Looking at Su Yuan whose clothes were messy and shattered, Aiina sorted out his protective clothing with some distress, and asked suspiciously.

Su Yuan immediately shook his head: "My Lord God forgot to register the family, I will bring her to register."

Hearing Su Yuan's words, Aegina turned to look at Hestia, who was whistling as if it was none of my business, and wiped her face speechlessly.

It is also hard work to have such a goddess Su Yuan on the stall!

Skillfully took out a piece of paper from behind the desk and handed it to Hestia.

Hestia immediately twisted her waist and began to fill in. When confirming the family badge, she asked Su Yuan, "Su Yuan, what pattern do you like."

"Um... I'll draw it, I can't say it."

Su Yuan picked up the pen and drew an empty sign.

"What a handsome pattern, it seems to be the pattern that appears in the sky when you transform."

"This pattern is called Kongme, which is the name I used to call when I transformed."

Su Yuan explained, and Hestia nodded thoughtfully.

free me? Is the ego void?

What's the meaning?

Although she was puzzled, Hestia didn't ask. After all, it was just a code name, and it was probably just a random choice.

After Su Yuan painted the pattern, Hestia tattooed the flame pattern next to it, which was a symbol of her own priesthood.

Looking at the Kugou icon surrounded by a circle of flames, Hestia kissed excitedly, and now this is the badge of their family!

Su Yuan also pulled the excited Hestia and took her to have a good meal. The money was just squandered! .

Chapter 95

"Hey Su Yuanjun, hurry down and let me know how you are today."

After returning home, Hestia told Su Yuan to lie down on the bed with a foolish smile on his face, straddled him, and renewed his favor.

After dripping the blood of the gods, the mysterious sacred text automatically changed.

Su Yuan could clearly feel the sudden increase in his own strength, unlike Yaguru's slow transformation.


With an unbelievable face, Hestia printed the data behind Su Yuan, scraped off the skill bar, and handed it to Su Yuan.

Name: Su Yuan

Level: LV.1

Strength: S (979)

Stamina: SS (1120)

Dexterity: S (962)

Agility: S (946)

mana: i(0)


"Su Yuan-jun, you actually rose to S rank on the first day, and you broke through the boundaries of S rank and reached SS. You must know that Ais, the fastest leveling member of the Loki family, took a year to upgrade to LV.2 Yes, according to the attributes, you can already level up!"

Hestia stared blankly at these ability points, trying to explain to Su Yuan how terrifying it was.

You must know that the general adventurer's ability value is upgraded to D rank and has enough great karma to upgrade, and advanced family members like Loki and the others have to upgrade to B or A rank.

After all, if one attribute is 1 when you are at the first level, then one attribute at the second level is three, multiplying in turn.

Everyone can upgrade as soon as they can reach the standard line, and the chance of survival increases for every increase in strength!

Like Su Yuan, who was directly full S on the first day, or even reached SS, in the lower realm for thousands of years, Hestia has never heard of it anyway!

Su Yuan also nodded thoughtfully, and finally shook his head: "I don't want to upgrade yet, I want to see where my limit is!"


Hestia immediately agreed with Su Yuan with a smile, and now she wants to see how far Su Yuan can reach!

After tidying up the dilapidated church, and after the two cuddled together and slept soundly, Hestia put on her apron and became the mascot of Potato Balls.

Su Yuan got up and walked outside the city, and the completely destroyed training ground became the place he and Ais agreed to.

Before he got close, Su Yuan saw Ais who was waiting there early.

"You are here."

Seeing Su Yuan coming, Ais murmured.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Su Yuan showed a hint of embarrassment on his face.

This morning, the people who were shaken by Hestia were bewildered, and it was long after the operation.

It is impossible to get on base. After all, I have only just met for a day, and a bottle of facial cleanser in the morning is already the limit.

However, according to the attributes given by the goddess for free, in two or three days, even the meat and bones will be eaten by myself!

"I won't say more nonsense, first grab my hand."

As soon as Su Yuan finished speaking, Aisi put her hand on Su Yuan's palm.

Holding her jade hand tightly, Su Yuan began to transport the chakra in her body into Aisi's body.

The reason why people in the Naruto world can extract chakra is because there are chakra seeds left by six immortals in her body, and Aisi does not have it at all.

Even if he told her how to refine it, it was completely useless.

Just like the power of nature in this world, I can clearly feel it, but it is different from the natural energy of Naruto World.

Even if I absorbed it, I just felt like my body had taken a few breaths of air, not showing the fairy mode.

Now Su Yuan wants to condense the seeds of chakra in Ais, just like Kaguya's chakra was scattered into the human body.

Thinking of Kaguya, this little white, Su Yuan almost laughed out loud.

The whole is a silly white sweet, first sealed by the two sons made by his own yin and yang, and his own chakra is also scattered all over the world.

He was finally rescued by Hei Jue and rescued his mother, saying that he would recycle Chakra, but he was sealed back again.

It's like the novel you wrote has been filmed as a power source and drawn into a comic for a few years, and the money is lost.

In the end, it took you a few years to find out, you wanted to take back the copyright, and then you were beaten and thrown into the sea.

