Dimensional Ship Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 1116: diffusion

Maybe his strength is not enough to deal with these monsters, but there are so many people out there, and those people can always deal with these monsters. He is not afraid that these monsters will keep chasing him.

Forget it in this world now. As long as he can reach the outside world, there are many ways for him to escape. After all, who doesn't have any means to save his life.

Thinking of this, he flees harder, but desperately running, he did not notice that a space in front of him was distorted.

As the exit got closer and closer, the man became more and more excited, and a trace of joy appeared on his face, but in the next second, the trace of joy solidified, because there was a nonchalant in front of him. Face doll.

This faceless puppet appeared so suddenly that he ran into it without reacting at all. Although the protective measures were temporarily activated, it was still a step late.

The faceless doll's hand penetrated his body. Although the faceless doll was also knocked out by him, it was not completely destroyed after all. Not only that, but also a large number of faceless people appeared around him. Oh, this made a look of despair appear on the man's face.

The huge wound made him almost lose all of his consciousness, and he had already used a lot of strength to stand here now.

It's just that it's useless to persist at this time. The Faceless Doll won't wait for anything, just rushed towards him, and then tore him to pieces.

After the complete death of this man, the appearance of a faceless doll changed and gradually changed to the appearance of the man who had just died, while the other faceless dolls that had lost their goals froze in place.

After a long time, the faceless puppet whose appearance has changed steadily pulls down. It casts its eyes on a space not far away, and flies over after a short hesitation.

Although there is a lot of delicious breath in the distance, it also exudes the breath it likes, and compared to the breath in the distance, the breath here is closer, so he chose to go here.

Its choice has always been the most recent as the best solution, so it went in that direction, and as it moved, the faceless doll that was going to go back also stopped, followed it, and then passed through. Space barriers.


After the commanders started to take action, Xinghai's pressure was much less, and now the appearance of Rafite even robbed him of his job of finding the space node.

Of course, this does not mean that he has no job. There are so many faceless puppets, and they can find something. At this moment, Bai suddenly appeared by his side.

"A large number of faceless figures have passed through the barriers of the world."

Bai's words made Xinghai stunned, but soon he reacted. Bai said that the faceless dolls passed through the barriers of the world, which proves that the faceless dolls have left the world, but it is a pity that this is not the case. Good news.

Although in terms of setting, it is not impossible for the faceless doll to leave this world. Because although the ship is the first choice for the faceless doll, it is not the only choice. If there is a greater amount of energy in a certain place, then they will go to that place first.

Of course, as to whether it can absorb the person with huge power is another matter, after all, the strength of the Faceless Doll is not very good.

It’s just that once the faceless puppet leaves this world, it proves that the faceless puppet has completely lost control. Maybe the faceless puppet will suffer a devastating blow because it provokes a certain existence, maybe the faceless puppet Fortunately, I survived, and then continue to grow myself.

The red mist is a seal that seals all these faceless dolls. Now that the seal is destroyed, the faceless dolls naturally appear.

However, compared to Jianniang, the biggest disadvantage of faceless dolls is that they are limited. To be precise, the number of parent bodies is limited. Although the parent body can make unlimited faceless dolls, there is no parent body. Ways to make the matrix.

This was also a restriction that was arranged at the time. After all, what they wanted was a combat weapon, and once this weapon could not be controlled, it would only kill themselves. They were not so stupid, so there were all kinds of restrictions. Quite a lot, now it depends on how many of these restrictions can take effect.

The faceless puppet is not terrible. The frightening thing is that the faceless puppet will constantly devour power. Although in theory, no matter how the faceless puppet swallows, it cannot exceed the ninth level, but nothing is absolute.

There has always been a faint sense of anxiety in his heart, especially after hearing the news of Bai, this sense of anxiety in his heart has become stronger.

It's just that no matter how uneasy he is, he can't abandon what is in front of him to deal with other things. After all, he hasn't dealt with the things in front of him properly, so how can he have the mind to deal with things in other places?

I just hope that the result will not be too bad.


The faceless doll with its appearance crossed the barriers of the world and came to the outside world. The moment it appeared, many eyes were caught, and some people flew towards the faceless doll.

The existence absorbed by the Faceless Puppet brought his subordinates to this place, but he didn't bring his subordinates when he went in before. Now his subordinates saw that he should come out, and naturally they would go up to protect him. .

It's just that his subordinates hadn't reacted yet, and the Faceless Puppet took the lead.

It rushed towards a person, then grabbed him with one hand, and sucked the person into a corpse at a very fast speed. The scene that happened suddenly changed the expressions of these subordinates. They wanted to escape, but nothing happened. The face doll was faster and attacked a subordinate again.

All of this suddenly happened so that the people here did not react. Just when they did not react, a large number of faceless puppets suddenly appeared and then began to attack the people around them. This made these people shocked and started subconsciously. After attacking, they soon discovered that these faceless thermocouples were nothing special except for their thick skin, so they were relieved until several people were absorbed by the faceless dolls.

By this time, these talents suddenly changed their faces.

Of course, those who have changed their complexions are those who are less powerful. As for those who are more powerful, they are hiding in the dark and observing all this.

They had discovered the true strength of these faceless puppets a long time ago, so they didn't worry about it at all, and they were even interested in studying the mechanism of these faceless puppets.

But when Wu Fai absorbed more and more people and became stronger and stronger, their expressions changed. Only at this time, the situation was out of control.

These hidden existences must not start to clear these puppets without leaving the field.

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