Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 408: Rem's mind

Xinghai turned his head in surprise and saw Rem hugging him.

"Rem, why are you here?"

Hearing Xinghai's words, Rem didn't look up, but said in a tone that couldn't hear the emotions: "It's not my sister, the master seems very disappointed?"

Xinghai was stunned by Rem’s name, because he hadn’t heard Rem use it for a long time. It was different from Shitono and Ram who occasionally used other titles. Since Rem became a maid, she The name Xinghai became all the older brother, and the other names Xinghai have never been heard.

Xinghai was a little surprised to hear this name today, which made him unable to figure out Rem's intention for a while.

Rem, who hadn’t heard Xinghai’s reply, thought Xinghai had acquiesced, so she couldn’t help holding Xinghai tighter, and Xinghai, who felt Rem’s strength suddenly increased, also reflected it and explained.

"No, I'm just a little surprised why Rem did such a thing, which is a bit inconsistent..."

"Doesn't fit my character?"

Before Xinghai finished speaking, Rem interrupted her. She raised her head and looked at Xinghai with a complicated look.

"Master, do you really know Rem? You don't even know what Rem wants." Saying this, Rem seemed to laugh at himself.

"As far as the master is concerned, she should be more familiar with Shitono and her sister, so familiar that they understand every inch of their skin very clearly."

I don’t know what, Xinghai suddenly felt a chill when he heard Rem say this, which made him subconsciously look at Rem and want to refute

"No, I didn't..."

"Master still want to quibble!"

Rem's voice suddenly became louder, and she stared at Xinghai, in an unspeakable sad tone.

"Rem has seen the master and sisters doing something like that more than once. Although the master thinks he can cover it up very well, the taste cannot be concealed. Rem has smelled it on his sisters more than once. It smells."

As soon as Rem's words came out, Xinghai suddenly thought that there seemed to be a few times when he and Shitonohuan were hit by Rem after they fell in love. At that time, Rem didn't show any strange expressions or said anything. Xinghai thought Rem didn't know, after all, Rem didn't seem to know much about such things.

But now it seems that everything is not as simple as Xinghai imagined, and Rem is not as naive as he saw it.

At this time, Rem was still talking

"Obviously I was with the master first, but why even my sister... ran to the front of Rem, obviously Rem has worked so hard, whether it is cultivation or a maid, Rem has done his best. But why does the master always refuse to look at Rem? Rem clearly can do what the sisters can do!"

Speaking of this, Rem, who had not shed tears in these years, finally seemed to collapse. Tears could not stop appearing from the corners of her eyes, dripping down her cheeks on Xinghai, and then plunged into the bath.

Xinghai was silent as he listened to Rem's cry.

For a long time, because Rem’s performance is very good, Xinghai also feels more at ease with Rem, and he has relatively less attention. More of him, he still puts his mind on Shitono and Ram to make him worry. Above the girl.

But now it seems that it is precisely because of this behavior that Rem has a great dissatisfaction in her heart, which makes her feel that Xinghai is biased against her, so she will not take care of her so much, so this scene will happen. .

At this time, Xinghai didn’t know what to say, because he did those things, and he did ignore Rem’s feelings, so it’s better to let Rem vent at this time, if he immediately refutes it. Most likely it will only be a more violent rebound from Rem.

After a long time, Rem's cry finally lowered, Xinghai silently turned her head, and then whispered

"Sorry, I was wrong before, now I won't do that again."

Xinghai's words made Rem's eyes wide open. She didn't expect the master to apologize to her so easily. Originally, she thought that if the master quibbles, then she will show that she can do those things too. In other ways, she wanted to tell the master that she was no worse than her sisters, and she could do what they could do.

And all these actions are because she also wants the master’s love. Every time she sees the master interacting with her sisters, she feels very uncomfortable because the master never does anything like that with her, which makes her feel bad. The mind is very unbalanced.

Sometimes she even thinks, if there is no sister, would her brother love herself?

And every time she thinks of such things, she feels full of guilt in her heart, but she can't help thinking about those things, so every time she does this, she will take care of Ram even more, hoping to redeem herself Of sin.

But now, the master actually said that he was wrong, so in the future, his brother would want to get along with her like when he was with his sister? Thinking of this, Rem couldn't help but feel a sense of sweetness.

And Xinghai also felt a little emotional in his heart, unknowingly, did he already occupy such a heavy weight in their hearts? This is really a thing that makes people feel happy and headache.


Suddenly, Rem's voice brought Xinghai's mind back to reality, and then he looked at Rem.

At this time, Rem seemed to have been soaking in the water for a long time, his face was flushed abnormally, and his eyes were a little erratic, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Just when Xinghai wanted to say that they had been soaking for too long and could leave, Rem suddenly raised his head and said

"Even though the master said something like that, Rem really wants to prove that Rem can do something like that."

After talking about Rem, he dived into the water.

Xinghai was still a little puzzled when he heard Rem’s words, but when he saw Rem’s actions, he suddenly guessed what Rem wanted to do, because it was after Ram suddenly said something in this place. Then he did something like that, and now Rem is probably doing that thing too.

But before he had time to stop it, a soft feeling came from below, making him stunned.

At the corner of the bathroom, Ram, who watched this scene, smiled and left this place. Leave it to them for the rest of the time.

Ram didn't have any dislike for his sister's behavior. After getting along for so long, she knew exactly what kind of person Xinghai was, so it would be a good choice to let Rem follow him. As for her... ..

Should there be more pursuits for ghosts who are living with the help of others?

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