"Do you want to come and win today?"

"Come and try, I won't lose to you!"

Fafnir and Lucoa also had a strong murderous aura on their bodies, and the air was instantly filled with the breath of war.

"Su Yuansang, are you coming to play too?"

In response to Thor's invitation, Su Yuan immediately hugged Cai Chuan, took a few steps away from the park, shook his head and said, "No, I don't like playing this kind of game very much."

"What a pity!"

Thor's expression was a little lost, but he quickly turned his attention to Lucoa and Fafnir.

"I'm coming too!"

Kona next to her happily joined in.

She likes to play games the most, especially this kind of games!

In this way, after Lukoya cast a barrier to prevent the aftermath from destroying Chiba City, they started what Fafner said before, the burst dodgeball battle.

Boom boom boom! ! !

A roar comparable to the falling of a meteorite continued to sound.

The entire park and even the nearby neighborhood were shaking.

Because of Lucoa, she will modify her memory.

Thor and the others didn't even think about the risk of being seen by others, and completely released their power as a dragon.

Just throw a dodge ball, the power is far more than a nuclear bomb explosion!

The terrifying energy fluctuations immediately attracted the attention of the General Bureau of Unknown Life Forms Investigation on Fusang Island, and Ichiro Kaoru quickly felt the scene.

Seeing the scene of several people playing ball inside, I froze in place.

Su Yuan waved his hand to him and said, "Go back a police officer, Thor and the others are just playing games, they will fix it later."


The corners of Yi Xun's mouth twitched as he watched, a dodge ball attack that was as powerful as his Haipa kick, and he felt a little more awe of Su Yuan in his heart.

Good guy, no one is good at playing a game if he surpasses his form, this is simply outrageous!

And Kaoru Ichijo also noticed the barrier of the park.

Without this, the entire Chiba City would probably fall into a sea of ​​fire!

Ichika Kaoru couldn't help but shivered a bit, and hurriedly got into the car and left here.

Now he has a new understanding of Su Yuan. Anyway, there is nothing simple about Su Yuan!

"Eh? What are you doing here?"

The little evil spirit walked slowly and leisurely from the apartment, looking at Thor and his party who were playing dodgeball with some doubts.


Lily Ling, who followed Little Evil God out, also had a question mark on her head.

Su Yuan found the two of them, glanced at Cai Chuan, who had been shocked to the point of petrification in his arms, and said to the two: "Thor and the others are playing games, who is more powerful than anyone."

"It's more powerful than anyone else, of course it's my little evil god, and surrender to me quickly!"

Hearing that it was a game of Biqiang, the little evil **** immediately straightened his chest covered by the blond hair, and twitched his tail and rushed towards the playing field.

"Is she an idiot?"

Although he knew that there was no need to question this matter, Su Yuan couldn't help but speak up.

Little evil god, are your eyes just a decoration?

Didn't see Thor and the others fighting, can you be shattered with a single blow!

"Don't doubt, Little Evil God, she is so stupid."

Lily Ling said, don't doubt her own judgment, Xiao Xie Shen is not only a scumbag, but also has a big brain problem!

Unsurprisingly, in Su Yuan's eyes, the little evil spirit had just entered the arena and confidently expressed that he would defeat Thor and his party.

The next second, Thor threw a burst dodge ball.

The little evil spirit reached out to pick it up, and was immediately smashed into pieces by the dodge ball.

The body was torn apart and scattered throughout the park.

Thor and the others also completely ignored the corpse of the little evil god, and threw dodge **** one by one to grind it into blood, which was scattered everywhere.

It has to be said that the self-regeneration ability of the little evil **** is simply outrageous.

She had already been smashed into a pool of blood, and looking at Lily Bell's expression, she had not completely died.

Su Yuan even saw that there was a piece of meat the size of a finger, still jumping there, trying to recover and regenerate.

But he was ruthlessly stepped on by Thor's foot.

Looking at the devastated and inhuman little evil god, Lily Ling showed a happy smile.

"Lily Bell, what are you holding in your hand?"

Su Yuan noticed the lunch box in Baiheling's hand and asked softly.

Bai607 Heling reacted instantly and remembered the purpose of her coming here.

"This is for Pecora. Last time I asked the little evil spirit to give it to Pecora. I don't know if it was handed over to her. I'll come and have a look this time."

After speaking, Lily Bell raised the lunch box in her hand and walked to the paper house in the corner of the park.

Except for Su Yuan who occasionally helped Pecora, Lily Bell fed Pecora.

If it wasn't for Pecora's physique, he would have starved to death long ago.

"The lord of the heavens won't come down and take care of it, your angels have become beggars."

