Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 860: Powerless

These sirens wanted to continue to act with Xinghai, but in the end they still couldn't speak out.

It is true that what happened just now had too much influence on them, and this man's words did not seem to lie to them, because they could feel that if this continued, they would really die.

They hadn't noticed it during the previous transmission, but when the frequency of the transmission became denser, they felt something was wrong.

At first they could bear it, but then every time they teleported, they felt like their bodies were about to be torn apart.

This is not an illusion, but their bodies are really damaged, with some extremely subtle red marks on them.

They have a special way of sensing their bodies, so they have a better understanding of the changes in their bodies. They can feel that with the increase in the number of transmissions, the force of this tearing is also increasing, maybe it was good at the beginning , But as this situation intensifies, it will eventually reach a limit that they cannot bear.

At that time, just as this human being said, it was the moment when they were facing death.

But if they don't follow this human being, who can guarantee that this human will not leave them behind?

Although this human has been saying that he will not abandon them or abandon them, but they can't believe a word of human words, after all, they have been deceived many times.

Xinghai doesn’t care about these Siren’s thoughts. He is not a person who will deceive others in such a place. Of course, if these Sirens do not believe him, he will not stop him if he insists on going with him. Yes, as for what will happen in the end, it is not within his protection.

"I don't have much time, so I hope you can give me an answer quickly. If you don't answer, you will stay here by default."

After saying this, all the sirens lowered their heads and fell silent.

In the end, none of the siren uttered a word until Xinghai left. After a long time, they slowly raised their heads, and then they saw it, seeing the powerlessness in the eyes of their companions.

They were once the fearsome siren on this sea, and there was almost no existence that could fight them.

Although the navy girls have been fighting with them, in their view, those are just part of their experiments. All actions are prepared for their actions, and everything is in their calculations. .

But since that time, from the appearance of this red mist, everything has changed.

They are no longer the masters of this ocean. They are the most affected by the red mist based on the sea. After all, those ship maidens have some places close to the land where they can escape, but they are in the depths of the sea. There is no way to escape.

Perhaps since then, their defeat has been doomed.

They are good at calculating, but judging from the current situation, they can't count as any possibility.

And just now, they had a deeper understanding of their incompetence.

Originally they had to rely on a human being to make them feel uncomfortable, but what happened just now made them even more uncomfortable.

When facing a human being, they don't have any right to speak. Even after they come to this place, their lives are no longer in their own hands. If they can, that human being can even kill them instantly. ,

This used to be something that was absolutely impossible to happen, but now it is happening.

Originally, they thought they would have at least some opportunities. The reason why they would agree to this human request was entirely because they did not have the power to come here alone.

They fled to that port area. They encountered many dangers during their escape. At that time, they had to deal with it very hard, but now if they want to go back, it would be as difficult as the sky.

Even this possibility is still based on their ship equipment, after they have lost their own ship equipment, they have lost the ability to ocean and attack.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for them to return to the proving ground without borrowing any external force.

It's just that these are not the worst things. The moment they saw the wall of red fog, they knew something worse had happened.

The reason why they left the proving ground before is because the wall of red fog is constantly approaching their proving ground, and that proving ground is their largest proving ground. Many things inside cannot be transferred. As the wall of red fog advances, more and more crimson begins to appear, and that place is no longer safe.

So they left there after sealing up everything, waiting for a comeback later.

It's just that when they left, they didn't think of a problem, that is, they might never come back.

After leaving behind those sirens, Xinghai's transmission speed increased significantly, and at the same time some special methods he could use.

When the Sirens were there, some of his methods were not easy to use. This was not because he wanted to hide something, but because of the use of some of the methods, it was very likely that some abnormal changes would occur here. Next, he couldn't make sure that he could protect the sirens.

As for why he chose to do this instead of abandoning the sirens, it was probably because he didn't want to do it.

He had already explored before. Those siren’s bases are in this circle. Perhaps this circle may be a bit outrageous for others, but for him, this is still within the scope of his tolerance. Inside.

It's just that now he has explored almost all the places in this circle, but he still hasn't made any progress, there is nothing under or on the sea, as if the base doesn't exist.

But this is obviously impossible. Let's not say that the Sirens have their own way of positioning their base. The weird protective measures here almost prove that there is a problem here.

Even if the siren’s base is really not here, he has to find out the hidden things here. After all, the scope is narrowed to this. Where is there any reason for him not to find out those things?

After thinking for a while, Xinghai is still exploring the sea. Although those sirens may not have that kind of habit, they still need to explore. Maybe there will be any unexpected gains?

Thinking of this, Xinghai immediately began to act. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional Ship Niang mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/ In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 860 is incapable), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Xianyuan Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you stand by! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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