Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 839: Ealing's thoughts

It was a face that was very familiar to Yi Ling, and she was also very familiar with the little girl in the arms of the man, after all, that was what she was now.

And she looked at this scene, seeming to be shocked, so that the whole person was stunned there, doing nothing.

At this moment, Lafite spoke again.

"Because of your characteristics, it may be something you did in the past, so you won't have that kind of memory, you didn't have it before, and you don't have it now, but these are all things that have happened in the past."

Having said this, Rafi's eyes flashed twice before he spoke.

"It's safe here, so I can tell you something."

"The current world is abnormal. We are all lost here and will never be able to get out of this cycle."

"If there were no accidents, we would experience this kind of pain over and over again, with no end or end."

"But for some reason, this cycle was finally broken. Although it can still be cycled, as time goes by, the number of cycles that can be cycled becomes less and less, and now and this is the last time, we no longer have any chance. Up."

"Maybe you don't understand these things, but it doesn't matter, because your daughter will tell you these things, but one thing you need to pay attention to is..."

Having said that, Rafi glanced at Yi Ling, showing a look that didn’t know what emotion it was, and then continued to speak.

"There are many misunderstandings between you and Hai. If you don’t come into contact with these misunderstandings, maybe something like that will still happen, and Rafite doesn’t allow such things to happen, so if you still want to do this, Rafi will use Some tricks have been worked out."

At this point, Lafite's eyes became sharp, as if Yi Ling did not agree, she would do something.

Looking at Rafi’s gaze, Yi Ling suddenly spoke

"Why are you helping me?"

Yi Ling's eyes are still very hollow, but the tone of speech has changed a lot, and there is a faint feeling of majesty in it.

After hearing Yi Ling's questioning, Rafi shook his head.

"Rafi didn't help you, Rafi was just helping himself. Rafi could not let Hai die, nor could she let Hai lose that opportunity, so Rafi would never give up any chance."

Hearing what Rafi said, Ealing was silent for a long time before speaking.

"Aren't you afraid that I would take away the favor of the sea from you after I went out?"

Yi Ling's words made Rafi shook his head again

"Hai won't do that kind of thing, and even that, as long as it can return to that place safely, then it doesn't matter if Rafi died. After all, this is just a false body with false emotions."

For the second half of what Rafi said, Ealing automatically filtered it.

Perhaps Lafite just said a shocking secret, maybe this secret can successfully affect the relationship between Lafite and Xinghai, but she will not do it, it is impossible to do it.

Because she knows one thing very well, that is, even if she can destroy the relationship between Rafi and Hai, would Hai love her? This is not necessarily true. It is even possible that Hai will directly hate her for this incident. This is something she is even more reluctant to see, so she will not do such a stupid thing, nor is it possible to do such a stupid thing.

On the contrary, she prefers to use her power to win the love of the sea, even if her final ending will only be abandoned.

As if seeing the thoughts in Yi Ling's heart, Rafi said in a calm tone.

"Hai will not abandon us, so Hai will not do such a thing, but sometimes, Rafi does not want Hai to have such a character."

Hearing what Rafi said, Yi Ling glanced at Rafi.

"It seems that you not only know him very well, but you also seem to know some very special secrets."

"Of course Rafi knows"

Although Lafite's tone was still so calm, Yi Ling could hear a sense of pride.

"Although Lafite's feelings are false, Lafite's feelings are also true, so at this point, no one can be stronger than Lafite."

Look at Rafi’s pupils that seem to be burning, Yi Ling no longer wants to continue to entangle Rafi in this place, so she directly speaks.

"Well, I agree with your request, so what should I do?"

Hearing what Ealing said, Rafi directly replied

"You don't need to do anything, you just need to show your true feelings to the sea."

Seeing Rafi’s still calm face, Yi Ling suddenly said

"You don't seem to have any doubts about my answer?"

Yi Ling's words made her plan to leave Rafie to stop her actions.

"Ling... is Rafi's friend, so Rafi can see the ending, but..."

"but what?"

Seeing Rafieling who suddenly stopped, asked with some doubts.

When hearing Yi Ling's questioning, Rafi lowered his head in silence.

After Ealing waited for a long time, Rafi finally looked up, but at this time Rafi's eyes were full of sadness.

"If the spirit disagrees, then Rafi can only do things that the spirit doesn't like."

I don’t know why. Although Rafi didn’t say anything specific, Yi Ling felt that she shuddered. It stands to reason that her strength should be far more than Rafi, but why did she face Rafi just now? , But she seemed to be facing an existence that couldn't give her any fighting spirit?

Yi Ling didn't understand such a thing, but when she wanted to ask Rafi, Rafi had disappeared in her memory space, and she couldn't ask Rafi any more.

It's just what Rafi said just now...

She actually didn’t know what Hai’s attitude towards her was. After all, Hai hadn’t said it before, and all her thoughts were guessed by inferring Hai’s behavior, so Rafi said it was her personal guess. There is no problem.

There is also the picture just now.

Lafite said that it was something that happened before. She couldn't judge the truth or falsehood of this incident, but if she really died, would Hai really be so sad?

Since she met Hai, she had never seen Hai show such an expression. If she could really make Hai show such an expression, then she would die without regret.

But she quickly ran this idea out of her mind. If Hae really has such feelings for herself, then why should she pursue the short-lived emotions that can only be felt in the moment of separation? If Hae really has such feelings for herself With such emotions, then why can't she experience such things all the time.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little nervous, because all of this was based on the fact that Hai really had such feelings for her. If Hai didn't have such feelings...

With such anxiety, her heart moved, and the darkness around her suddenly shattered and turned into a vast expanse of whiteness.

Then, she opened her eyes, and at this time, Xinghai also opened her eyes.

All of a sudden, his eyes met. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional Ship Niang mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/ In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 839 Yi Ling's thoughts), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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