Su Yuan glanced at Pecora's paper house in the distance with pity.

An angel who lived so miserably, Pecora is the only one.

Originally, Pecora came to chase and kill Lily Bell, but in the end, Lily Bell rescued her.

Caichuan Lizi in Su Yuan's arms had just recovered when she heard Su Yuan say something about God, and stopped thinking again.

Now she has absolutely no idea what the Kangna family is, how can it be related to the God of the West! ?

Do not be so exaggerated!

Lolita, who came from a distance, listened to Su Yuan's words, and her veins suddenly burst.

However, after thinking of his identity, he still eased his mood, looked at the purgatory-like park, and walked slowly to the flower bed where Su Yuan was sitting.

Lucoa, who was having fun with Thor, suddenly turned to look at the loli, and then continued to play with Thor.

Chapter 466 The Lord of Heaven: Liweilu!

"Do you think the Lord of Heaven is not good?"

A slightly annoyed voice sounded in Su Yuan's ears.

A blond loli wearing a beret with a small and exquisite figure, pouted her small mouth and akimbo, questioning Su Yuan.

"Huh? Who are you?"

Su Yuan turned to look at this very cute loli, but she didn't remember who she was.

No reason, the feature of blond loli is too much in my mind.

If you really want to list them all, two pieces of A4 paper are not enough!

The most typical, their own English pears are of this type.

She's grown so big, she's about the same size as Loli.

If I put her on the street and meet people I don't know, I'd really think she's a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old child!

"You answer my previous question first!"

Li Weilu sat directly next to Su Yuan, raised her head as if pretending to be an adult, and glared at Su Yuan.

It's just that she looks like a half-month-old baby cat grinning at you. Do you think she is hostile to you and fearful?

You just think she's cute.

"It's pretty cute, but she has a bad temper, so I have to change it!"

Su Yuan touched Li Weilu's short blond hair, and said with a chuckle, "You are a believer in God, right? It's not very good to believe in God these days. Every angel is better than a piece of wood. You might as well believe in me. !"

After Su Yuan said something, Li Weilu, who was planning to get angry, fell silent eerily.

It's true that I haven't been in charge of the heavens for a long time, and I really don't know what the angels have changed.

She also saw that Su Yuan was considered a high-level existence in the human world, knew so many races, and actually knew such a dragon-level dragon.

Li Weilu glanced at Lukoa who was playing in the park, and she could feel that she was completely unable to deal with her with the only divine power she had left in the world.

His own body has no chance of winning against this dragon.

This time, the main reason is to determine whether to purify the world or not to conflict with this dragon.

Livlu was also annoyed.

When I woke up, the world I created was actually pulled here.

The human beings created by themselves are confused with the human beings in other worlds.

I don't know what existence possesses such terrifying might.

Except for himself and a few scattered angels in the entire heaven, almost everyone does not know that the world has merged.

What's even more outrageous is that there are some more angels in her heaven that were not created by herself. If it weren't for some reasons, she would want to rebuild the heaven.

Especially this time I came down to investigate the Human World.

There are only one billion human beings left, and the rest of them don’t know where they came from.

And the whole world is in turmoil, with death and depravity everywhere.

Chaos and war filled every corner of the world, and Liweilu hated such a blue star very much.

This made her even want to shelter the human beings she created.

I want to destroy the world with another flood, clean up the world, and start again!

"It seems that not only the human world, but also the angels have fallen ¨~~"

Li Weilu sighed and looked up at the sky, as if she could see the heavenly world she created.

She has not waited for her to sigh how long her life has been.

Su Yuan directly blocked her vision and dragged her into his arms, Cai Chuan Lizi on the right and an unknown blonde loli on the left.

"Rude, what are you doing!?"

Li Weilu suppressed her anger and looked at Su Yuan, who was smiling with a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Isn't it because you are a little sad, sighing what so many things do, angels know how to enjoy it, and people don't worry about it, what are you worrying about!"

Su Yuan responded solemnly to Li Weilu.

In fact, what Su Yuan thought in his mind was, it seems that he should fool the other party into his own believers.

According to Su Yuan's observation, this blonde loli's physique is quite special, very pure, and she doesn't know where she is taller than the lazy angel Gabriel.

To have such a loli to become her own believer, that's rude!

Pure faith is even more precious than millions of scattered souls!

Li Weilu didn't know what Su Yuan was thinking at this time. If she knew, she would probably have laughed angrily.

You actually want the Lord of the heavens to believe in you, you are really fat!

And now Li Weilu on Su Yuan's left leg calmed down when she heard Su Yuan's voice.

For some reason, he felt that the human being in front of him always made her angry.

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