Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Chapter 16 The mage is busy, the conversation is rewarded

in the living room.

The atmosphere was quiet, no one spoke, only the hiss of the breeze blowing into the room and the rustling of the curtains.

Coulson is stunned now.

what did i hear? what did i see? What's up with this ride?

There are enough messy things in this world, why are more outrageous things popping up?

What the hell is a mage? What the hell is magic?

Coulson suddenly wanted to slap himself in the ear to wake up this absurd dream.

But it's just thinking about it. He can still distinguish the difference between reality and dreaming. Even if the current situation is very nonsense, it is undoubtedly a fact.

A senior agent can control his emotions very well. One second, his mentality explodes, and the next second he can still smile.

Just like now, the out of shape expression quickly changed back to a gentle smile, just like when Mu Qiu first entered the door.

Seeing Coulson recovering from his composure, Mu Qiu couldn't help but secretly praised, as expected of the confidant of Big Braised Egg Fury, with a first-class mentality!

Since you are in a first-class state of mind, I will continue.

"The place where I usually live is not in reality, but an independent space, so it's normal that you can't find my life records. After all, I only started activities in reality more than a week ago."

Mu Qiu continued to throw bombs. The Dimension Restaurant is indeed an independent space. He only came to Marvel World more than a week ago, and he was not in this world before that! If you can find it, there will be a ghost.

But his statement is easy to conjure up.

An extraordinary force has opened up an independent space in which to live and cultivate. From time to time, it will come out to buy some food and other things, but you don't know it when you pass by.

It feels like a guy who carries explosives with you constantly dangling around you, but you don't know it, and you're talking and laughing with him, hooking your shoulders.

Thinking of that scene, Coulson shuddered.

"Is there a large number of mages?" Coulson doesn't want to go around in circles anymore, he just wants to know more about each other and get more information.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can win a hundred battles.

Of course, how much information he can obtain at present depends entirely on how much Mu Qiu says.

"There are quite a lot of them." Mu Qiu recalled the mage army when he fought Thanos in the fourth round.

"Don't think too much. There are not many mages in the society, or rather very few. There are only a few, and they are still weak and pitiful." After placing the bomb, Mu Qiu began to appease Coulson. frightened heart.

Although he is now throwing the blame, but after all, he is throwing at the friendly army, so don't go too far.

Nick Fury is okay to say that if the rise of the group of bastards from Hydra is aroused, Gu Yi probably needs to arrange for special agents to deal with door-to-door harassment.

Kama Taj does not exist in a different space like the Dimension Restaurant. If Hydra really wants to find it, it is possible to find it.

Thinking about it, Mu Qiu turned to look at the other two people in the room, wondering if these two might be Hydra. It wasn't that Mu Qiu was too nervous, but that Hydra had penetrated S.H.I.E.L.D. to such an extent that it could be said that there were Hydras in every inch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Really." Coulson echoed, not taking it too seriously.

If you say it, I will believe it, then my agent will be in vain, unless you show evidence.

Hearing Coulson's reluctant tone, Mu Qiu knew that he didn't believe it, so he explained, "Don't believe it, the mages are very busy and don't have time to come to the city to do things, either busy studying or dealing with the enemy. "

"Since there are mages and magic, how can there be no monsters. The screenwriters of film and television all know that mages and monsters are paired."

Mu Qiu's tone was flat, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing, but Coulson had a stomachache.

"Wait, you mean the monsters in the movie are real?!"

Thinking of the large number of film and television works,

With a wide variety of monsters with strange and powerful powers, Coulson was immediately shocked.

Oh my god!

Are you kidding me!

Vampires, werewolves, giant dragons, demons, etc. are good to carry in the film and television, what are you doing in reality!

Only then did he accept the settings of mage and magic, and was ready to report to his own director for a strict investigation and monitoring.

In less than five minutes, you gave me another setting for throwing a monster.

Coulson felt a pain in his head and wanted to knock it.

"Don't worry, the mage has been guarding for hundreds of years, and you haven't seen any demons on the street, so relax."

Mu Qiu's mentality is very stable, as long as Gu Yi is there, it is impossible for monsters from other latitudes to appear in real life.

"Hopefully." Coulson nodded, now he could do nothing but nod.

The news in the past half hour was so explosive that his mind was about to explode.

Now he doesn't know how to report to his director, no matter how he reports, he looks like a delusional lunatic.

And he was skeptical of what Mu Qiu said.

It is certain that the other party has special abilities. As for the existence of mages and monsters, he is skeptical.

Seeing is believing, hearing is false, everything is Mu Qiu's one-sided words, and there is no actual evidence.

"Then, let's stop here today. Thank you very much for your cooperation today. If there is any situation, we will contact you." Coulson ended the conversation.

After talking for half an hour, there is only one piece of information that can be confirmed, that is, the other party has special abilities.

"Yes." Mu Qiu replied nonchalantly, and then made his own request, "You guys can help me buy the house I'm renting now as a reward for today's conversation."

Mu Qiu looked at the three Coulsons who were about to leave, "I came here today to discuss with the landlord about buying a house, and now you are helping me, isn't it too much?!... Of course, I will pay the money. , you don't need to pay."

"Okay, I agree to this matter." Coulson agreed without thinking about a very simple request.

Not to mention the truth or falsehood of what Mu Qiu said, the other party's spatial ability alone was worth winning over.

It's a small request, but it's okay to agree.

And when you buy a house, you always have to live in it! It will be easier to find him in the future.

You must know that for this conversation, they have been monitoring the phone of the other party's landlord for two days.

If it's so troublesome every time, it's worth it!

"Well then, you are busy."

After the goal was achieved, Mu Qiu would naturally stop chatting with Coulson. He closed the space portal that had been maintained, reopened a portal that led directly to the house, stepped in and left first. After he entered, the portal blinked. disappear.

Only a few sparks were left jumping in the air, and after a few seconds, the sparks also disappeared.

Coulson narrowed his eyes, smiled, and waved his subordinates to retreat.

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