Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 885: About to start

Xinghai didn't go down immediately, and not just Xinghai, nor did her other girls think so.

And the reason why they don't have such an idea is entirely because it is not the time yet.

Let alone the children below who have not yet adapted to this place, just to say that there are still some children who have not come here is not enough to give them any reason to continue.

Although Xinghai didn't intervene in the arrangement this time, he helped a little bit with the arrangement of the venue.

If it was just the previous canteen, it would not be enough to support the ship's mother in the entire port area to stay in it, so Xinghai carried out some small treatments on the canteen, which expanded the internal space of the canteen a lot.

Although not all ship maidens will come here, Xinghai is ready for all ship maidens to come here.

And even if they won't come at all, Xinghai still has to prepare a place for them. After all, it's their business whether they will come, but whether he must prepare for the place is another matter.

At least he didn't want to see the feeling of loneliness when a child wanted to come over, but found that he didn't have his own place at all.

With the passage of time, most of the ship women in the port area have arrived here.

At first, some of them didn't have any interest in this matter, but they couldn't bear the hard work of their friends, so they had to come with them, and after they came, they were also shocked.

There are also those relatively lonely ship women. Although they don't have any friends, they will also have some interest in this after seeing such a prosperous state, and this interest is the motivation that drove them to come.

Of course, in order to get all these children here, Xinghai still moved some hands and feet.

His magic circles are all over the port area, so these magic circles will affect these girls to a certain extent, making them want to come here subconsciously.

It's just that if the children do not want to come here very strongly, this weak influence will not have any impact on them.

And if there are such children, he will look for these children after the banquet is over to understand their situation.

Because he at least needs to know the level of disgust that makes them think about it.

If there is a problem, it is necessary to solve it. If you keep it in your heart, it is also a very bad thing for yourself. And if these contradictions are not resolved in one day, then no one will feel good when the problem finally arises.

But now it seems that such a child did not appear, which also let Xinghai breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, if such a child does appear, he may not know how to deal with such a child.

As the banquet continued, all the ship maidens had entered, and some who did not, were unable to come here for various reasons, but although they could not come here, they could give them through Rafi To watch the live broadcast of the banquet on his mobile phone.

Although Lafite’s mobile phone looks no different from the mobile phones in this world, it is undoubtedly much more powerful in function.

Although Rafi did not say, Xinghai can roughly guess that the servers of these phones are using her own hull.

Xinghai used a lot of resources to build Rafi’s hull. It not only possesses extremely powerful combat effectiveness, but also has a very complete range of functions. After all, they were parading in the universe at the time, plus his special Identity, so it is normal for Lafite to have that ability.

Xinghai does not know how far Lafite’s ship mother has recovered, because Lafite seems unwilling to tell him such a thing, but if you just want to implement a local area network, it is very simple for Lafite. Things.

Even through her hull, it is not a problem to connect directly to the outside network.

In Xinghai's view, this is not a bad thing.

It only takes a few small modifications, and these phones will become the best communicators. No, maybe Lafite has already done such a thing, but it hasn't shown it yet.

And when Xinghai was thinking about such a thing, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Commander, it's about to start."

Belfast's words made Xinghai come back to his senses. He looked around and found that the girls around were ready, and they were all looking at him.

Seeing Xinghai here, don't you know that they are all waiting for themselves?

Xinghai apologized immediately when he thought of this

"Excuse me, I was thinking about something just now so I was distracted. Let's go now."

As soon as Xinghai's words came out, all the girls showed excitement in their eyes. After they waited for so long, this moment was finally coming.

This thought refreshed them all, even Rafi and Ealing.

Although it was not the first time that the two of them accompanied him to such a banquet, the concept this time was obviously different from before, so this time was very meaningful.

And seeing these children are ready, Belfast also spoke

"Now that the commander and the adults are ready, get ready to go."

With that, Belfast led them downstairs.

This time the banquet hall was specially designed. The route from the second floor to the first floor is a gorgeous spiral staircase. Through this spiral staircase, you can go to the previously prepared stage.

This stage was prepared for them from the very beginning, so there was no shipwife coming up around this stage.

Of course, although there is no navy girl who can go up, they have long been curious about such a place, and after contacting the commander's words this morning, many navy girls have already guessed what this place is used for.

So this also made them very excited. After all, this is an opportunity to see the commander up close. Maybe after missing this opportunity, there will be no chance again.

Under such circumstances, there will naturally be a lot of ship maidens coming here, and Belfast has long expected such a thing to happen.

So these ship women discovered that except for some maid ship women who are maintaining order, they actually have no way to get close to that stage. As long as they get close to that stage, they will be blocked by an invisible object. After several attempts, these girls also calmed down, did not do anything, but quietly waited for the arrival of their commander.

And on the periphery of these ship mothers, one ship mother held the other ship mother’s hand and said with a depressed expression.

"Ah, it seems to be late, we seem to have no chance to get in."The latest chapter address of Dimension Ship Girl: https ://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlReading address of the full text of Dimension Ship Niang: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot. com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/ 154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 885 Coming soon) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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