Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 728: Hatsune?

Xinghai stood desperately on the floor of the laboratory, and next to it was the precious instrument that accidentally hit the ground and broke. This scene made Xinghai very embarrassed.

I don't know how long I have been here, but a sigh suddenly appeared in this space.


The voice is exactly the same as Hatsune, but Xinghai knows that there will be no Hatsune here, and there are only residual sounds here, so it is also the residual sounds, not the first sounds.

The gloomy Xinghai didn't think about why the unfeeling residual sound would make such a human sigh, or that he now seemed to have lost some of his ability to discern.


Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the silent laboratory here. The footsteps sounded as if someone had just crawled out of the bathtub and then stepped barefoot on the ground.

Hearing this voice, Xinghai turned his head slowly.

He doesn’t think it’s the return of Lianlian. Let’s not say that Lianlian will not have such heavy footsteps, and Lianlian will not appear from that place, because there is only one door to enter the laboratory, and he is facing right now. The only door to the laboratory.

When Xinghai turned his head, he saw a person who should never be here.

This person who appeared suddenly made Xinghai a little confused, he didn't know what kind of answer he should make, and after a long time, he stiffly opened his mouth.

"Ah... Hatsune... Why are you here... Don't you need you in Minato?"

Hearing Xinghai's words, this Hatsune showed a puzzled expression, but soon she seemed to have thought of something, and immediately relieved, and then she saw her facing Xinghaidao.

"Mr. Xinghai is talking about another me. I am very happy that she can help Mr. Xinghai now."

After Hatsune finished speaking, he seemed to be afraid that Xinghai would not understand, so he explained

"The other one was made by a special method. It is a complete copy of me. After all, Mr. Xinghai knows my essence very well."

Xinghai was stunned by Hatsune's words. He felt that he suddenly couldn't figure out the relationship between them. If the Hatsune in the port area was left by the Hatsune in front of him, then what was the previous Etsuko like? What kind of identity does she play in this existence?

Why did Hatsune leave another Hatsune? Since she can come back now, then she doesn't have to do something like that, right?

And since the Hatsune in Minato City is a copy of Hatsune, why doesn't that Hatsune have the memory of Hatsune, and even Xinghai feels that it is another person? Why is that?

Seeing Xinghai’s doubts, Hatsune explained again

"Although it is a copy of me, I erased her part related to our memory and let her stay with Mr. Xinghai with a brand new existence, because I hope she is her instead of being mine. Alternatives or something else."

"The other thing is that my current posture won’t last long, and it may disintegrate at any time. Mr. Xinghai doesn’t have to think of any way to save me, because my current body is fully supported by the contract, as long as I fulfill it. If the contract is concluded, then I will dissipate immediately."

Hearing Hatsune's words, Xinghai replied subconsciously

"Then Hatsune, wouldn't it be fine if you didn't fulfill the contract?"

Xinghai's words made Hatsune shook his head.

"Mr. Xinghai used to say that Yuezi is like a child, but I feel that Mr. Xinghai is actually the same. Mr. Xinghai is also aware of some things. It's helpless, but we must also do our best to do that."

"I think Mr. Xinghai knows this truth very well."

Hatsune's words silenced Xinghai. Indeed, he understood this truth, but he didn't know why. At some point, he, who was clearly aware of such things, suddenly couldn't understand such things.

Hatsune walked to Xinghai and squatted down, and then gently hugged Xinghai into his arms.

"Didn't Mr. Xinghai want to try this way a long time ago? It's just that Mr. Xinghai's wish has not been fulfilled because of Yuezi's existence. Now that this wish is finally fulfilled, how does Mr. Xinghai feel?"

Xinghai knew that this was Hatsune's changing topic, and seemed to ease his emotions, but Xinghai didn't have the mood to do such a thing now.

But even though he was in no mood, he still subconsciously replied

"It's a little different from what I thought, it feels similar to Etsuko...No, it should be the same..."

I don't know why, Xinghai felt that Hatsune seemed to hold a little tighter after saying this, but this might just be his illusion.

Although there was such a small episode, it didn't make Xinghai feel better, and Hatsune realized this, and Hatsune spoke again.

"Mr. Xinghai is worrying about love affairs?"

Hatsune's words made Xinghai's body stiff, but Xinghai did not answer Hatsune's words, but continued to be silent, and seeing the reaction of Xinghai, Hatsune sighed again.

"Does Mr. Xinghai feel that he has done nothing wrong?"

Xinghai did not speak, but his silence almost represented his thoughts.

"At this point, Mr. Xinghai has not changed at all as before."

Hearing Hatsune's words, Xinghai finally had a little reaction. He raised his head, and then looked at Hatsune with a puzzled look.

And seeing Xinghai’s eyes, Hatsune explained

"Mr. Xinghai might as well have more confidence in yourself, okay? You used to be like this. You always think what the other person thinks, but is the other person's thinking really like that? And since Mr. Xinghai, you think you don’t Will be accepted, but why do you still want to instill your heart into the other party forcibly."

"In this case, why do you want to tell these things, if you don't say anything, then nothing will happen, so everyone is happy?"


Xinghai wanted to refute Hatsune's words, but he didn't know how to refute them, because Hatsune's words were correct no matter how they were read, just like this time.

If he didn't think about confessing relatives with Lianlian, if they were strangers in the first place, then everything just now wouldn't happen.

Lianlian may not know who her father is, but she must know that she has a father. Maybe she complains about her father, but she will never hate him like she does now.

So from the beginning, he should do nothing.

Lianlian is like this, Lafite is like this, and...

Just when Xinghai's heart was sinking into endless decline, a sharp drink suddenly appeared in Xinghai's ear.

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