"Probably the zombies in the movie broke out, let's get out of here quickly, don't wait to be trapped."

Su Yuan explained it lightly, and Ju Chuan Shizuka also gave an expression that I understood, and walked to the cabinet with her calf.

"Wait a minute, I'll go get my medicine chest."

Su Yuan glanced at it without a trace, um, the effect is good, the ankle will be healed so quickly.

Bang bang bang! !

At this time, there were more than a dozen dead bodies gathered in the health room. Their eyes were fixed on the two people in the health room, and they frantically knocked on the door that was not very strong.

After Su Yuan picked up a pair of tweezers, a purple bracelet suddenly appeared on his wrist. The spirit stone on the bracelet emitted a faint purple light, and Kongwo's microscopic particle manipulation ability was activated!

The originally small tweezers suddenly stretched and became longer, and eventually turned into a purple giant sword with a length of cm.

After adjusting the weight to fifty pounds, Su Yuan waved it casually.

The wall of the health room was cracked in an instant, and the cement floor was easily cut like tofu.

"It's amazing, Xiaoyuan, are you a superpower in the novel!"

Seeing Su Yuan's empty hand turned into a weapon, Ju Chuan Shizuka clapped her hands in surprise, with a hint of surprise in her tone.

After two hours of chat, although the relationship between the two is not the kind of love you love to death, they are still ordinary friends.

Especially seeing the group of zombies in front of him, Su Yuan's super power doesn't seem to be a big deal.

And Ju Chuan Shizuka's character is not very surprising, just think it is very handsome.

Su Yuan took Ju Chuan Shizuka's little hand and opened the door with a sword.

With a light stroke, a clearly visible blood line appeared on the necks of all the dead bodies, and then one after another, the heads of more than a dozen zombies fell to the ground like raindrops.

Ju Chuan Shizuka was not afraid either, she just looked at the corpses curiously, carrying the medicine box and leaning tightly beside Su Yuan.

"How could this be, Yong, wake up!"

Looking at Jing Haoyong, who was bleeding and breathless in front of her, Miyamoto Rei pushed Jing Haoyong's body in desperation.

He was still in class, but suddenly a group of zombies rushed in. Jing Haoyong used his own force and the assistance of his classmates to kill the group of zombies, but he was also bitten several times.

These wounds were also bandaged, but just now Jing Haoyong suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground, and the classmates who fought off the zombies also fell in front of Miyamoto Rei one by one.

I called my dad and the line was busy, but there was no response at all.

She can't accept this reality at all!

But Miyamoto Rei's shout seemed to have an effect. Jing Haoyong, who had fallen to the ground with a beautiful breath, trembled, and slowly raised his dilapidated and bleeding arm.

Miyamoto Rei suddenly cracked a smile and wanted to help Jing Haoyong.

But in the next second, her face froze, and her eyes were full of fear and panic.

Because now Jing Haoyong's eyes are full of white eyes and bloodthirsty desire.

The muscles of the mouth also sagged and sagged, exposing scarlet gums and strong teeth, and biting towards himself.


At this moment, Miyamoto Rei held her head in her hands and curled up on the ground. The cruel reality completely made her lose hope.

call out!

A sharp sword broke through the window, pierced Jing Haoyong's head and pinned it to the blackboard behind him.

A tall and handsome boy kicked open the door that was blocked by tables and chairs.

After looking at the scene in the classroom, he easily stomped the heads of several dead bodies who stood up slowly into pieces, and went straight to Miyamoto Rei, who was holding his head and squatting in defense.

Hearing that there was no movement around, Miyamoto Rei slowly raised her head and opened her tearful eyes.

Looking at Su Yuan who drew out the purple giant sword on the wall in front of him, he seemed to see a glimmer of hope in despair.

Miyamoto Li jumped directly into Su Yuan's arms, and the tears on her face fell directly from the corner of her eyes.

"Xiaoyuan, how is it?"

At the door of the classroom, a blond woman who was shaking two treasures ran in, came to the man in front of her, and groped his body worriedly.

After checking, Ju Chuan Jingxiang breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, you are all right, and Xiaoyuan, don't run so fast, I can't keep up!"

As she said that, she tugged at the black skirt with hips that was propped up by her plump figure, and she was always careful along the way, for fear that the skirt would crack.

"Shizuka, can't you buy a large one! Don't talk about running like this, you can't walk well!"

Su Yuan is also speechless now, buying a dress so small that it's hard to walk, just for welfare, right!

But after hearing Su Yuan's voice, Ju Chuan Jingxiang immediately put on an innocent expression and looked at Su Yuan aggrievedly: "I have already bought the largest size, and the largest of this brand is so big!"


Don't say it, my English pear is really going to cry!

Miyamoto Li, who was on the side, looked at the chatting, but didn't see her two people at all. Wei Wei stopped her tears and asked intermittently, "That Mr. Ju Chuan, and this..."

"You can just call me Su Yuan."

"My name is Miyamoto Rei, how did you guys get here, Lord Su Yuan!"

Miyamoto Li specially used honorifics here, but it is very clear that there are many zombies outside. If it hadn't been for the classmates and Jing Haoyong to block the door with their lives, they would have died long ago!

Su Yuan could easily and suddenly defend like this, one can imagine his strength.

ps: Ask for a comment on the flower evaluation ticket. .

Chapter 16

"Then what else can I do, kill me all the way!"

Su Yuan gently waved the Titan Sword in his hand.


Seeing Su Yuan waving the giant sword in his hand, Miyamoto Rei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even if Miyamoto Rei didn't touch the giant sword in front of her, she knew that this sword would cost at least a few dozen pounds!

