Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 872: Cell phone

As soon as Belfast's words came out, Xinghai was stunned. Even if someone could deliver the message, he shouldn't be so fast. Although he has been standing here for a while, it actually didn't take long for him to speak. , So the transmission speed of this news is really amazing.

Seems to see Xinghai’s doubts, Belfast leaned to Xinghai’s ear and whispered softly

"Commander, now those children all have mobile phones, Master Rafite has realized the network connection in the port area."

Hearing Belfast’s words, Xinghai immediately looked around, and then he immediately noticed that although not all ship maidens have mobile phones in their hands, many ship maidens have mobile phones in their hands. In this way, it can explain why information can be transmitted so quickly.

And just as Xinghai thought about it, Belfast suddenly handed over something.

"Here, Commander, Master Rafite gave you this."

Looking at the phone passed by Belfast, Xinghai took it.

This is a very ordinary-looking mobile phone, but Xinghai trembles a little when picking it up.

The appearance of this mobile phone was the first gift Rafi gave him when he and Rafi were in the same world. He has always cherished the mobile phone, but in a later accident, this gift he cherished very much. It completely disappeared in that incident.

It's just that he didn't expect that after so long, Lafite still remembered that incident, which made him feel inexplicably moved.

Seeing Xinghai stunned, Belfast touched Xinghai lightly after hesitating.


After being touched by Belfast, Xinghai quickly recovered. He looked at Belfast on the side and said with some doubts.

"What's wrong, Belfast, what happened?"

Hearing Xinghai's question, Belfast respectfully said.

"Commander, there are already many children coming here..."

Belfast did not go on with the following words, but Xinghai also understood what she meant.

In just this short period of time, the number of ship maidens here has almost doubled, and it seems that there is a trend of continuing to increase. If the number of ship maidens here continues to increase, without anyone managing it, there will be Some dangerous things may happen.

After all, so many ship ladies stay here. Once an accident happens, it will be very serious. Today is the welcome party, and he doesn't want any major accidents to happen today.

Thinking of this, Xinghai directly took Belfast's hand, and then said to the ship maidens around

"Now that I have something to do, I will leave first. I am looking forward to seeing you in the evening."

After saying this, a magic circle appeared at the feet of Xinghai and Belfast, and the two of them disappeared here in the next second.

And those ship women suddenly let out a cry of exclamation when they saw this scene.

After all, they didn't know that their commander had this ability.


In the office, a burst of light flashed, and the figures of Belfast and Xinghai appeared here.

And the office is not empty. Here, a few girls have already sat here in advance.

Xinghai looked around for a while, and he found that several girls who were close to him were all here, so it seemed that this small office was a bit crowded.

This surprised Xinghai, but he soon reacted. Since even the children knew the news of his appearance, it is impossible for these girls not to know that he appeared, so in such a situation, they would It's normal to wait for yourself here.

No, it seems abnormal. After all, not all girls will come here deliberately at this point in time, and they will all come here now, mostly because someone called them.

Xinghai turned his head and met Rafi's eyes. At this moment, he seemed to know who had brought these girls together.

But even though he knew something like this, he still had to say something, so he asked directly

"You are all here waiting for me, is there anything else?"

As soon as Xinghai's words came out, the whole room suddenly fell into a strange silence, so that Xinghai suddenly became a little unnatural, and at the same time he still had some doubts, could it be that he did something wrong, or what about these girls? Will it be the present performance?

And this strange silence did not last long, and Rafi took the lead to break this silence.

"Hai, go with Rafi tonight!"

Lafite’s words were very flat, but his tone was firm.

Although I don't know why Rafi used that tone, but Rafi probably just wanted him to accompany her at night. This is not a difficult thing for him, so he was ready to agree immediately.

It's just that before he could say his promise, another girl spoke up.

"I think the commander has been with you enough, so this time you shouldn't grab this opportunity with me."

This time it was Nagato who spoke, and Nagato's tone was also very serious, but it was different from before. This time Xinghai felt a bad breath in Nagato's words.

Soon his thoughts came true, and a new girl spoke up.

"Yes, Rafite, you have too much time in the sea, so this time you should quit this war by yourself."

Yi Ling who spoke this time, and as soon as Yi Ling spoke, there was a smell of war on Rafie. She seemed to want Rafie to be the target of everyone's attacks.

But facing Yi Ling's words, Lafite's face did not change in any way. Instead, she looked at Yi Ling and said with a cold voice that could be heard by everyone.

"You used to occupy the sea a lot of time, so you are not qualified to talk about Rafite."

As soon as Rafi’s words came out, the other girls remembered. Before that, Ealing seemed to have been alone with the commander for a long time, and at that time, it seemed that something happened between Ealing and the commander. Something indescribable, but now when thinking of that, a few girls' faces instantly blush.

But this did not make Yi Ling back down, but strengthened Yi Ling's fighting spirit.

Xinghai watched such a battle without gunpowder, only feeling that his cold sweat was coming out. He quietly retreated to the side, and then whispered to Belfast on the side.

"They, why..."

Xinghai didn't finish what he said, because he saw the somewhat bitter look of Belfast.

"Isn't this happening because of the commander, the commander remembers what he said before tonight?"

Xinghai was taken aback by Belfast's words. What did he say? He seems to have only said that he is going to the banquet tonight. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 872 Phone) reading history, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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