Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 844: Ealing's thoughts

Xinghai looked at Yi Ling and said softly

"Ling, this is not the first time, and it won't be the last, so can you have a little more confidence in yourself?"

Although Xinghai didn't say it clearly, there was no difference between this kind of statement and that, and it was impossible for Yi Ling to hear what Xinghai meant.

It's just that when she heard Xinghai's words, she still froze for a while, but she understood after another thought.

Now that he knew such things, it was impossible for Xinghai as the person concerned to not know those things, so it was normal for him to know such things.

But what's the use?

If something like that really happens, then her ending is destined to be unchangeable. After all, her identity is a god, a **** who has a lot of involvement with this world.

At the beginning, she had thoughts of resisting, but she soon understood that it was impossible.

Want to change something and prevent it from happening. This is not impossible, but as the cause and effect of this matter accumulates, then this matter will become more and more difficult to change.

Because with the accumulation of cause and effect, the world's ability to correct this matter will gradually increase, and finally reach a level where there is no way to fight it.

At that time, no matter what changes you make, the world will correct it in other ways and let it go to the destined ending.

It is precisely because of knowing such things that Yi Ling has no hope.

She didn't know how many times they repeated it, but she knew one thing from her daughter, that she would die no matter which reincarnation she was in, like an inescapable, established ending.

Perhaps it may be a little pessimistic to say this, but in fact it is like this, that is to say, even if she worked hard and struggled in this cycle, she would not get any results she wanted in the end.

In that case, why didn't she just indulge herself at the beginning, so that even when she left at the end, she wouldn't have any regrets.

Based on this idea, Yi Ling made this choice.

In her opinion, this may be the last time, because she is not sure when that event will happen to her head, so this time she wants to leave a fondest memory, so that she will not have any regrets. .

It's just a pity that she thought so, but her loved ones didn't think so. Even if she tried to escape as much as possible, she still couldn't escape in the end.

So just one time is no different from that time, no, this time and that time is worse.

Although what she felt at that time was false love, as long as she hypnotized herself, she could barely feel the love, but this time was different, even if she hypnotized herself, it would have no effect.

After all, for an existence without love, no matter what you do, you can't feel any existence of love from him.

She knows that she has no chance, this time has passed, maybe there will be no next time, and this also means that she still has to leave with this regret after all?

Thinking of this, Yi Ling's mood suddenly became low, as Xinghai's words were completely filtered by her.

If that kind of thing is really so easy to change, then those things won't happen, and the doomed ending cannot be changed, just like she can't walk into the heart of the person she loves.

What is doomed is doomed, cannot be changed, and cannot be avoided.


Seeing Yi Ling who refused to communicate with herself, Xinghai hesitated for a moment before she spoke.

"You would say something like that before, because you know those things, those related to reincarnation..."

Having said that, Xinghai didn't continue speaking. Although it is impossible for anyone to hear him now, the habit he has cultivated for a long time still makes him full of vigilance about such things.

Yi Ling's eyes flashed after hearing Xinghai's words, but she still refused to communicate with Xinghai, but she was also unwilling to leave Xinghai's embrace.

But Xinghai didn't need to hear Yi Ling's answer, after all, Yi Ling had already displayed all the information Xinghai needed on his face.

Looking at Yi Ling like this, Xinghai sighed softly, then slowly said

"To be honest, I don’t know why such a thing happened now, but this incident makes me feel very lucky, because this kind of thing gives me a chance to do it again, and it gives me A chance to redeem everything that was lost."

"It just seems that what I did is not good enough. No, it should be said that I didn't do a good job at all."

"Obviously I should have a lot of opportunities, but I don't know anything about it, not only wasted a lot of opportunities, but even more of them left."

"If you know that, you will definitely think I'm a waste, don't you?"

Xinghai's question finally made Yi Ling react. Yi Ling opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute something, but couldn't say anything.

She did know some things, but in fact she didn't know much, and if she insisted on saying it, there was only one thing.

She wanted to refute Xinghai's words the moment she came out, but in the end she was unable to say anything.

Because she doesn't understand, doesn't know, and can even say that she doesn't know anything about Xinghai. She wants to comfort Xinghai, but how can she comfort others, who is already surrounded by despair?

Perhaps it is precisely because of that ending that he has such an attitude towards himself?

After all, there is a good saying, as long as you haven't got it, you will never lose it.

This sentence is just right here. If he has never seen himself before, maybe he won't lose himself, and she doesn't have to be as painful as she is now...

This thought only appeared in Yi Ling's mind for a moment, and her eyes widened in horror.

How could she have such an idea, no, she can't accept it, he can forget her, but she can't forget him, no, no, absolutely not!

Just when Yi Ling's mind was messed up, Xinghai spoke again.

"But now that I have an opportunity for change, why don't I make good use of it? After all, it is said that the future cannot be changed, but if the future cannot be changed, is it still the future?"

"And no matter what, we are going to try it. After all, there is nothing that has been tried. Who can give an affirmative answer?"

"Or, do you want to just give up, just like this, give up the opportunity to be with me?"

"If I really don't care about you, I won't be so entangled now" The latest chapter address of Dimension Ship Girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlReading address of the full text of Dimension Ship Niang: https:/ /www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read /154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (the 844th Zhang Yiling's thoughts) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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