Ordinary people can't swing it, but Su Yuan is holding it in his hand, just like holding a knife, the speed of swinging is too flexible!

Juchuan Shizuka on the side also quickly echoed: "Of course, Xiaoyuan is the most powerful!"

Just now, Su Yuan passed all the way, killing these zombies with an almost crushing attitude.

No matter how dumbfounded Ju Chuan Shizuka was, she knew how powerful Su Yuan was and how big her thighs were.

As for the current Su Yuan, she has long forgotten the identity of the student he said before. Now in her eyes, Su Yuan is someone who can rely on him just like Nan Lixiang!

Especially the figure that protects her, very much like her good friend Nan Rika, but she doesn't know where she is now.

Thinking about it, Ju Chuan Shizuka's thoughts floated directly to the horizon.

Looking at Su Yuan with a casual expression, Miyamoto Rei's eyes sparkled with admiration that was different from the past, so handsome!

Those monsters were easily killed by the man in front of them, as simple as killing a mosquito.

Rei Miyamoto now fully understands the feeling of suddenly seeing a ray of light from despair.

Now Miyamoto Rei is desperate to grab that ray of light

Su Yuan also noticed Miyamoto Rei's eyes. He was not very interested in this woman Su Yuan, but he couldn't say that he didn't.

To put it bluntly, Su Yuan was greedy for her body!

Many people say that Miyamoto Rei is a green tea bitch, but Su Yuan doesn't feel it. She just reacted like a normal person.

The boyfriend he had just dated died in front of him, and then he was surrounded by childhood sweethearts, who didn't follow him.

Especially in this apocalyptic world, the sense of security a man brings to a woman is a fatal temptation!

In addition, on the Japanese side, women have been taught to obey men since childhood, so it is normal for her to rely on a man who can protect her, is still alive, and has some emotional foundations.

You know, Su Yuan has heard that women in the Japanese country dare not speak out when they are subjected to domestic violence.

Until she was beaten to death in the hospital, no one knew that she had been domestically abused by her husband.

In the original novel, Komuro Takayuki forcibly took Rei Miyamoto away, and slapped her hard for no reason in front of everyone.

However, the real boyfriend Jing Haoyong on the side did not show the slightest indignation and dissatisfaction, only a little doubt, and he did not have the will to take action for his girlfriend. Here you can see how supremacy of male power in the Japanese social system!

He is really disdainful and disgusting towards Komuro Takasuyuan.

Miyamoto Rei just hooked you up when she was a child and said she wanted to get married when she grew up. In reality, who remembers this when she grows up, and this kind of thing can only be said to be a joke.

Only a two-dimensional girl like Miyamoto Rei will remember it in my heart.

Then in high school, I had a good impression of Miyamoto Rei but didn't pursue it. She was beaten by Shito Koichi, and she happily went to them to say if she was relegated because she liked her.

If it was someone else, it is estimated that he would have slapped him directly.

It was because of this that Miyamoto Rei approached Jing Haoyong to anger him.

However, the two only officially dated today, the end of the world is coming, and the relationship is not much to be honest, which gave Komuro a chance to get on base.

"Li, are you alright!"

At this moment, at the door, Komuro Takashi ran in with a blood-stained baseball bat.

Because Ying Li Li locked the door by the way when she went to the rooftop.

As a result, Komuro Takaya learned today that Miyamoto Rei and Jing Haoyong were dating, but he did not get discouraged on the rooftop.

He didn't know in advance that the end of the world was coming, and he just ran up from the playground after a lot of fighting.

At this time, Komuro Takaya also noticed Su Yuan who was holding Miyamoto Rei, and his eyes darkened instantly.

However, after seeing the giant sword in Su Yuan's hand and the height of the head one taller than him, he immediately persuaded.

Ignoring Su Yuan directly, I ran straight to Miyamoto Rei and wanted to hold her hand.

"Li, let's go, now it's a mess, we can't delay here!"

Snapped! Snapped!

Miyamoto Rei knocked off Komuro Taka's outstretched palm with a backhand, and slapped Komuro Takaya's face with a slap.

"Why do I have to listen to you and order me as soon as I come in, do you take me as a commodity?

Even if you die forever, I won't like you! ! Go away, you disgusting bastard, I'm going to follow Lord Su Yuan now! "

Komuro Takaya was instantly stabbed in the sore spot, and he put down his outstretched hand, glanced at Su Yuan angrily, and ran out like crazy.

"Alala, why did he just run away like this~"

Ju Chuan Shizuka caressed her chin lightly, and looked at Komuro Takaya who was leaving with some worry. After all, it is so dangerous outside now that a student who runs out is basically dead.

Miyamoto Rei directly grabbed Su Yuan's arm and looked at Komuro Takaya, who had gone away with some disdain:

"He just knows that I know what he thinks, it's just shameless, disgusting thing, I've wanted to scold him like this for a long time!"

Now the depression in Miyamoto Rei's heart has been swept away, and the scolding feels so much more comfortable!

Before, because there was no one to support her, as a woman, she never dared to say it.

Now that Su Yuan is beside her, she can finally speak her mind directly and boldly.

In the end, Miyamoto Li looked back at Jing Haoyong, and after covering the discarded coat on his broken head, she followed Su Yuan's footsteps.

Along the way, Miyamoto Rei became more and more surprised. She also practiced her ancestral "Miyamoto-style spear art" and spent some time in the spear art department.

From her point of view, Su Yuan was completely dancing with the giant sword over there.

But it is this brute force, only the zombies touched by the sword over there, half of their bodies directly turn into minced meat. .

Chapter 17

At the same time, Bai Yu on the building far away from the school also put down the telescope in his hand.

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