Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 445: Poseidon Church Site

The old marshal didn’t actually prepare this thing to have any effect at the beginning. Although he worshipped the Seagod all the year round, he had never seen any miracle cast by the Seagod. In theory, the gods would only change his luck at the right time, so He would have the same idea.

But now the Seagod actually echoed him, which made him a little bit astonished and a little surprised. Naturally, there was no need to say anything about the astonishment, but the surprise was that he had never expected that the Seagod would actually perform miracles.

Once he was used as a joke by others because of his worship of the Seagod, but now he sees how they can laugh.

After learning that this thing was useful, the old marshal immediately began to take action. He ordered the navy under his hand to test these badges, and the laboratory he owned was not in terms of scale or the number and quality of experimental equipment. It's okay, so he got far more information about the badge than Beijiang knew.

After that, he immediately wrote an article and published it. In this article, he first guaranteed the role of the badge with his own reputation, and then gave all the credit to Beijiang.

Although casual preaching does not seem to conform to the rules of the Azur Lane, it is now time, who cares about it, and he has read the doctrine of Poseidonism. It is very common, there is nothing special, and it will not cause people of faith. What special influence and hint.

Moreover, this Poseidon badge is also effective for Crimson. Although there may be people who deliberately spread rumors and cause trouble, he believes that under the general trend, those who spread rumors and trouble will eventually be suppressed.

The person who discovered the Poseidon emblem came from their country, and this feat cannot be concealed.

In this way, with the publication of his article, more and more people turned their attention to how to inspire badges, and some people did succeed. However, most of the successes this time were not the commander, but the ship. mother.

Because it was mentioned in the old marshal’s article that compared to Shige Sakura’s ship maidens, it is easier to inspire the Poseidon emblem, because they are almost all countries’ ship maidens who still believe in gods, so they are also easier. Accept the birth of a new **** and believe in it.

However, due to various historical reasons, the ship mothers of other countries are relatively more unacceptable to the gods. Of course, if it is young children, it is easier to believe than those older children, because They have the kind of innocence that belongs exclusively to young children.

However, Shigeo has the most young children, which makes many people have the illusion that this badge is specially prepared for Shigeo's camp.

Of course, the actual situation is definitely not like this. Xinghai didn't have any tendency at the beginning, but the structure of the ship in this world is like this. This can only be said to be a coincidence.

However, it’s not to say that the commander of the Hyundai Sakura camp has a great advantage, because the ship girls are built randomly. Even if you are a commander of the Sakura camp, you may not have a heavy ship because of luck. Sakura camp's ship mother, so how many Sakura camp's ship mothers can only depend on luck.

Moreover, the birth of faith does not happen overnight. Even the ship mothers of the Shigeo camp want to convert to the gods. It takes time and can't be rushed.

But at least everyone was at a loss from the beginning. They could only watch their own ship mother go to death until now there was a glimmer of hope. This also made them very grateful to Beijiang.

But as time goes by, Beijiang has fewer and fewer Poseidon badges. Although he had taken a lot from Xinghai, it is still too few compared to the commander of the entire Azur Lane, let alone privately. There are still a lot of people from the red center axis contacting him, and the badge in his hand has already bottomed out.

However, at this time, a person contacted Beijiang and brought him a large number of badges. At the same time, he also made a request, that is, to announce the location of the Poseidon Church to the world.

After Bei Jiang hesitated for a while, he agreed, because according to this person, they just wanted to tell the world the location of the Poseidon Sect, and those commanders could also go directly to church the Poseidon emblem.

Moreover, the Poseidon badge is distributed free of charge, so that it will not make the Poseidon badge a scarce item, and it will also allow all commanders to use the Shanghai God badge, so that the glory of Poseidon will cover the entire sea.

These things were all Beijiang had communicated with Xinghai at the beginning, so he also knew Xinghai's purpose for doing this, and he still respected this behavior in his heart.

Because as long as more and more people can use the badge, their counterattack against Crimson will become stronger and stronger, so that they can complete their obsession.

So just like that, everyone knew the location of the Poseidon Church, that was the notorious place of pirates.

It’s just that everyone didn’t believe it when they said the position at the beginning, but when these people who claimed to be Poseidon cult priests brought some commanders there and let them come back safely, slowly more people went there. There.

And all the people who came back from there had only one sentence, and that was-miracles.

But when other people asked them to describe it, everyone laughed and didn't say anything, and asked them to go and see for themselves, because that place cannot be described in words, so it attracts more outsiders.

Of course, some people suspect that they were brainwashed, and everyone who went to that place would be brainwashed, so they couldn't say anything.

However, with the outflow of some pictures related to Poseidon Sect, these people really knew the appearance of Poseidon Sect.

It is a place that cannot be described in words. From the outside, it is a port area with a lot of religious colors, but if you look closely, you will find that the entire island on which this religious area is located is completely polished. Yes, every place has a strong sacred color, this is not a building community that can be formed in a short time.

They can feel the sense of holiness even through a photo.

Those who know a little bit of inside information are even more shocked, because from a certain time, they have lost contact with all the pirates there, and the personnel they sent in will disappear inexplicably, which makes them feel very strange. .

Now the puzzle is solved, but it makes them feel weird.

Unless they have received it so many years before and what they have seen is always fake, it is absolutely impossible for them to know that there is such a large building complex, not to mention the pirates in it, and the chess pieces they sent in the past. Gone, those people seem to have evaporated.

Of course, there are some people who have seen their former subordinates in the clergy, but those people are like a different person. Not only do they not know them, but their personalities are also different from what they understand. It feels like Another person in this skin.

But no matter what they think, it has nothing to do with other commanders. Since it is really the Poseidon church site, why not pay a visit?

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