Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 883: The result of the fight.

A girl took the lead and grabbed a bead into her hand.

It's just that her luck is not so good. The beads she got are a late number.

Although she didn't get any good numbers, her behavior was like triggering some fuse, and all the girls moved.

It's just that some of them are grabbing beads, and some are different.

Seeing Shishino's move, a bead flew into her hands in an instant, and the capable girls also used their own methods.

Looking at the number six in his hand, Shishino instantly relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief, and her behavior even stimulated the other girls.

And if they continue to let them go like this, it will definitely become very turbulent here, and Xinghai has thought of this a long time ago, so his magic power radiated out and controlled all the girls.

"Keep order, if someone comes in disorder, then you will lose this opportunity."

Xinghai's words were still so gentle, but none of them dared to move, because they still knew Xinghai well. Since Xinghai said such things, he would basically be able to do it.

Thinking of this, no girl dared to move, all of them stood there obediently, motionless.

Seeing this, Xinghai withdrew his magic power this time, allowing these girls to move freely.

But even without Xinghai's control, these girls would not dare to move. After all, Xinghai's words were still echoing in their ears, and none of them wanted to lose this opportunity.

Although they are still very anxious now, they will not act at will.

The performance of these girls made Xinghai breathe a sigh of relief. Although most of them are relatively orderly, this kind of order is based on the premise that there is no behavior that disrupts this order.

And once some girls behave excessively, they may cause a lot of trouble.

Of course, there are also guys who fan the flames like the Purifier.

She seemed to want to see him deflated, but how could he make her wish, and did he pay less attention to the Purifier during this period, so that the Purifier started to jump like this?

Xinghai thought about how to punish the purifiers after this incident was over. Let’s leave the matter aside for the time being, and the last time she brought the sirens to the observers, he still hasn’t accounted for it. Forget it.

Originally, he wanted to treat it as if he hadn't seen it, and didn't care about it, but he didn't expect the Purifier to jump like this. In this case, he had to reluctantly punish the Purifier.

Just as Xinghai was thinking about it, the Purifier suddenly felt his hair explode, as if something extremely terrifying was staring at her, making her tremble.

But here, there are not many existences that would make her feel this way.

Thinking of this, the Purifier raised her head subconsciously, and then she saw Xinghai smiling at her face. Although Xinghai didn't say anything, she already wanted to hug Xinghai's thigh and beg for mercy.

She doesn't care about face or anything, as long as it can be exempted from punishment, outsiders' eyes are nothing.

It's just that she hasn't taken any action yet, she feels as if she is trapped by something, and she is very familiar with this method, after all, it is not the first time he has enjoyed this ability.

Moreover, in this port area, apart from him, no one else has this ability.

Thinking of this, the Purifier's face suddenly appeared uglier than crying. Looking at Xinghai's still smiling face, she was already regretting it now.

If she didn't do something like that just now, would it not happen now? If there is another time, she will definitely not do such a thing again, absolutely not!


The Purifier's matter came to an end. The girls on the field got their own beads and their own playing numbers. This made some girls very happy and some girls sad.

In less than a minute when these girls grabbed the beads, the battle between Rafi and Ealing was also won.

Lafite held a nearly broken bead in his hand. No, that bead was actually broken a long time ago. Now it's only because of the power of Lafite that it hasn't completely dispersed.

But Xinghai had every reason to believe that as long as Rafi let go, this bead would definitely burst open in an instant. After all, there were still two very violent forces in this bead.

On the other hand, Yi Ling, who was leaning on the table beside her with her eyes absent-minded, felt like she had lost her dream.

And seeing this, Xinghai also knew who the final winner was. As expected, Rafi showed the beads in his hands.

A big 1 appeared on the bead, and it immediately attracted everyone's attention. In Yi Ling's hand, it was a bead with a 2 engraved on it.

If it were other girls, they would have been very satisfied, but for Ealing, this is not just a two, it also means that she once again lost to Rafi, and it is just that. Kind.

This is also a very serious blow to her. It is clear that her strength should be far superior to Lafite, but why is this happening now?

Rafie glanced at Yi Ling, his face did not change, but he sighed in his heart.

In fact, this bead was snatched by Yi Ling just now. After all, her strength is indeed worse than Yi Ling, but Yi Ling is too greedy, she even wants to take the No. 2 bead, let her take another meaning The exclusive horoscope on the sea.

It's just that she failed. Not only did she fail, she even took in the prize in her own hands. It can be said that this kind of thing will happen completely on her own.

The reason why Rafite sighed, besides Ealing's self-inflicted feeling, there were also some heartaches that Ealing could not forgive himself.

During this period of time, Yiling has mixed well with other people in the port area, but when it happens to her, she seems to never let go, but it seems to be the same, as long as she is still by the sea. , Such a thing will never end, never will.

Raffi was a little distracted, while Yi Ling looked like he had lost his dreams. This made Xinghai a little puzzled, and Yi Ling would forget it, but why did Rafi react like this.

While Xinghai was thinking this way, Belfast clapped his hands, so that all the girls' eyes were gathered on her.

"Okay, now that all the adults' numbers have been obtained, let's start rehearsing next."

"We have wasted too much time, so we are speeding up our speed now." the latest chapter of the Dimension Ship Girl Address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlReading address of the full text of Dimension Ship Niang: https ://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional ship girl txt download address: https://www .wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/154269/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 883 The result of the struggle.) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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