Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 451: Ram and Book

Xinghai looked at Ram, and suddenly thought of Rafi.

Because Lahm's current situation is the same as that of Lafite, some changes suddenly took place one day, and then these changes led to some changes in Lafite's personality.

And Rafi has been planning something ever since. It seems that Rafi knows some secrets he doesn't know, and Rahm is the same now.

The feeling that everyone around him knows but he doesn't know anything is really uncomfortable.

Long Xinghai, who was a little confused, took a breath, suppressed the irritable thoughts in his heart, and then said to Ram: "Okay, it just happened that you are here. Why don't you take Meili to wash it? Convenience."

Ram looked at Xinghai and seemed to see that Xinghai was in a very bad mood now, so Ram did not continue to target Xinghai, but bowed respectfully.

"Okay, my brother."

After saying this, Ram crossed the Xinghai, walked over and hugged Meili.

Now Ram has regained her original talent after changing her body, but she still needs to practice again, because this is a new body, and everything needs to be done from scratch, even if this body is made based on Ram’s genes. of.

However, Ram's physical fitness has been greatly improved, so that Ram's strength is much greater than before, and even stronger than the average adult man.

But even so, Ram still likes to be lazy, it seems that this has become her habit.

But if you want to say it, there is no need for Ram in the mansion, and now most of the work is done by Shitono and Rem, so Ram will naturally be idle.

In many cases, it’s not that Ram doesn’t want to do it, but Rem and Shitono don’t let Ram do it. Although Ram doesn’t like to be treated like this, and she also knows that those two people are only worried about herself, so she usually does I wouldn't say anything, because she really might not be able to do better than Rem and Shitono.

However, she would refuse Rem and Shishinono and let herself do some small things, and she couldn't refute it, because she was just a little weak and not abolished.

Of course, most of the time Ram was very idle, but now it is different. She now has a complete body, but because of the reason that she has no cultivation base, she has now started to practice again.

However, she didn’t seem to tell Rem about this, and she didn’t know why. Perhaps Ram had her own ideas, and for this reason, Xinghai also did not tell Rem the matter, probably because Ram wanted to give Rem something. Surprise.

Xinghai looked at Ram holding Meili's back, thinking like this in his heart.


Ram came to the bathhouse with Meili. Except for cleaning, the bathhouse at Rozval House was filled with water most of the time, and because the water was flowing, there was no need to worry about the water becoming dirty. It's the convenience of the nobility, anyway, the average family certainly doesn't need such a thing.

Ram carefully cleaned Meili's body, then she looked at Meili, was silent for a long time, and sighed helplessly.

And Mei Li is like a puppet, without any reaction to the outside world, and she doesn't know if it is because what Xinghai just said is too esoteric or because of the contract.

But these are not important anymore. If it's just an ordinary girl, it's fine, but now that she is, Ram sighed again thinking about her identity.

"This time...is there really a chance to change everything..." Ram murmured.


After returning Meili to his room, Ram went back to his room and closed the door.

After hesitating, she thought, a book appeared in her hand, she turned to the last page with words, and saw that there was already a name written on it—Merry Portert.

Seeing this, there was a smile at the corner of Ram's mouth. That guy, do you have to grab this kind of thing with me, but this time you can only write a name, no matter how fast you are, I will eventually ask for other things write.

Ram seemed to have thought of something pleasant, with a smile on his face.

Ram's fingers danced, a pen appeared in her hand, and then she began to write something on this page of the book, and no matter what Ram wrote on it, the words would eventually disappear Without a trace.

But Ram didn't seem to care about it, she just wrote something seriously in this book.

Speaking of it, I want to thank her. If it weren't for her this time, things would have become very troublesome, but I still don't want to owe her favor.

Since the end of that day, some memories gradually appeared in her mind, and those memories were so terrifying and terrifying that she couldn't believe it.

In the end, that person contacted and communicated with herself, and Ram also knew what would happen if she didn't know what would happen if it weren't for her, maybe she would have become an unknown spare body long ago.

Although there seems to be a way to relieve it, it also requires a huge price, and even a part of her soul will be lost.

Soul loss is not a trivial matter. The lost part of the soul not only cut off her ascending potential, but even lost her fertility forever in her memory. This is the influence of the soul, no matter how she changes her body, It is almost impossible to fix this problem.

There are some other consequences she doesn't remember clearly, but it's not a good thing anyway.

It is for these reasons that Ram is still very grateful to her, although she doesn't like her very much.

As for why she believes in the memory that appeared in her mind so much, she is not quite clear, and since the woman has also appeared, and everything that happened, although it is a little different from the previous memory, it has largely remained unchanged. And there is this book.

Ram put away his pen, then looked at the book in front of him, flipped forward for a long time, and then saw his name.

In the whole book, her name is at the top of the list, but it's still a few behind that woman.

This made her a little unconvinced, but soon this emotion disappeared again.

The current situation is not the time for her to think about these things, she has more important things, because that woman is working hard for it, and she can't fall behind too much.

Ram closed the book thinking this way, and then threw the book into the air. The book disappeared the moment it got out of Ram's palm.

After doing all this, Ram walked to the bed and looked at the full moon outside the window.

It's really calm now, but this calm doesn't seem to last for too long, after all, something big seems to happen recently.

Although she didn't know why she had forgotten what would happen next, she knew that it would definitely not be a trivial matter and might even threaten the lives of her and others.

So no matter what will happen, she must be prepared.

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