Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 539: Sigh

Wang Feng's fist made of machinery and flesh and blood hit Xinghai's body, and was once again blocked by Xinghai's bodyguard circle.

But this time Xinghai was not as polite as before. In addition to defense, his defensive circle also had the effect of counterattack, and the strength of this counterattack was amazing, but Xinghai had never activated this ability.

And the counterattack ability that no one had experienced for a long time was acting on Wang Feng at this time. His huge arm was directly exploded because of the counterattack power, turning it into the sky of flesh and blood and mechanical parts.

Xinghai just wanted to say something, but he suddenly saw something, his pupils shrank violently, and his face became gloomy.

"I said, what kind of feeling is it to swallow my own ship girl."

Xinghai's voice was not loud, but it hit Wang Feng's soul so that Wang Feng heard Xinghai's words clearly.

And Xinghai’s words made Wang Feng stunned, because Xinghai’s voice appeared directly in his mind. This method was very similar to the methods used by his gods, so he was stunned at that moment, because he still I thought it was my **** who contacted me.

But soon he confirmed that he had heard it wrong, it was not the voice of a god, but the voice of Xinghai, and he also heard Xinghai's question clearly.

In normal times, he might not answer Xinghai’s words with his personality, but it is different now, because his intelligence has also been affected or degraded a lot after his transformation, so that he doesn’t have much. I just answered Xinghai's words.

He grinned open his mouth, it looked so oozing, and then he said

"That feeling is truly unparalleled pleasure. Looking at their incredulous eyes, I feel my brain is trembling, praising the gods. If it weren't for a great god, I would never have felt this way. It is truly an unparalleled experience."

Although Wang Feng had become a flesh and blood giant, Xinghai still saw that happy expression on his face.

"Yeah, you were so bad at first, you are hopeless."

Xinghai didn't know what kind of feeling he felt in his heart. He should be very angry, but he didn't have any such feelings. All he had was endless sadness.

Those ship maidens obviously liked their commanders so much and loved their commanders, but they didn't get the treatment they deserved, and each one of them was so miserable.

Xinghai can't imagine that they are so cute, but why do they always encounter such things, or in other words, when did this world become such a rotten world?

Obviously it is an existence that is burdened with the destiny of saving the world, but it has not received the treatment it deserves, and there are such tragic experiences.

Inexplicably, Xinghai thought of a world, and the children of that world were the same as these ship women. No, they might be more miserable than the experience of these ship women.

That world made Xinghai very sad. He wanted to save that world, but he failed. Not only did he fail to save the children, he also plunged those children into deeper hell.

He just watched the children go through **** again and again incompetently, but couldn't do anything.

In the end, he was forced to have no choice but to destroy the world and end the tragic experience of those children in this way. But, can such rescue really be considered rescue?

This only saves himself, prevents his soul from suffering any more, and does not actually help those children.

He was incapable at that time, and the background of that world was much darker than this world, so Xinghai still had a chance, and there was a chance to save this world.

Xinghai was thinking about these things, but Wang Feng would not understand Xinghai. There was only endless anger in his heart.

Obviously he has already used this kind of ability, using the power that the gods bestowed on him, but why he still can't break that abominable shield, damn, what is going on.

In order to break Xinghai's shield, he attacked again and again, but every time he was defended by Xinghai's magic circle and counterattacked him.

Large tracts of flesh and blood and mechanical parts are scattered around. If you look closely, those mechanical parts seem to be very similar to or exactly the same as the ship's equipment.

In addition, there are also human-shaped objects. Among those human-shaped objects, there is occasionally a blue translucent cube stuck there, emitting a weak gleam.

Wang Feng attacked Xinghai frantically, kicking with his arms, and hitting his feet with his body, biting with his teeth, and attacking Xinghai with all the means he could think of. For him now, it hurts or something. No longer exists, and as long as he can kill the pope, his loss can be easily replenished.

After all, there are ship mothers everywhere in this place. Although it doesn't feel good to swallow other ship mothers, it seems like a good experience if you can see the desperate expressions on the faces of those commanders.

He didn't seem to think about what he would do if he couldn't beat Xinghai, or that, with his current mind, there was no room for considering these things.

Finally, in an attack, he lost all consciousness, no longer felt anymore, and the surroundings became quiet for a moment.

Now this place has become completely different from before.

At first it was a plain covered with green grass, but now it has been filled with red flesh and blood pieces and mechanical parts.

There was a faint red mist floating on these flesh and mechanical parts. At the same time, the mist was trying to spread to the surroundings. As the mist spread, these grasses were also stained with red.

At this time, Xinghai moved a little, and then looked at the fragments all over the floor with a sad look.

Xinghai walked across the area, and then gently stroked a Mind Cube.

"Obviously you have done nothing wrong, but why do you always run into such things?"

Xinghai stroked this Rubik's Cube, he seemed to see a girl with red hair who loves to laugh very much at her. Xinghai has studied the Mind Rubik's Cube for a period of time, and he has killed some ship maidens by himself, so For the Mind Cube that appeared in this way, Xinghai could see who this ship's mother was once.

"Sorry, I can't save you. This is my mistake, I'm really sorry."

Xinghai didn't know why he had such feelings. He felt that he had experienced such things before, and those things deeply tore Xinghai's heart.

"You said, who on earth created you, that person really deserves to die, why did he create you and then make you suffer such hardship?"

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