Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Chapter 70 Conversation with Neptune

"Hello, I didn't disturb you, did I?"

Mu Qiu teleported into the hard-shell tower and stood behind Neptune, reaching out to greet him.

"Who are you?!"

Neptune, who was chatting with his daughter, froze for a moment, turned around abruptly, and assumed the attacking hand gesture of fishman karate.

The hard-shell tower is completely sealed, and the only giant entrance door has not been opened. Where did the person in front of him come in?

Is it a devil fruit power user?

Neptune's unshaven face suddenly changed. A person with the ability to enter the hard shell tower at will is a great threat to Bai Xing and needs to be eliminated.

"Murloc Karate Three thousand watts..." In the brain tween, Nepton was about to start.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited." Mu Qiu waved his hands to stop Nipton's movements.

Although he is only a clone, his strength is far superior to Nepton. He is afraid that he will accidentally shoot Nepton to death in a fight.

"I have come to discuss business with you, King Neptune."

"Talking about business?" Nipton frowned fiercely. To be honest, because the relationship between murlocs and humans was tense, there was no business relationship between the two.

And because of the slave team, the fish people are also reluctant to trade with humans for fear of being captured.

"Yes, let's talk about business." Seeing Neptune's unfazed expression, Mu Qiu continued to explain, "And it is a business that is beneficial to Fishman Island. I am willing to help the fishmen to live on land and provide protection, but the fishmen need to help me Fishing and farming of fish and sea animals.”

"..." Nipton glanced at Mu Qiu with a strange expression, then refused.

"Why? The murlocs with innate abilities are masters in fishing, farming fish and sea beasts. This should be easy for you. Why don't you agree?"

Mu Qiu was surprised and did not understand.

"Because I don't trust you." Nepton shook his head and gave a very realistic reason.

"Oh, you said it earlier!" Mu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, he thought it was the reason, it turned out to be this!

Simple! ╭(′▽`)╯

A stream of light fell into Neptune's forehead like a flying swallow returning to its nest...

In the next second, Neptune's attitude changed drastically.

Putting away his attacking posture, he respectfully gave a knight salute, "Hello, Boss Mu, the business just now, our Fishman Island should be done."

"Ah? Father?" Bai Xing, who had been hiding under the covers since Mu Qiu spoke, heard Neptune's words, his face froze.

"Very good, I hope we can cooperate happily, King Neptune." Mu Qiu held out his hand.

"I hope so." Nipton reached out and grabbed Mu Qiu's entire arm.

"..." Mu Qiu fell silent as she looked at Nepton's fingers that were thicker than his own arm.

Why are you shaking hands?

Pick me up, shake it?

Thinking of that scene, Mu Qiu shuddered, goosebumps all over the floor, and quickly pulled out her hand to bring up the topic.

"Speak the business, first talk about the business."

"Okay." Nipton retracted his hand, stood up straight again, stared at Mu Qiu for a while, then bent down again, and under Mu Qiu's "what are you doing" staring at him, he picked him up and put it on the bedside table, Then Nipton curled his tail and sat on the floor in front of the bedside table, his eyes level with Mu Qiu.

"It's convenient for conversation." Nipton said with a 'hohoho' smile.


Mu Qiu glanced at the smiling Neptune and the white star who was hiding under the covers with only a small face, secretly looking at him, thinking.

Who told you to grow tall and big!

I just don't want to raise my head to talk, so I forgive you for holding me casually!

Mu Qiu sat down cross-legged and looked at Neptune, "Continuing what I said before, about leading the murlocs to land."

"Hmm!" Nepton and Shirahoshi had the same expressions, and nodded at the same time.

Going to live on land is the common wish of many generations on Fishman Island.

"I discussed it with someone on the way here. He said that if the plan is implemented, it will be obstructed by some people in the Fishman Island." Mu Qiu relayed Dan's words.

"Alas!" Neptune sighed, "It's exactly what you said."

It was caused by the current circumstances, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Without comforting the sad Neptune, Mu Qiu said his proposal, "So, we have to deal with this issue, I need you to treat the murlocs who are willing to go to land and don't have much hatred for humans, and those who have great hatred for humans. And the murlocs who are unwilling to cooperate are separated."

"What do you want to do?" Neptune's expression changed, thinking of many bad things, such as killing non-cooperators, enslaving non-cooperators...

"Don't do anything." Mu Qiu's expression was indifferent, like an aloof god, "Take those who are willing to leave to the land, and those who are unwilling to leave, let him stay on Fishman Island to fend for themselves."

"Phew~~~, alright." Nipton breathed a sigh of relief and said easily, "I'll do it for you right away."

When the words were over, Nepton was about to get up and leave. Halfway up, Nepton sat back and grabbed Muqiu.

"Hehe, what are you doing!" Mu Qiu dodged Nepton's claws, looking at his shaggy face with dissatisfaction.

"You're a man, it's not appropriate to stay in my daughter's boudoir." Nepton continued to stretch his claws.

"Father, I don't mind." Bai Xing quietly raised his head and whispered, "I want to chat with Boss Mu."

Nipton's claws stiffened, and the expression of Mu Qiu, who was dodging, also stiffened. He looked at Bai Xing and said seriously, "My name is Mu Qiu, not Boss Mu."

Don't think my name is Boss Mu just because Nepton called me 'Boss Mu' before!

"Ah! I'm sorry, Lord Muqiu." Bai Xing quickly apologized.

Seeing Bai Xing's nervous little expression, what else could Mu Qiu say? Forgive her.

"It's alright, I don't care." Mu Qiu waved his hand and made an expression of indifference.

"Thank you." Bai Xing suddenly smiled and said sweetly in a cute tone, "Has Mr. Muqiu been to many places?"

"A lot." Mu Qiu showed a look of recollection. He had been to four worlds.

"Then can you tell me about the places you've been to?" Shirahoshi asked expectantly with his big shining eyes.

"Okay." It's just a story, and it's not the first time.

Besides, when Neptune was working, he always had to find something to pass the time.

It seems very good to chat with the big ~ mermaid princess.

And the old father Nipton, who was hanging aside, squatted in the corner desolately, like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

He lowered his head, pursed his mouth, stretched out his fingers and drew circles on the ground, tears the size of the basin fell down, his tone was desolate.

"White Star……"

After a brief pause, Nipton didn't hear Bai Xing's comforting words, he secretly glanced over there, and saw that Bai Xing and Mu Qiu were chatting happily, and he didn't care about him at all, and he was even more sad.

The circled fingers directly poked a hole in the ground, and left the hard-shell tower with a desolate expression.

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