Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 708: test

Xinghai directly passes through this passage, and the end of this passage is in the closet of another room, so from the surface, the main function of this passage is to carry out a secret action.

Of course, as for what Xinghai the purpose of this action is for, I don't know.

Leaving this closet, Xinghai came to a new room. The furnishings of this room were completely different from the one just now.

The room just now has a strong little girl's style, which makes people see at a glance what kind of person the owner of the room is, but this room is different. Although there are still many furnishings in this room, these furnishings At first glance, it is known that the style has been fixed after the construction of this villa, without any changes.

But people have lived in this room, because many things have been used.

While Xinghai looked at this room, an inexplicable sense of familiarity came to his mind, subconsciously, he walked to the table, and then picked up a water glass on the table.

The water glass is full of dust, it can be seen that it has not been used for a long time, but Xinghai is holding this water glass, but a picture suddenly appeared in his mind, that is, he is holding this water glass, and then holding a book. While reading a book and drinking water, next to them are the bored and yawning Hyuga Chika and Sakura Aya Etsuko.

This is another picture that he has no impression at all, but this picture can bring him a warm feeling, and it also makes him feel a lot better.

Looking back, Xinghai looked at the cabinet again. At this time, he seemed to see a little girl coming out of the closet, and then gave him a fierce look.

Not only that, every time Xinghai looks at a certain place, a new picture will appear in front of his eyes, and these are his daily life with Qianhua, Etsuko, and Hatsune.

Although this seemed to be his memory, he was pretty sure that there was no such memory in his current memory, and he didn't know if it was his sealed memory.

This world is formed by Hatsune's memories, which means that these are things that existed in Hatsune's memories, but since Hatsune came to Minato, it seems that he didn't know him. He has never heard Hatsune say something like this. thing.

Later, Nagato, Dafeng and even Ming tried to tell him something at the moment when they got the memory, but Hatsune did not do so.

However, the appearance of Hatsune is a little different from Nagato. Hatsune was resurrected by the Mind Cube, so Xinghai is not sure if there is any problem with this method, so it is possible that Hatsune lost some memory in the process. thing.

Thinking about it, Xinghai's mood gradually became heavy again.

No matter how beautiful the things he saw, these things would become a kind of past tense, they would never come back, they would never be possible.

Even now he has no memories related to them, it can be said that he has forgotten them.

Xinghai didn't know what they would think in their hearts, but even if he was forgotten by someone he cared very much about, when he saw her again, his heart would be very uncomfortable.

Xinghai stood there for a long time, then turned into a cloud of mist and flew into the passage again. He just took a look at the end of the passage. What really made him care about was actually inside the passage.


In front of a wall of the passage, Xinghai turned into a human form.

Because the passage is too small, he can only squat in the passage, but this does not affect what he will do next.

Xinghai put his hand on this wall, and he spoke after a long silence.

"Etsuko is the cutest and cutest, my brother likes Etsuko the most..."

When he said this, Xinghai didn't have any fluctuations in his mood, because his current mood was too heavy, so Xinghai didn't even think about other things at all.

And this sentence was not what Xinghai said casually, it was what appeared in his mind just now, just like the phantoms he had just seen.

Xinghai didn’t know if this was true, and even he was very suspicious of these memories, because in his memory, Sakura Aya Etsuko was not such a person at all, although in the memories he appeared now, Sakura Aya Etsuko was very He sticks to him, and even sneaks up on his bed.

It's just that every time Sakura Aya Etsuko did such a thing, he would be carried out with a black face.

But in his memory, it is completely different. Although Sakura Aya Etsuko still has a very high talent and her identity is not bad at all, he can remember that Sakura Aya Etsuko's attitude towards him at the beginning was very poor. It can even be said to be a disgust.

However, although Xinghai did not deliberately please Etsuko at that time, as time passed, he could clearly feel Etsuko’s attitude towards him was gradually getting better, although even at the end, the two of them still did not reach. The level of a friend, but at least not a stranger.

What's more, the world at that time was built with Yuezi's state of mind. It should be Yuezi's truest attitude towards him, so Xinghai would very much doubt his current memories.

But in any case, the memory is true or false at this moment. If something really appears here, it proves that the memory is true. Otherwise, it proves that it is a false memory. Need to pay more attention.

According to his memory, as long as he presses his hand on this wall and says this sentence, a door will open here, and that door will lead to another place.

As for where the place is and what place it is connected to, he doesn’t know. After all, his previous spiritual sense could not detect this place, and he tried again just now, and he also failed to connect this wall. It penetrated, even he couldn't feel the existence of the wall in front of him.

It is precisely for this reason that Xinghai's interest is aroused. After all, it is impossible for this kind of place to be concealed from God's consciousness in this level of world.

Whether this is a special design or a subconscious manifestation of Hatsune, this place is a very special place, so Xinghai wanted to see what's in it.

But after he yelled out that sentence, he waited for a long time, and he didn't wait for any response.

This time has passed long enough. No matter what kind of organization it is, it should respond, and the energy supply here is still normal, which proves that there is nothing wrong with the energy system here, that is to say, what is really here Nothing.

Although it had long been expected that this might happen, Xinghai was still a little disappointed in his heart when he really got to this point.

And when Xinghai took his hand away, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in this empty passage.

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