Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 567: Changes in Shiitono

As Xiaoren's voice fell, the previously closed space crack in the sky re-expanded, and then some blue and white streamers flew out of it and covered Shiitono's body.

Ship outfits appeared on Xiao Ren one by one, making Xiao Ren look like a ship mother at this time.

The ship outfit on Shitono's body is very sci-fi atmosphere, and it looks completely different from the ship outfit of ordinary ship mothers.

First of all, there is no naval gun or aviation deck on Shitono’s ship suit. There are only some strange devices on Shitono’s ship suit. Most of them are rabbit-shaped objects, which look like Some useless decorations, and when viewed from a distance, these installations are like little elves, looking very cute.

It's just that these special, seemingly cute, strange devices become hideous and evil after a short pause, and their form has also changed. However, there is no feeling of violation, but it is more in line with Shishino's current temperament. Up.

In addition, there are three hexagonal ice crystals that have been spinning around Shitono, as if they were guarding Shitono.

After feeling the ship's outfit on his body, Shitono looked at the man in the distance with a slightly evil smile.

"Well, the offensive will begin as soon as it turns."

And the moment Shishino uttered these words, a stronger sense of crisis suddenly emerged in the heart of the disfigured man. This time the sense of crisis is much greater than before, as if a handful can be done right away. The knife that killed him was on his neck.

This changed the face of the disfigured man, but because he had no epidermis, the muscles on his face twitched a few times when he changed his face, and he looked very hideous.

He really didn't understand that one time was enough. Why did that terrifying existence continue to target him? Is it to save the two dolls?

No, it's impossible. If it were to save people, it wouldn't be the intermittent attacks like this. At that time, it should be a continuous attack until he was killed, because he would do it.

And now the attack is more like a playful mentality, like a kitten playing with a mouse. Thinking of this, a hint of resentment suddenly appeared in the disfigured man's heart.

Damn it, although he doesn't know who is embarrassing him this time, he swears that after he has enough strength, he will definitely recover the matter this time, using a hundred times and one thousand times. Give it back.

As for whether he can get to that point, he has quite strong self-confidence. Didn't he see that he crawled back even after falling into such a place? Does such a great deed still prove that he is actually the protagonist?

And since he is the protagonist, the world must also revolve around him, so no matter what kind of thing he does, what kind of danger he is in, he can definitely turn defeat into victory.

This is something he has always believed in in his heart, otherwise how could he explain everything he has now.


Shishino looked at the disfigured man who was intoxicated from a distance, waved her hand, and saw that the rabbit-shaped decorations on her body suddenly turned into pieces, and then quickly recombined into a science fiction style. Energy transmitter.

The energy emitter is roughly a cylinder as a whole, but the cylinder is almost completely hollow.

If you look closely, you can find that this energy transmitter is exactly the same as the energy transmitter that was transformed from the ship just now, except that it has shrunk many times in size.

Of course, although the size has shrunk countless times, the power has not been reduced much. After all, this is also a ship outfit, but with Shishino's current strength, it can't fully exert the full power of this energy transmitter.

As for that attack just now can have such power, it is because she has successfully accumulated so much energy in the accumulation of this long time, but all that energy was squandered in the attack just now, thinking To launch an attack of that level, I can only wait to accumulate energy again.

However, Shitono does not need such a powerful attack now. It is the main gun installed on her ship and the only attack weapon. So the power of this weapon is of course needless to say, it is not used to deal with the current type of company. Small scenes can't be considered a situation, it is a special weapon designed to deal with higher-order existence.

If you use her main gun to deal with disfigured men, it would be too much to use.

Similarly, attacks of that level are not suitable for use in this world. This world is too fragile. Attacks that are fragile to a little bit stronger may hurt this world. So the power that Shishinai can exert now is exactly the same. It is the most suitable level for the present.

As for how Shishino had such a ship outfit, and where he summoned it, most of it is only known to the current Shishino.

Shiitono’s main artillery was named by her-the frozen puppet, the extreme cold of freezing time and space.

The name of this main gun is very inconsistent with Shiitono’s character, because the name was not entirely thought of by Shiitono. She did think of it in the first half, but Xiaoren added it to her in the second half. Going up, how could she take such a shameful name after all.

It's just that Xiao Ren who did that thing was not just Xiao Ren now.

Thinking of this, Shishino immediately shook her head, removing those strange thoughts from her mind. It is not the time to touch those things. If she breaks the agreement without authorization, it will not only harm her interests, but also It will harm the interests of everyone else, after all-the eyes of the gods are everywhere.

Shishino locked the disfigured man and was about to launch, but suddenly, her eyes froze for a moment, and the world seemed to become misty in an instant.

"Just for such a short time, I can't hold it. I am really weak now. No, in a sense, she is much stronger than me."

After saying this, Shitono showed a smile, but her smile was quickly taken back by her.

At the moment when she withdrew her smile, Shishino's temperament became cold again, and at this time, her eyes returned to normal, and she could see the world clearly again.

Shitono once again controlled the frozen puppet suspended in mid-air and locked the disfigured man. She had only one chance to attack, and if she wanted to solve the immediate crisis, even if it was only a temporary solution, she had to let this attack hit. Row.

It can be said that from this moment on, Xiaoren and her life were held in her hands. Once they fail, death will be their best ending.

It's just that for the current Shitono, is she really likely to fail?

No, it won't be, it's impossible.

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