Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 857: go away

After Xinghai left, all the siren set their eyes on the siren before, and the siren felt those gazes on his body, and his face did not change in any way.

In the end, it was the petite siren who spoke first.

"Why do you want to do such a thing, do you know what it means to bring this dangerous guy there?"

Hearing her words, the siren glanced at her with dark circles under her eyes.

"I know, but do you have a better way?"

The siren's words made the petite siren stiff, and then all the siren were silent.

In fact, they all knew the reason why the Siren would do this kind of thing, but they were just a little unwilling to do it. It should be their business, but why they could only rely on a human being.

And it doesn't matter if you rely on human beings, this human being is still a human being beyond their control, that is to say, this human being may have some unpredictable influence on their plans at any time.

If they could, they would never choose to cooperate with this human being.

But just like the Siren said, they have no better way.

Let alone their current situation, the commander alone can represent some things.

Although they have stayed here, they are not ignorant of the outside world. After all, the chickens outside will be happy to tell them something, and the information they get from the chickens will give them a lot of information about the port area. Relevant information.

Perhaps the number of ship maidens in this port area is not the most they have seen, but the strength is the strongest they have ever seen.

Even if they are very reluctant to admit it, but if they insist, many of the ship maidens here are stronger than their peaks. If each of them had encountered a team formed in this port area, then they would definitely There is no chance of winning.

And these ship maidens are fine, if they really want them to say, maybe the commander who just left is the most terrifying existence.

They have never seen such a person... No, is that guy really human, at least they don't think humans can do such things.

That kind of feeling, as if he had come out of those fictional stories of human beings. He was obviously just such a human being, but he had almost dreamlike power. Should such a person really exist in the world?

Tomorrow they will set off with such a person. They don’t know the purpose of that person’s going there, but no matter what their purpose is, they must complete their final plan. Only if this plan succeeds, their The final plan can be realized.

These sirens are no longer entangled with those things. If they insist, even their teammates will not believe them, but they must also cooperate, because if they are still fighting each other in front of the human being as before, Then they will definitely lose their last chance.

In this way, the thoughtful sirens closed their eyes. Although they don't need to rest, they just want to close their eyes now, so that they can relax briefly.

At dawn the next day, Xinghai came here again, and this time he still did not disturb any tweets, after all, he needed to conceal his identity this time on the voyage.

At this juncture, his departure will definitely affect the emotions of those children. After all, the party is about to be held, but at this time their commander suddenly left without saying a word, even if they didn't think anything. Will feel lost.

So except for a few people who knew about this action, everyone else was kept in the dark.

He only hopes that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible, and it is best not to miss the next welcome party, after all, there are many children looking forward to seeing themselves at this party.

He believed that some children had made a lot of preparations for that day, so he didn't want to disappoint those children's expectations.

And his arrival also opened the eyes of these sirens. The siren headed by before looked at the empty Xinghai Dao.

"You are going to leave like this. We won't guarantee your safety, or are you ready outside?"

Faced with her question, Xinghai just answered plainly

"Don't worry, I'm all ready, you just need to show the way, and you can start now."

Xinghai's words made this Siren frowned. She looked at Xinghai whose expression did not seem to be fake, and finally said

"I hope you won't break your promise, and I can't be sure that my pointing is accurate. After all, it's too far away from there."

Her words did not make Xinghai show any unexpected look, he said

"You only need to direct the direction, and I will take care of the rest. You don't want me to play tricks, and I don't want you to play tricks, do you understand?"

Siren did not directly answer Xinghai’s words, she just pointed in one direction.


Hearing this siren's words, Xinghai didn't hesitate, the silver magic circle unfolded under his feet, instantly covering all the siren inside.

In the next second, Xinghai and all the sirens disappeared in place.

And this ship mother only felt a flower in front of her eyes, and then they realized that they were no longer in the small house before, but on a piece of ocean.

And after they looked around for a while, they realized that they seemed to be far away from the port area, and after feeling the distance between their hearts and that place, they were horrified to find that the distance might have been shortened by more than half.

This made all the sirens cast their eyes on the Xinghai, and there was also a hint of panic in it.

If the power of this human being was the same as in the film and television works of humans before, then the power of this human being is already at the level of a god.

This half of the journey would take more than a month even if they were on the road non-stop, but now the journey has been shortened to this short moment.

Xinghai didn't care about the siren's gaze, he cared more about when the matter could be resolved, even if it could not be resolved in a short time, he had to mark the place first and then slowly figure out a solution.

With this thought, Xinghai said indifferently again

"carry on"

Xinghai's indifferent tone made this Siren recover from her consternation. She glanced at Xinghai and pointed in a direction again, and Xinghai drove the teleportation array again just after she did such a thing.

It's just that Xinghai didn't dare to teleport too far, so the distance of teleportation also slowed down a lot.

But they finally stopped, in front of a wall...The latest chapter address of the Dimension Ship Girl: https://www .wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlReading the full text of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional Ship Niang mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 857 Leave), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Xianyuan Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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