!”

“Stabilize the fuselage and fly as far as possible to no man’s land.”


There was silence in the communication for a while, and a deep voice sounded.

“Good luck, old friend.”

“Thank you…”

“Really, there’s no way…” the co-pilot, a middle-aged man, turned his head and whispered in a difficult voice.

“I’ve been with you for a long time,” the captain, whose hair was already gray, smiled bitterly, “You should also know the current situation.” ”

The co-pilot did not speak again, fell silent, and took out a photo from his arms, slightly yellowed, on it was a beautiful little girl, he gently rubbed the photo in his hand.

“I might… Can’t help you celebrate your birthday. ”

For a moment, the cockpit was immersed in an atmosphere of sadness, and they already knew that there was no way to save the plane. All four engines have been damaged, not only that, but the landing gear is also broken, and there is no way to make a forced landing.

And surrounded by cities, there may be a glimmer of life in a forced landing on the highway. But in order to stay away from the city and not harm innocent people, they chose a hill in the distance, which is sparsely populated, but if it hits it, it will be shattered.

“Old Qiao, you better call your granddaughter,” the middle-aged co-pilot suddenly spoke, “This may be the last chance.” ”

“Old Joe?”

After not hearing a response for a long time, the middle-aged co-pilot felt strange, raised his head, and saw that the captain known as Old Qiao was looking at the front blankly, his eyes were wide open, and he looked incredulous.

The middle-aged co-pilot followed the captain’s line of sight, and was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

In front of their plane, a figure appeared. That’s right, there is a person floating in the air at an altitude of thousands of meters.

She had silver-white hair and a fox mask on her face, so that people could not see her appearance, her figure was perfectly curved and delicate, and she wore a black and red gothic dress, the wrinkled skirt swaying in the wind.

The man seemed to see that someone had spotted her, so he waved at the two people in the plane and said hello.

“I’m not mistaken…” Captain Qiao wiped his eyes, his Adam’s apple shrugged, and he swallowed his saliva with difficulty.

“It’s like… Nope. ”

Suddenly, the figure wearing the fox mask flashed and disappeared in front of them, disappearing without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

The captain and co-pilot looked at each other, and they could see the fear in each other’s eyes.

Is this the guide who led them to Huangquan Road?

Suddenly, the fuselage trembled violently, and the captain and co-pilot were caught off guard and leaned forward all of a sudden, if it were not for the seat belt, it is estimated that they would have been thrown out.

In the cabin of the civil aviation passenger plane, the passengers were even more screaming. Although the crew did not tell them the truth to prevent panic, most of them knew what happened to the airliner. From the burning wings outside the window, you can know that the passenger plane must have encountered a very serious accident, and the wobbly fuselage confirms their thoughts.

Now the fuselage trembled violently, and they all thought that a catastrophe was coming, and the screams and cries suddenly became one. Some people have already written suicide notes, closed their eyes and waited for death, and the atmosphere of fear pervaded the entire cabin.

Even the cabin crew has lost hope because they work in such a profession and know more about aircraft accidents than ordinary passengers. Generally, when such a vicious accident occurs, it is basically ten deaths and no escape, and there is almost no hope of escape.

Time seemed to have passed only for a while, like a snap of the fingers of a white horse, but it seemed to have passed ten thousand years.

The people in the cabin sobbed softly, their hearts beat violently, as if they were about to jump out, and closed their eyes and waited for death to come. But after a long time, the unexpected violent impact did not appear, the fuselage gradually stopped swaying, and the surrounding area was even more oppressively quiet.

The passengers looked at each other, not knowing what had happened, and some even wondered if they had already reached Huangquan Road.

After a long while, the bold passenger unfastened his seat belt, walked towards the window, opened the curtains, his eyes suddenly widened, and he was stunned for a while. The other passengers asked him how he was doing, but there was no response, as if he had been cast a spell. Another passenger unfastened his seat belt and walked over, but he was actually frozen.

Because they found that the outside of the window of the passenger plane is no longer thousands of meters in the air, but the ground, yes, it is the ground. Or rather, meadows, and not far away are flowers and trees, garden vegetation, and even alpine landscape pavilions.

The cabin boiled in an instant, and the passengers screamed, waving their arms, venting the fear just now, and the joy of escaping from death, and even some people held their heads and cried, and even the crew could not suppress the excitement in their hearts.

They were all ready to die, knowing that it was impossible to escape, who expected that the peak turned around and survived, and this feeling of escaping death made them ecstatic. Everything just now was like a dream, suddenly separated from the world.

“Here… It seems to be the Summer Palace?! ”

At this moment, a passenger suddenly exclaimed, with an incredible expression on his face. There was a sudden silence in the cabin, and everyone who gradually woke up from the great joy and sorrow now discovered that there were many incredible places.

“This—what the hell is going on?”

To know that the plane forced landing will not be forced to land in the park, there are many rockeries and flowers and trees in the park, there is no flat ground at all, if the forced landing is here, the most likely end is to smash. And they didn’t feel the slightest sense of impact, which is simply incredible.

“Speaking of it – I seem to have photographed something outside the window, and I don’t know if it was my hallucination.” A female passenger hurriedly stood up, took out the mobile phone she had brought with her, and showed it to everyone.

When she was in the air just now, she thought that she was going to crash, and she knew that she would definitely die, so she didn’t abide by the rule that the plane could not be turned on, took out her mobile phone, and wanted to send a text message to her family, which was the final last word. Where did I think that because the plane vibrated too violently, I accidentally hit the button to take a photo, and I took such a photo.

I saw that the photo showed a blurry figure, faintly not very clear, can only faintly see a |petite figure, she wears a fox mask with red stripes on a white background, wearing a Gothic short dress, and long white hair flying in the air.

Everyone was silent for a while, looking at each other, and the entire cabin was quiet, filled with a strange atmosphere.

“Is this really the legend – fox fairy?” An old woman who looked seventy or eighty years old muttered in her mouth.

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