Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Chapter 154 Tony: Take the sheep by hand

Frank turned his mind slightly, and said, "Go into the room, I don't want to stand in the stairway and talk to you."

"Okay." Coulson turned slightly to make way.

Frank was carrying a large cloth bag, passed by Coulson expressionlessly, went to the door, put down the bag and took out the key to open the door, then lifted the bag and walked in, followed by Coulson.

The interior decoration is very simple, a set of furniture, a TV, a refrigerator, some exercise equipment, no kitchen supplies, a few compressed biscuits, seven or eight suitcases... wait, what is that! ! !

When his eyes moved to the only open suitcase, Coulson's eyes suddenly stopped.

HK417, MP5, m14EBR... A lot of familiar 'partners' appeared before his eyes.

The corner of Coulson's mouth twitched. Although one can hold a gun with a gun license, not all guns can be owned. There are many guns that are prohibited from sale.

Unfortunately, there are one or two firearms in the suitcase that cannot be circulated in the world.

Coulson immediately withdrew his gaze, and turned to provoking the topic.

"Mr. Frank, are you moving away?"

"No." Frank put down the big cloth bag against the wall, looked at Coulson lightly, his big eyes seemed to say, brother, what are you thinking.

"Then..." Coulson didn't finish his sentence, but his wandering gaze on the suitcase had already expressed his meaning well.

Why are you packing your luggage if you don't move? !

"I was going to move out, but the house hasn't been found yet, so I didn't move out."

Coulson looked like you were teasing me. I really didn’t know that you and my chief used to be comrades-in-arms and had the habit of building a small private base. Now you tell me that you have no place to live. Guess I believe it or not ? !

I definitely believe it!

Coulson smiled all over his face, and his soft voice gave people a sense of spring breeze, "I can help you find a place to live. I don't know what you want?"

For the sake of my boss, it is not impossible to help Frank find a new place to live.

"It's not far from here, it's best to be close to this building." Frank said seriously.

He watched Frank silently for a while, and then responded, "...OK."

"Then I'll move there when you find a good place to live." Frank breathed a sigh of relief.

After eating the food at the Dimension Restaurant, Frank really didn't want to go too far away from here, but SHIELD was going to sell the house, so he couldn't do it openly with SHIELD, mainly because he couldn't win.

He had no choice but to change the solution and ask S.H.I.E.L.D. to help him find a new residence nearby. As for the reason, of course, he was not as efficient as S.H.I.E.L.D. to find a new residence.

Speaking of which, SHIELD bought the buildings around the fast food restaurant, did they also discover the Dimension Restaurant?

There was a flash of thought in Frank's eyes, and he suddenly said, "Colson, what's your favorite food at Boss Mu's?"

"It must be a sundae! It's delicious and..." Before he could say the following "hair growth", Coulson suddenly realized.

What did Frank just say? Boss Mu?

call out! Coulson raised his head abruptly, and his lush black hair jumped.

A pair of big eyes stared at Frank, and Coulson said seriously, "Bitter melon juice noodles."

"Durian rice bowl." Frank said in a deep voice.

Last night, Frank read the menu carefully, and he still remembered such unique dish names.

At this moment, as soon as Coulson said it, he immediately added a sentence.

"One drink tonight." Coulson's eyes were full of meaning,

I didn't expect you to hide so deeply with thick eyebrows and big eyes. I went to restaurants for three meals a day, but I didn't meet you.

"Okay." Frank continued.

He seldom drank alcohol during the day, usually sleeping and exercising, and Coulson went to work during the day, so drinking was easy to cause trouble.

"See you that night." Coulson turned and waved, walked out of the door and walked downstairs along the stairs.

He now needs to help Frank find a new place to live, and let Frank move out as soon as possible, so as to complete Boss Mu's task.

Although he really wanted to delay for a while and play for a few more days, considering that Boss Mu was the one who released the task, not his own marinated eggs, Coulson felt that it was better to be safe and complete the task earlier.


Coastal Cliff House.

In the laboratory, Stark concentrated on observing the silver-white liquid in the tempered glass container on the table.

"Something's wrong!" Tony stroked his stubble, his eyes revealing doubts.

I obviously made it according to Boss Mu's menu. Why is it different?

Tony pulled his right hand freely to the left, and pulled out two holographic projection screens out of thin air. The projection screens were densely recorded with data that would make ordinary people dizzy.

Tony leaned forward, compared the two pairs of data carefully, and found that the nanomaterials he made were much weaker than the nanomaterials on Boss Mu's menu in all aspects.

"What's going on?" Tony scratched his messy hair, a little puzzled.

It was obviously made according to the template, why did it become different?

Could it be that if I copied it myself, I would copy it wrong?

Or maybe I dozed off one day and accidentally misplaced the materials?

Well, it's possible, after all, I'm a genius, Tony, how could I even make mistakes when copying... Ah, bah, I'm talking too fast, what copying, it's a reference, an aboveboard reference.

Didn't you see that Uncle Tony was aboveboard every time he went to 'borrow' the menu? !

It's just that the automatic return effect of the menu is a bit tricky.

Tony is very speechless about this, if there is no automatic return function, he will not have to take the sheep every day.

The most important thing is that on the night of the first time I took the sheep, I got up in the middle of the night to turn on the water, and saw a cold white shadow flying out of the dark room, which scared him and almost leaked the water on the spot.

'forget! forget! Black history must be forgotten! '

Tony shook his head violently, and his gaze refocused on the silvery white 'liquid' in the container.

"Let's go take the lead today, anyway, I have a lot of experience."

Tony stroked his chin, making a decision.

He had to take the template and compare it with the one he made to see if he could find out the reason for the weakening.

Tony turned and left, walked into the bedroom and began to take a shower. Outside of study time, Tony paid great attention to personal hygiene, let alone going to eat.

After taking a shower, Tony came out wearing a towel and called Pepper.

"Pepper, are we going to have dinner together tonight?"

"Okay! Going there?" Pepper laughed.

"Of course it's Boss Mu's place." Tony said as a matter of course.

"No problem." Pepper agreed. She is usually very busy with work and doesn't often go to Boss Mu's place. At this time, when Tony mentioned it, her gluttony was aroused.

"I'll pick you up that night."

"it is good."

Tony hung up the phone, looked down at the reactor on his chest, and frowned slightly.

"It was squeezed again, so I have to find a way."

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