Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 752: Xinghai's Decision

Lovingly sleeping on Xinghai's lap, she looked so peaceful and beautiful at this time, but looking at her sleeping face, Xinghai did not feel at ease.

"You have suffered enough, he shouldn't do such a thing, but you can rest assured, I will make him pay the price, just like I told you, as long as I'm still alive, I will definitely come back."

As he said, a magic circle appeared in Xinghai's hand, and the magic circle hovered above Lianlian's head, and beams of light fell.

And Lianlian's originally calm brows instantly frowned, seeming to be resisting something, but soon, Lianlian's frowning brows unfolded again, and once again returned to the previous calmness.

Xinghai looked at this love and stroked her forehead.

"Lianlian, my daughter, I was too greedy before, maybe I shouldn’t be here, no, I shouldn’t be here in this capacity, so now please forget me first, forget me this Human existence, just like you said, I don’t deserve to be your father, and I’m not your father.”

"If it is possible, we will definitely have a chance to meet in the future, so for the time being... let us separate first."

After saying these words, Xinghai lifted his hand and took the love into his personal world, and then disappeared in place.


Xin Guodong looked at the cold-faced man in front of him with a calm expression on his face, but he was not so calm in his heart, because he knew that the guy in front of him was not alone at all.

What he said was not a slander, but the guy in front of him was really not a human being.

He thought that this was a person before, but what happened a few days ago directly broke his thoughts.

Some people who signed the contract a few days ago rebelled. They gathered people from other organizations and carried out a sneak attack on the guy called the ghost. It was a premeditated attack. At least in his opinion, the ghost is now The demonstrated strength is impossible to escape.

And just as they thought, the ghost was bombed in an instant with only a few fragments left, which can be said to be dead and can't die anymore.

Just when everyone thought the dust had fallen, a horrible scene happened. One person suddenly screamed while pinching his throat, and soon he could only make some hoarse and panic sounds.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a hand sticking out of that person’s mouth, and then it didn’t take long for a child to crawl out of that person’s mouth. As for that person must have died a long time ago and cannot die again. Up.

And the first thing the kid did after he came out was to eat that person at an alarming rate, and he grew up quickly, and then everyone recognized who the grown-up person was—then The ghost they just killed.

At that moment, everyone felt their stomachs rushing, and they seemed to understand why this person was called a ghost.

After that, people who did not believe in evil attacked again, and the result was that the dead ghost would crawl out of his body whoever launched it first, including but not limited to all kinds of **** and terrifying ones. means.

And this also made everyone afraid to make any moves.

Before that happened, he was still curious, how could Cthulhu leave such a weak person here? Isn't this a gift he prepared for his daughter? How could he not care about it like this?

It is worth mentioning that Xin Guodong found that only he knew the purpose of the evil god, and everyone else thought that the evil **** wanted to rule the world.

But such things did not make Xin Guodong happy, because there is a saying that says that the more you know, the closer you are to death.

He feels that he is in such a state now, and he has also inquired about the contracts of other people, which are almost completely different from his contracts. Except for the main restrictions, the contracts of other people are better than his. It's too harsh.

But the more the Cthulhu did this, the more panicked his heart, because he didn't know what was worthy of the Cthulhu.

It seems that Cthulhu wants to take him as a confidant, but will things really be like this? And recently, her daughter kept saying that she saw a sister in her dream, and that sister gave her a lot of beautiful magic.

At first he thought this was just an imagination of his daughter, but it was not until his daughter used magic in front of them that he felt a chill from behind.

He ordered his daughter not to learn magic, but the always well-behaved daughter refuted him rarely, and even had a fight with him. At this time, he realized that he did not know when he had completely entered the calculations of the evil god. In other words, the moment the Cthulhu met him, he had already stepped into this trap.

Today the Cthulhu will come, and the daughter of the Cthulhu will also come. In fact, he has some guesses as to who the Cthulhu's daughter is, or that, apart from the queen, no one else is the daughter of the Cthulhu.

Because in all the information he knew, he had only seen one person defending like Cthulhu, so he could only guess like this.

It’s just that none of this has much to do with him. Anyway, he will assist others later, and now he cares more about what happened to his daughter, and why did the evil **** do to his daughter Something like this.

Although he knew that this would put himself in danger, he would still do something like this, because it was his daughter, his favorite daughter, and his life.

Just as he was thinking about something, Xinghai suddenly appeared in front of him, which made him startled. Just when he wanted to say something, he saw Xinghai's serious expression.

This made him abruptly swallow when he had already reached his throat. Although his thoughts were indeed dangerous, it was not without a trace of survival. Now it is different. Now the Cthulhu is obviously not in a good mood. , If he is doing something at this time, it is not dangerous.

That is looking for death, thinking that his life is too long.

So in the end he didn’t ask anything, and he didn’t want to contact the current Cthulhu. He had a feeling that the current Cthulhu was very dangerous, like a volcano that might erupt at any time, so now it’s better to stay away from the Cthulhu. better.

It's just that the less people want something, the more it will come.

While lowering his head to pray that he would not have anything to do, he suddenly heard the cry of the evil god.

"Xin Guodong, come here."

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