When Su Yuan was concentrating on the fusion of Ai Si's cells and spirit, Ai Si, who was holding her hand by Su Yuan, also blushed on her face.

She could feel the energy injected by Su Yuan flowing throughout her body. She didn't feel this strange feeling when she came out. It was different from warmth and more of a joy.

Obviously, Su Yuan's mental power was forcibly integrated into the cells to extract a powerful energy, but Ais felt inexplicably at ease.

An hour later, Su Yuan retracted his hand and let out a breath of white air.

At this time, Ais had already closed her eyes, as if she had settled down.

"As expected of an LV.5 adventurer, the vitality of the heroine's body is exaggerated to death!"

After the investigation just now, Su Yuan knew very well that Aisi's body contained a special kind of bloodline, and even her own immortal body was far too strong for her vitality.

In the world of Naruto, the shadow-level chakra is enough for ordinary people to reach in a lifetime. Ais estimates that the amount of chakra can be extracted in three or four days. This is the difference in the level of life!

A few minutes later, Ais slowly opened her eyes, and a blue-blue energy aura appeared all over her body.

"As soon as it was turned on, I instinctively used Feng Dun, as expected of a great hero, the mercenary king - the daughter of Wallentstein!"

Looking at Ais, who was touching her body cutely, Su Yuan's eyes also showed a little envy.

It took me several days to master the shape change of wind attribute chakra. I didn't expect that Ais would know it as soon as she got the chakra.

"I have another way to improve your power, do you need it?"

Su Yuan's voice came out suddenly.

The tone was full of bewitching, but Ais couldn't hear it.

"Is there anything else? No matter what method I can use to become stronger, I'm willing to do anything!" Ais nodded and looked at Su Yuan with flickering eyes.

Su Yuan smiled with satisfaction, took out a ball of light from the book of contracts and handed it to Ais.

Without hesitation, Ais inhaled the ball of light into her body.

"Loki, Loki, anyway, the gods here don't need belief. Ais and we are half and half. I want her body and mind, so there should be no problem!"

Su Yuan happily looked at Ais who was inhaling the ball of light.

He had this idea from the very beginning. After all, Ais' potential can be said to be very huge, and it will definitely come in handy after earning himself under his command.

"After you extract enough chakra in two days, I will teach you how to use chakra. Now you can use your magic to attach to me."


Although she didn't understand what Su Yuan wanted her [Wind Spirit Run], Ais chanted the incantation obediently, and the visible hurricane poured out of her body, and then attached to Su Yuan's body.

At the moment of being blessed by [Wind Spirit Speeding], Su Yuan instantly felt his whole body lightened, and even his perception was much more sensitive.

Su Yuan hurriedly closed his eyes, Aguru's belt emerged from his body, and a dazzling green light shone in the center.

However, Su Yuan did not transform, but through Aguru to perceive this magic more thoroughly. .

Chapter 96

After a long time, Su Yuan opened his eyes, showing a disappointed look.

It can't be copied!

The setting of this world is that magic can be learned randomly through magic books, and I have never seen anyone who can copy it just by feeling.

Although there was a bit of luck in his heart, maybe Aguru could copy it, but in the end it was an unexpected failure.

However, this was the case, Su Yuan also gained some skill experience from [Wind Spirit Speeding].

Control the wind attribute chakra to cover the body according to the rotation frequency of this magic, which can speed up slightly, ignore air resistance, and perform small-scale sliding.

The consumption of Chakra is also very small, which can be said to be a good little skill, but it does not have the full-scale increase of [Wind Spirit Speed].

After doing this, Su Yuan patted the dust on his body, got up and left.

"Where are you going?"

Before Su Yuan took two steps, Aisi's light voice came from behind, and when she turned her head, Aisi was already standing behind him.

"Of course it's a dungeon, or I won't have money to eat tomorrow!"

The dry man, the dry soul, even if he won't starve to death now, he still has to eat.

What's more, his [Blast] is almost broken, and the durability has dropped to freezing point.

Looking for a master **** of forging to repair at least a large amount of money, that is all white money!

As soon as Su Yuan finished speaking, Ais walked over to Su Yuan's side, took his hand gently, and said with a serious face, "I'm going to the dungeon too, let's go together."

Guys, are you attacking me in turn?

Just as this thought flashed in Su Yuan's head, Ais continued: "My rapier was broken by you before, plus the maintenance cost of the Sword of Despair, I still owe God 280 million to God Gubonius. Millions of Farleys."

Aisi's tone was very relaxed, as if the number close to 1.3 billion was a small target, making Su Yuan embarrassed.

It seems that I seem to be a little self-indulgent, but she is a heroine, so she is not so good at strategy.

However, when Su Yuan was embarrassed, the corners of Aisi's eyes curved slightly, and there was a look of joy in her eyes.

"I don't know why, I just want to get close to him...々"..."

Going around all the way, under the murderous gazes of all the adventurers, Su Yuan swaggeredly took Ais's little hand and entered the dim dungeon together.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of watermelon bursting echoed in the narrow corridor.

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