Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 888: Banquet

Xinghai sighed in his heart when he looked at the ship women with different expressions.

Of course, the reason why he sighed was not because these navy girls didn't believe him, but because these navy girls were so excited about such a trivial matter.

In other port areas, although it is still difficult for most ship maidens to get along with the commander face to face, meeting each other is not a difficult thing. In other words, in a normal port area, the number of times the commander shows up is actually Quite a lot, and there will be all kinds of activities in a port area.

Therefore, although most of the ship maidens in those port areas did not have close contact with their commanders, it is actually not difficult to meet each other.

But it’s different in Xinghai’s port area. Because of his personal special reasons, the ship’s lady in his port area has been in close contact with them, and it’s very difficult to even see him. The only way they can understand Xinghai is the portraits and stories...

But how can portraits and stories compare with real people?

If they have not seen it, they can only guess about everything about their commander, which also causes them to want to see their commander, because they all want to know whether their commander is in their minds. I thought it was the same.

It is precisely because of knowing such things that Xinghai made this decision.

Of course, he himself couldn't have so much time to spend time with those girls, but he didn't lie. After all, he couldn't pass through, but a clone could still be made.

Even if it was just a clone who could only talk, it would be even simpler. In this way, he could even separate part of his mind to talk to those ship ladies.

In such a situation, the clone is no different from the real person.

However, it should be noted that if the ship maidens find that there are two commanders, they will wear help, so this still needs to be careful.


After this matter is finished, what is left is some formulaic words.

Xinghai doesn't like to talk about big things, but at this time, he always needs some words to mobilize the passion of these ship ladies. After all, it is a banquet tonight. How can I not let these children have a good time?

Therefore, after Xinghai announced the unlimited supply of food and drinks tonight, most of the ship’s mothers suddenly became excited.

After all, there are too few opportunities like this. No, it should be said that there is no such opportunity at all. You can eat all-you-can-eat without paying for the opportunity. How can this be missed?

Although there are many ship maidens who are not interested in this kind of thing, most of the ship maidens are very interested in this matter.

After that, Xinghai announced some things related to the port area. The general content is to hope that the ship mother from the mirror sea area can get along well with the ship mother in the port area, and the ship mother in the port area should also take the initiative. Accept them.

After all, this is his main purpose for holding this welcome party. If you make too many other things, it will seem a little bit upside-down.

After announcing those things, Xinghai let these girls go to play by themselves. Of course, he had promised to talk to these ship maidens before, so many ship maidens rushed over immediately.

Seeing that Xinghai also answered their various questions one by one, but for some more cumbersome questions, he did not directly answer them, but asked the ship ladies to ask them tomorrow.

Because of Xinghai's words, these ship women are more convinced of Xinghai's previous words, and at the same time have more expectations for tomorrow.

And some ship women saw that the probability of talking to the commander was low or was not interested in such things, so they quickly left here and went to specialize in the food.

After all, the commander said that only tonight will the food be infinitely available, and the food tonight is all that kind of very delicious food, and there are all kinds of delicious drinks that also make them want to stop.

You know, many of the things that appeared at this banquet were foods that she had never seen and had never heard of. Maybe if she missed this opportunity, there will be no next time. As for the conversation with the commander, since the commander said something like that, there is nothing wrong with going to the commander tomorrow.

In addition to these foods, Xinghai also asked Belfast to prepare some small games to draw the relationship between these children, which further distracted these children.

Therefore, many ship women have an idea in their hearts, that is, no matter what, at least enjoy it today, so driven by this idea, most of them have shifted their attention to other places, and this It is also the purpose of Xinghai.

After all, if too many girls come to him, even he will find it difficult to deal with it.

After these children have gone through this banquet, the relationship between these children should be better. Although there may indeed be some contradictions, Belfast also anticipated the possibility of this happening in advance, and do a good job. Corresponding measures were taken.

Xinghai doesn't know how effective this measure is, but it certainly has a little effect. As for the specific effect, it may take a while.

After all, the establishment of friendship also takes time, especially if both parties are not familiar with each other.


Rafi looked at the Xinghai surrounded by a group of ship maidens and stood blankly on the side. At this moment, Yi Ling suddenly leaned over.

"Seeing the sea surrounded by so many cute children, have you started to panic, I know..."

Before Yi Ling had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Rafi, and saw Rafi say without expression and indifferent tone.

"Xiaoling, you are also blocked outside."

Rafie’s words made Yi Ling choked, and she couldn’t say anything anymore. After holding back for a long time, she said in a gloomy tone.

"I suddenly felt that my previous efforts were in vain..."

What Yiling said is also the truth. After all, she worked so hard before to get a chance to be with Xinghai at this banquet, but the actual situation now is that Xinghai is occupied by her ship's mother, and she is a little bit There is no chance.

Because she couldn't get angry with those ship maidens, and she knew exactly why what happened now, but she was a little unwilling, or very unwilling.

As for Ealing’s complaints, Rafi just said calmly.

"There will be a chance, but not now."

Hearing Rafie's calm answer, Yi Ling was stunned for a moment, and then nodded as if he had realized something. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 888 Banquet), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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