Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 855: Observer's choice

Faced with Xinghai's threatening words, the observer's face remained unchanged, as if she didn't care about Xinghai's threat.

Seeing this, Xinghai's eyes became more solemn.

"You are not afraid that I will stay here forever, you..."

Before Xinghai finished speaking, he was interrupted by the observer.

"Do you think I would be afraid of your threat?"

The observer’s face seemed to have a hint of sarcasm, and his tone was quite sarcasm.

"I have stayed here for so long. Even if you let me stay longer, I don't care. Will you let me out if I tell you these things?"

At this point, a smile suddenly appeared on the observer's face.

"I know you very well. You will never let me go. Even if I tell you all the secrets, you may not trust me. So in the end, my final ending is still only Can stay here..."

Having said this, the observer suddenly jumped up, and then once again wrapped his hands around Xinghai's neck, and then stared at Xinghai's eyes with his own eyes.

"Do you think that's the case, my dear...point to... the official..."

I don’t know why, looking at the observer’s eyes, Xinghai’s heart suddenly felt like he didn’t dare to look straight. After all, what the observer said was true. If the observer really told him everything, then his reaction There will be almost no difference from what the observer said.

After all, for Xinghai, the observer will always...no, at least it is still an existence he cannot trust, and this is why he will keep the observer here, after all, for Xinghai, this kind of uncertain factor If there is no reason to be excluded, then the lowest level of trust must be given.

He must not be deceived, nor can he bear the cost of being deceived.

But subconsciously, Xinghai still said such words.

"I am sorry"

Listening to Xinghai's sudden words, the observer seemed to lose all interest in an instant.

She fell back on her chair, and then faced Xinghaidao

"Well, even if you really do something like that, I will tell you everything. You are too boring. I will only say it once. Then you will listen carefully."

After saying this, the observer hardly has any pause.

"The reason why the sirens came to me is very simple, that is, they want to continue to implement the plan. As for what the plan is, you don't need to know it. Anyway, the plan cannot be implemented, and they won't be implemented again. The power of that plan."

"But although the plan will not be executed again, the things left over from the plan are very important. If you can, I advise you to recover all the siren shells as much as possible, otherwise you will wait for yourself. Eat bitter fruit."

"As for the location of that place, they know better than I am now, so if you want to ask me, you might as well ask them, but they are not so easy to agree to you."

After saying these words, the observer seemed to be bored with the existence of Xinghai.

She waved her hand and said

"Okay, I have finished speaking, you can leave now."

With that said, before Xinghai could react, he felt a flower in his eyes, and then he saw that the observer suddenly came to a place far away from him.

But after looking around for a while, he discovered one thing. It was not that the observer ran far away from him, but that he did not know when he returned to the prison entrance.

Although his observers didn't have much defense against him just now, but suddenly he was moved such a long distance by the observers to explain a lot of problems, even if he was in the observer's domain just now.

After he left, he felt that the prison seemed to have become a little darker, even the light had become dimmer than before, and the light seemed to have a faint red color.

The observer sits on her chair as he did when he first came here, with his eyes closed, just like an exquisite doll.

Xinghai tried to take a step forward, but the surging darkness rejected him.

He knew that he could go in forcefully if he wanted to, but in the end he still didn't do it, no reason, just for the observer's previous words.

Just as he had guessed before, the existences that once had a relationship with him will eventually return to him one after another, but what kind of things these existences that return to him will do is beyond his control. .

Now it seems that observers also exist in this way, but observers seem to have more plans or no plans at all.

Xinghai noticed that she didn't want to leave this place, because based on the few tricks the observer showed just now, he was sure that the observer had long ago the ability to break this cage.

It's just that she didn't do such a thing, and even said that she wanted to stay here more than to leave this place.

This is the observer's own choice, Xinghai doesn't know anything, so he can't do anything, but he seems to need to talk to Betty, because Betty seems to know very well about such things.

Xinghai thinking about it this way left this place, and the moment Xinghai left the prison, the observer who was sitting there with his eyes closed instantly opened his eyes.

She looked at the direction Xinghai was leaving, and then murmured

"Xinghai, it's really a fascinating name, but it's the best thing for me to stay here, good to you and good to me."

With that, some blood-red chains suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Then I saw these chains climbed onto her body and bound her firmly.

If she was a quiet doll before, now she is like a doll full of killing, seductive and deadly.

"Bye now……"


After Xinghai left the prison, at a certain moment, there was a feeling of palpitations in his heart, as if something very important to him had disappeared. Subconsciously, he thought of the observer.

This thought drove him back to the prison, and when he reached the door of the prison, he stopped and did not take a step forward.

Because he has discovered that this prison has become a real prison, no, or a trapping cage is more appropriate.

Only allowed in, not allowed out. Anyone who wants to enter will pay a great price, and the hope of coming out is even slimmer.

After a short silence, he flew straight to the location where the sirens were. Since the observer asked him to go, he would go and take a look. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 855 Observer's Choice) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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