Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 480: Awake and confusion

"I am the future you, what I want to say now is very important, you must remember clearly."

"So far, we have made too much effort, and this is the last chance, you must work harder, just so that we can return to that place."

"First, there is a problem with the commander. There is a strange existence in his body, and that existence is also the commander, but he will do us nothing but harm."

"Second, don't believe what Rafi said. Too much reincarnation has made her crazy, and all her actions now may have counterproductive effects."

"Third, remember..."

"Finally, don't believe anyone's words, including all the words I said before."


"Just now... what was that?"

Javelin sat up on the bed, then rubbed his aching head.

She seemed to have a dream just now, and the other herself in the dream seemed to say something to her, but she can't remember anything now, only remembering what she had said to herself.

After thinking about it for a long time, the Javelin who still doesn't have any clues can only give up. This kind of thing, if you think about it seriously, you may never remember it, but if you don't deliberately think about it, you may remember it all at any moment.

And if I don't remember it so clearly, it means that the dream is not very important. If this is the case, then I don't have to think about it hard.

Thinking of this, Javelin stretched out. The sleep last night was really comfortable. She hasn't slept so well for a long time.

"you're awake."

Suddenly, a voice made Javelin look back, and then she saw Rafi who was dozing off against the door frame.

"Good morning, Lafite sauce." Javelin greeted vigorously.

Hearing the Javelin's greeting, Rafi glanced at the Javelin, and then said, "It seems that you are recovering well, so I can rest assured."

Rafi's words made Javelin a bit wrong, she just wanted to ask what happened to Rafi, but suddenly a series of memories poured into her mind, making her stunned.

Seeing the stunned javelin, Rafi said: "It seems that you have remembered, so that I don't need to help you make up lessons."

After speaking, Rafi turned and left, leaving behind a javelin with shock and confusion.

After Rafi left, a head sneaked in from the door and saw someone coming in. The javelin suppressed the emotions in his heart, and then faced the humanity outside the door.

"Hello, please come in."


As soon as Javelin's words fell, a figure jumped in from the door, and the person who jumped in was Ming.

"It's scared to death, and the sound suddenly appeared in Ming's ear. Ming thought you were next to Ming." Ming said with caution and fear, shrinking from the corner to the javelin.

Looking at such Ming, Javelin was a little strange, so she asked in confusion: "Ming Jiang, why are you so afraid of me?"

Hearing the words of the javelin, Ming glanced at her, and then said with a vigilant look: "You really don't want to eat Ming's?"

"Why should I eat Ming?" Javelin asked in confusion.

"Because of the look in the javelin..."

Having said this, Ming was stunned suddenly, she stared at the javelin in the eyes for a long time, and then there were tears in her eyes.

"Meow, you're finally back, Meow, Ming was scared to death before!"

Ming cried and leaned toward Javelin's face, but Ming's enthusiasm made Javelin very uncomfortable.

"Mingjiang, what's the matter with you, haven't we only met a few days ago?"

But Ming did not answer Javelin's words, but continued to cry and shout that you are finally back.

Ming's reaction made Javelin very helpless. She felt that she had just slept, and then there were many strange memories in her head. Although she could not remember some of them, she felt that she should have not changed.

But Ming didn't seem to think so, and Javelin didn't know how to deal with such a scene, so she could only let Ming come.

It should be fine after Ming cries, Javelin thought of it in his heart.


Ming was still crying in Javelin's arms, and Javelin was still helpless about it, but Rafi came to the place where the captain was previously detained. At this time, the place had become very clean, as if no one had been here.



Bandel said respectfully on the side.

Rafi looked at the cell in front of him, and then said: "Who was held here before?"

Hearing Rafi’s words, Bandel gave Rafi a weird look, and then honestly replied: “This place has always been empty. No one has ever been imprisoned. Those agents are locked in other places. , Would you like..."

Before Bandel was finished, he was stopped by Rafi.

Rafi drove Bandel away, then looked at this room where there was no one for a long time, and muttered to himself: "Even existence has been erased, and there are traces of distortion in the space here. It is a very familiar technique. a?"

Raffi looked at this room, lost in thought.

She clearly remembered that a person was held in this place, but now she can't remember who was held in this place. She only remembered that this place was holding a very important person.

She even remembers that she came here for this person, but she doesn’t know why she came here. This shows that there is something that wipes out the existence of the person who once existed here. Although she knows that there was a person here, she I can't remember his gender, appearance, and clothes anymore.

And she felt that her memory was very strange, it seemed that something was missing, and then something was more.

Lafite felt that something had already appeared, and it was completely out of her control, making everything uncertain.

This feeling is very bad, because this sudden appearance is likely to disrupt all her plans, and these plans are very important and must not be destroyed. These plans are related to all her plans for so long. Efforts, and the efforts of everyone who gave her strength.

Plan, absolutely do not allow any accidents, all dangerous elements must be eliminated!


in the room.

Ming, who had been crying for a long time, finally calmed down, but she still held the javelin and refused to leave no matter what the javelin said. It seemed that if she left the javelin, she would encounter something terrible.

"Javelin, are you there?"

Suddenly, there was a voice outside the door, and Ming who heard this voice suddenly hid behind the javelin like a frightened cat.

Javelin looked at the door suspiciously. She was a little confused as to what kind of existence could scare Ming to this way.

But soon the javelin's brows wrinkled, because she saw a cloud of red mist drifting over, which gave her a very evil feeling and made her a little disgusted.

But when she saw the person who came, she was just stunned.

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