Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 828: Ealing's thoughts


Yi Ling made a lazy voice, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was a familiar face.

The owner of this face is now asleep, and seems to be sleeping very well, and looking at this face, for some reason, she only feels sleepy, which makes her want to close her eyes and continue sleeping.

And she did so, but when she closed her eyes again, a thought suddenly appeared in her mind.

Where am I now? The surrounding environment seems a bit strange.

Not long after this thought appeared, she felt something was wrong. Suddenly she thought of something, opened her eyes suddenly, and then carefully looked at Lafite in front of her. She soon understood what was wrong.

It's not the beginning now, so the relationship between her and Lafite is not the same as it used to be. In that case, why are they still sleeping together, and they still look very close?

This thought made her brain a little sluggish. If she remembered correctly, she should have been very angry at the time, so she launched an attack on the master behind the scenes.

Although she knew that her attack was likely to have no effect, she still did it, not for other reasons, but to vent the resentment in her heart.

From before to now, she has suffered too many grievances, and these grievances have no place to consume, so she can only hold it in her heart all the time.

And this time, she finally found a way to release her grievances. Although this method may not be so effective, it is indeed a method that can be used, but she does not want more of this kind of thing, because it is too It's dangerous.

After recovering, Yi Ling's first reaction was to leave this place immediately, even though the current bedclothes had a very strong attraction to her.

But no matter what, she couldn't bear to sleep with this person, she absolutely couldn't allow it.

Thinking of this, she immediately wanted to sit up, but at this time she discovered one thing, that is, her own hand and her hand just held together. This is what they used to do. , But now it will only mess up her brain.

Could it be that Rafi held her while she was asleep?

No, it can’t be the case. She doesn’t have a good feeling for Rafi, and Rafi doesn’t think she has any good feelings about her. It can be seen from the previous dialogue and performance, so Rafi will definitely not take the initiative to do this. Kind of thing.

In this case, it didn't mean that she had grasped it by herself, and this thought made her even more unbelievable.

How could she do such a thing, it is absolutely impossible for her to do such a thing, absolutely impossible.

Just when Ealing fell into chaos, her overly agitated movements successfully affected Lafite, and after a move of her eyelashes, Lafite opened her eyes.

After Rafi opened her eyes, she subconsciously wanted to raise her head, and then she found the hands of two people holding each other, so she said in a daze.

"Xiao Ling, why are you holding my hand?"

Rafi's question made Yi Ling stunned for a moment, and some memories resurfaced in Yi Ling's mind, so that her face became cold again after a twitch.

She withdrew her hand calmly, and then looked at Rafi quietly.

"I may indeed still have a bit of fantasy, but don't expect this fantasy to change my current thinking. I will never forgive you for what happened back then..."

Before Yi Ling had finished speaking, she heard an indifferent voice coming from behind her.

"Now is not the time to talk about the grievances between you. We have more important things now, so can you two quiet down first?"

Hearing this voice, Yi Ling immediately turned around, and then she saw Betty sitting on the side chair with a large thick book on her lap.

And the moment she saw Betty, Ealing's pupils suddenly shrank.

She and Betty didn't meet many times, even strictly speaking, it was only once, but it was that time that brought her a huge change.

At first she thought that this girl was going to be against herself, but then she found out that she was wrong, and the wrong was very ridiculous, but until now she has one thing that she does not understand, that is, why this girl helped Herself, she doesn't remember that she knew this girl.

And more importantly, the girl’s methods can really help herself. She hadn’t noticed it at first, but if you think about it carefully now, you’ll find that such a strengthening method is simply tailor-made for her, but to achieve that. It must be someone who knows her very well, and this girl...

She seemed to feel Yi Ling's gaze, Betty snorted and closed the book in her hand, and then said indifferently.

"That technique was made by the master. It was something the master tailored for you. It's just that this time the master has some problems, so that technique will be controlled by me."

Although Betty said such words, Yi Ling felt that there were still many doubts in it. She wanted to continue to ask, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't say anything in the end.

Indeed, apart from that person, no one can design such a technique anymore, but he didn't arrange the technique for himself personally. Is it because he still hates the things of the year?

Thinking of this, Yi Ling's mood suddenly fell, but this depression was quickly interrupted.

"Well, it looks like you are ready, so you can prepare, the master is still waiting for you."

After speaking, Betty raised her hand, and the thick book in her hand disappeared, and then she was seen jumping off the chair, floating gently on the ground, and flying straight out.

When flying to the door and about to fly out, Betty suddenly turned around and spoke to Ealing.

"By the way, you remember to dress better. The host should like your look. There are some things that are not what you think are the way they are. Many things have a certain turn for the better."

With that, Betty floated away, leaving Yi Ling who was stunned there.

At this moment, Yi Ling had a feeling that he seemed to be seen through everything by the girl, but this feeling was not uncomfortable, and there seemed to be an inexplicable feeling of nostalgia.

Yi Ling was still there, and Rafi had already taken out some clothes and placed them in front of Yi Ling. When he saw those clothes, Yi Ling was silent again.

Shaking, she picked up one of the clothes. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 828 Yi Ling's thoughts) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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