Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Chapter 465 I am already the Lord of the World, yet I still want to go on a blind date?

Powerful projections from various worlds rushed to kill the gods in Hakoniwa, and the battlefield fell into chaos in the blink of an eye.

Roaring beasts, turbulent sea waves, blazing flames, dazzling thunder, deafening noises... all kinds of strange scenes appeared in the air with the shots of various gods, which seemed extraordinarily lively and shocking. .

The gods in the box garden were blocked by Mu Qiu's powerful projection, and none of them reached Mu Qiu.

Watching the battlefield quietly for a while, seeing that none of the Hakoniwa gods broke through the blockade, Mu Qiu slowly closed his eyes, sat cross-legged and meditated.

Seeing Mu Qiu's appearance, the gods in Xiaoting suddenly became angry, and their strength continued to increase...

However, it still failed to break through the defense formed by the projections of powerful people from different worlds.

Bai Yasha, who was hiding in the distance, saw the scene of the battle of the gods, and clicked his tongue, "It's really scary! One person is a group of gods, so I can't help but think of a three-headed dragon."

"Since it's all right, I'll leave him alone and continue watching the gift game." Shiroyasha hid his figure and turned his gaze to the still running world of the 'Ring'.

The eyes of the black rabbit next to him moved back and forth between Shirayasha and Mu Qiu several times, and finally fell on the three of Kasukabe Yao.

Time passed slowly, and the progress of customs clearance in the game world was steadily increasing. The number of the strategy team centered on the three members of Reversed Sixteen Nights has exceeded 50, and its members are all well-known experts in the Eastern Community.

During the raid, the wonderful performances of the three members of Reverse Izayoi received great attention from other community members, making No Name's reputation re-introduced to the ears of the Eastern District community. The character who appeared in the story had already guessed which community he was in, and he even knew what level of community he was in before he lost his name.

With these three, No Name might be able to...

Some people looked at the three of Naihui Izayoi, their thoughts were racing, and they finally shook their heads.

With only three people, it is too difficult...

Concentrating their thoughts, everyone turned their attention to the prosperous city in front of them.

Instead of thinking about the future, it is better to focus on the present. If you cannot pass the current hurdle, then there is no future.

In the outside world, the battle of the gods is also extremely fierce, the gods are like rain, and the blood of the gods... there is no blood of the gods.

The power of elements such as flames and thunder and other terrifying energies appeared on the stage, and the mere divine blood... how could it survive.

Fortunately, the surrounding area has been infected by the laws of the world released by Mu Qiu, and the killed gods did not die but turned into ghosts.

It can be revived after paying some price later.

Of course, it is impossible for Mu Qiu to pay those prices. If you want to ask Mu Qiu to do it yourself, you have to provide various high-end ingredients as the price.

Time continues to flow like a river, and it is a week in the blink of an eye.

For nearly two weeks, when the death and injury of the gods in the outside world exceeded 60%, Nihui Izayo and others completely cleared the gift game, and those who died in the game and turned into ghosts all recovered to flesh and blood.

The game world then dissipated, and everyone returned to Hakoniwa City.

Some fell into the battle of the gods,

Staring blankly at the broken world, and the few surviving gods have no intention of explaining.

And Mu Qiu, the instigator, has completely mastered his own abilities, following the traces of the aura contaminated on his body, tracing the worlds he has stayed in in the past.

One after another, one after another, and finally find the world in which they first lived, an ordinary world.

"go home."

Following the track, Mu Qiu passed through worlds and finally entered the familiar world.

Meng Xia, the sun is shining at noon, and the temperature has warmed up.

There are already young ladies in cool clothes in the street, with their legs and waist exposed, showing their beautiful figures.

In the driveway, even small cities with third and fourth tiers are full of traffic.

Under the shade of the street trees, Mu Qiu looked at the unfamiliar street, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

He raised his hand to stop a taxi, and said a familiar and unfamiliar address.

After more than ten minutes, Mu Qiu entered the rented room he had traveled before. The furnishings and personal items in the room were still there. It should not be long since he traveled.

Start the computer, check the specific date, and then recall the date you traveled through, simple subtraction.

"...five days."

Mu Qiu murmured in a low voice, revealing unspeakable joy in the whisper.

What worries him the most is that when he returns home, the world has changed and things have changed.

But at this time, his worries had all dissipated, and a touch of joy lingered in his heart.

"Let's go home first."

Although only five days have passed in his hometown, he has been wandering outside for far more than five days. How long he has been wandering, he has been unable to figure out how long he has been wandering because of his disordered work and rest.

The spiritual sense locks on the house of his hometown, moves in space, and arrives at the door of the house in the blink of an eye.

Hold the doorknob and twist it, you can open it without a key, push the door and enter, your nostalgic gaze sweeps across the house one by one, and there is no one there.

Calculate the time, it is noon, and parents may go home later.

"Let's make some meals in the advanced kitchen."

Go into the kitchen, wash the Lingmi, pour it into the rice cooker, add an appropriate amount of Lingquan, and cook.

Spiritual thoughts sink into the storage space. The ingredients are too advanced for ordinary people to eat. Let's choose some nourishing ingredients that ordinary people can eat.

The spirit fruit is cut into pieces to make a fruit platter, and then stir-fry a vegetable dish, a meat dish, stewed soup with ginseng and crane.


After deciding on the menu, Mu Qiu started immediately, and the rich aroma filled the kitchen.

About twelve minutes later, the sound of the door lock turning sounded, and a man and a woman entered the house.

As soon as Mu's mother saw Mu Qiu, she said, "...Why don't you say anything when you come back. If I knew you were coming back, I would have bought more food."

Mu Qiu smiled warmly, "I bought it, let's eat."

Papa Mu walked into the dining room, saw the dishes on the table, and said with a smile, "Son, you made this? When did you learn to cook?"

"If you live alone, you must master some cooking skills." Mu Qiusheng prepared three bowls of rice.

Mu's father and Mu's mother took over the job, and Mu's mother said, "Being able to cook is a plus. Have you found a girlfriend yet?"

The topic changed suddenly, "Your second aunt just said a few days ago that she could introduce you to her. If you don't have a girlfriend, I'll contact you. You can meet me another day..."

I have become the master of the world, but you asked me to go on a blind date?

"It's rare for me to go home once, and you're urging the marriage too!" Mu Qiu was speechless.

"Don't change the subject, say, have you found a girlfriend?" Mu's mother asked seriously.

"I found it, I found it." Mu Qiu said helplessly.

"Well, find time to bring it back and have a look, don't delay too long." Mu's mother said, "If your girlfriend is busy with work and has no time, ask her to make a video call with me."

The corner of Mu Qiu's mouth twitched, there was no way out.

Fast forward to late at night, Mu's father and Mu's mother were already asleep, and Mu Qiu ran into the Dimensional restaurant.

"Do me a favor, someone pretend to be my girlfriend."

"Me." *N

(End of the book)

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