Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 870: contact

After dealing with the Siren, Xinghai immediately hurried to the port area.

In order to deal with the crimson hiding on the island before, he spent a lot of time, after all, not all crimson has a desire to die, if they deliberately hide it, it would be very troublesome to find it.

And it is impossible for him to sink the entire crimson island directly, after all, he also agreed to the group of siren.

So under such conditions, he spent a lot of time on this.

But fortunately, everything has been processed, and the siren accepted the controller, which is equivalent to putting a monitor here.

It's just that this monitor is not used to monitor the sirens. Its main purpose is to monitor the appearance of crimson through the huge circle in the sky.

After all, Crimson is more dangerous than Siren.


Not long after Xinghai left, a strange eyeball appeared on the periphery of the island.

This eyeball was trembling while approaching the island. It seemed to want to leave here, but it was like something caught it, preventing it from leaving this place, and even moving towards the island.

And after the eyeball approached a certain distance from the island, a beam of light suddenly appeared beside it, and then it didn't even make a scream and turned to ashes.

But at a very far place, a pair of eyes watched this scene with fear, and disappeared after a long time.


When I returned to the port area, a glimmer of light just rose from the horizon.

Xinghai walked a few steps and saw a figure sitting on the beach. The figure was sitting motionless, but Xinghai felt that she was there waiting for herself.

After hesitating, Xinghai walked over, then picked up Betty to find a place to sit down and let Betty sit on her lap.

Betty seemed to be taken aback by Xinghai's sudden movements, so that the cold expression on her face couldn't be stretched.

But Betty soon reacted. After all, it was not the first time for such a thing. She felt that she was already a little used to it. Perhaps if this continues, she might react at all when Xinghai does something like this in the future. No.

It’s just that it’s a future thing no matter what, it has nothing to do with her now, so she looked at Xinghai blankly, and then spoke.

"Do you like to tease me like this?"

Hearing Betty’s words, I don’t know why, Xinghai suddenly felt that he was on a whim, so he took the opportunity to speak

"Yes, what do you want to do?"

After saying this, Xinghai's disdainful rebuttal did not appear. Instead, Betty's face blushed and turned her head to silence.

This reflection of Betty made Xinghai a little dazed or at a loss as to what to do.

After all, Betty's attitude towards him suddenly changed, so he was a little uncomfortable for a while.

And his performance was naturally seen by Betty, and Betty turned black after seeing his reflection, and said indifferently.

"Since you are back now, the matter there should be resolved."

Hearing Betty’s words, Xinghai was taken aback for a moment, and then he spoke.

"Well, it has been resolved, and I have left some things there, so for the time being, there is no need to worry even if something happens there."

Xinghai's words made Betty nodded.

After doing this, she wanted to jump out of Xinghai’s arms, but found that she was hugged by Xinghai, so she turned her head, looked at Xinghai, and said indifferently.

"The thing is done, what else do you want to do?"

Looking at Betty like this, Xinghai hesitated.

"How do you... know those things?"

Hearing Xinghai's question, Betty had an abnormal look on her face, but this look quickly disappeared, and she replied.

"I naturally have a way to obtain this information, and asking too many such things will not do you or me any good, and there is just..."

Speaking of this, Betty paused suddenly, and then after a long pause, she shook her head.

"No, nothing, just assume that I didn't say that word just now..."

With that, she broke free from Xinghai's embrace and left.

Seeing Betty's back, Xinghai opened his mouth, but said nothing.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that Betty didn't seem to be so relaxed, or that she seemed to carry more things than them.

And these things are pressed on her little shoulders, how did she carry these heavy burdens?

Betty has been silently by his side and has done many things for him, but he seems a little indifferent to Betty.

It’s just that now he doesn’t know what he should do for Betty. He knows the personality of these girls very well, so if he only treats Betty well, it will be very abrupt, and Betty will not accept it. .

After all, these girls have their own self-esteem, and their rash actions will only arouse their resentment.

Thinking of this, Xinghai sighed.

Although these girls have such a personality that will make him very relieved in some cases, but at this time, it makes him very helpless.

Forget it, let's take one step at a time, and this welcome party seems to be a good opportunity.

Although the main body of this welcome party is the ship women, Betty and the others must also participate. After all, they will live together in the future, so it is best to have a good relationship now.

At that time, he should have a chance to communicate with Betty.


Betty, who didn't know when she turned back, looked at her leaving Xinghai, and gently stroked her lower abdomen.

There, there is a mark that represents the connection between her and Xinghai.

This is the mark left when they signed the contract. Xinghai may have always thought that she didn't like this mark, but on the contrary, she liked it very much.

Because this mark represents the eternal connection between them and the absolutely inseparable relationship between them.

As long as this mark is still there, the relationship between them will always exist. She is the contract spirit of Xinghai, and Xinghai is her master. No matter how far apart, they will eventually come together.

As long as this mark is still...


"Found it, do you want to start the next plan now?"

A group of siren stayed together, and beside them, there were various instruments and some unknown things.

After the siren said this, the other siren shook his head.

"No, wait a while, I'm not sure whether these things can be used now, so I need to check carefully, plan, and no failure is allowed..."The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlReading on Dimension Ship Niang mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 870 Contact) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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