Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 433: Ceremony preparation

After confirming Ram's decision, Xinghai began to prepare for the ceremony.

The treatment that appeared in his mind was to reshape a body for Ram, and in this way to make up for her defects.

This method has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it can immediately let people have the most complete body. The disadvantage is that the risk is relatively high without the aid of any equipment, and it is not suitable for advanced life.

Because the cost of shaping a body for a high-level life will be correspondingly greater. The more advanced a life is, the more precious the materials needed to shape a new body for him, and the larger the scale of the ceremony.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to gather those materials, and there is a risk of being disturbed during the ceremony, so if there is no absolute certainty, most people will not use this ritual.

This kind of ritual usually occurs under the gods' rewards. If a worthy servant of the gods dies and the soul is preserved intact, then the gods will take the initiative to shape his body.

And those so-called costs and dangers are not worth mentioning in the hands of the gods.

For some reason, Xinghai had also studied this kind of ritual, and he even held this kind of ritual on behalf of the Seagod several times. After all, the Seagod is really very willful, and his personality is really perfect in line with the moody characteristics of the sea.

Of course, Xinghai definitely can't use the one commonly used by gods now, after all, he doesn't have divine power now, so he uses the version that he can use now after being modified in the gods ceremony.

In fact, he also had this ritual circle in his memory, but Xinghai didn't use it because of the inexplicable anxiety in his heart. Instead, he chose to remake the ritual circle.

Although his actions may have been deliberately guided now, he did not feel at ease using his own when he used other people's things.

Because of the anxiety in his heart, Xinghai also prepared many auxiliary magic circles and inscriptions. In case of any accident in the middle, he can also save Ram's soul, and then find a way to shape her body.

As long as Ram's soul is still there, there are still many methods Xinghai can use, and he won't be desperate.

The preparation work lasted for about a week.

This is the most complicated magic circle that Xinghai has arranged after coming to this world. Any magic circle user will probably be amazed after seeing this magic circle.

It can be said that Xinghai has done his best for this magic circle. Every pattern and inscription are portrayed by Xinghai in the best condition, and after many inspections, it is determined that there will be no problems.

Moreover, in order to prevent people from disturbing, Xinghai set up the magic circle not far from the original sealing circle, and set up a large number of isolation magic circle around, trying his best to avoid accidents.

Every time he saw these things, Xinghai felt that he had been overly careful, but this thought was quickly thrown out of his mind. This was for Ram, no matter how careful he was.

He didn't want to become a crying existence holding his beloved person, as Ram said, because he had done enough things like this, and he absolutely, absolutely didn't want to do it again.


"Is this the way you said?"

Ram looked at the giant circle in front of him, his eyes moved slightly.

She could feel the Mana fluctuations emerging from this magic circle. Once this thing is activated, the scene must be very spectacular, but she herself may not see it.

"Why, are you afraid? There is still a chance to go back now." At this moment, Xinghai suddenly walked behind Ram.

"Do not"

Ram shook his head, and then said: "You should have worked on this thing for a long time. Although I don't understand this, I can still see some things. Besides, do I have a choice now? "

Seeing such a Ram, Xinghai sighed, and then said: "If this is the case, then you should stand in the center of the circle first, and leave the rest to me."


Ram nodded, then walked to the center of the circle.

Seeing Ram walking past, Xinghai exhaled, calmed his mood, adjusted his state, and the next thing, it is best not to make any mistakes.


In the Rozval mansion.

Rem looked at the note on the table, his eyes a little confused, he didn't know what he was thinking, and after a long time, Rem put down the note in his hand.

"Sure enough, should Rem give up actively?" Rem murmured.

She has obviously brought her relationship with the master one step closer, but her sister is still faster than her. Now the relationship between her sister and the master is not at this level anymore, and if she wants to enter that level with the master It may take a lot of time, but...

Is she really still fighting with her sister?

Although she did something like that because she was not reconciled before, there was only one master, and how could she not see the thoughts of sister Shishino and her sister.

However, in relative terms, the master seems to be better to Shitono's sister, and the relationship between the master and Shitono is also closer, while the sister is even worse.

But even if she is a little worse than Shitono's sister, the relationship with her master is still better than her own, at least she thinks so.

But obviously she met the master first. Sister Mingming hated the master before, but since when did she become like this.

One more thing, is she going to be a thief again? Rem once stole one of her sister's horns, is she going to steal her sister's lover now?

Although the master is also a very important person to her, she still needs a master even more.

Of course, it’s not that she never thought about being with her sister, but after some thinking, she still gave up such an idea, because the attitude of the master towards them is different, so the opinions should be different, so even if she really With my sister, when the master treats them differently, can I still maintain my current mind?

Rem was not sure, nor sure.

If it was someone else, Rem would definitely want to fight for it, but that person was her sister, who she had always apologized and felt guilty about, and this made her hard-to-fight spirit disappear.

But who knows the pain of giving up actively? The time they spend together will be very long, so when I see them again, how should I react?

I don't know, I don't understand.

Rem's body shook, and then she let her body fall on the bed.

She grabbed the quilt on the side, and then clearly smelled the scent of love between the master and sister, which made her heart more uncomfortable, as uncomfortable as a knife.

After a long time, she whispered


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