Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 895: confidence

It's completely different from when I was with Lafite.

If Rafi is the kind of extremely quiet existence, then Yi Ling is an absolutely lively representative.

Because it seemed that they had thoughts before they joined the banquet together, the places Yi Ling took Xinghai to were very purposeful, or the places she had always wanted to go.

It has also been mentioned before that Yi Ling's character will be affected by her body, and Xinghai is not quite sure what kind of state it is.

According to normal circumstances, what determines a person's character is not his appearance, but his inner life. Therefore, no matter what his body is, his character should not be affected in any way.

But Yi Ling does not seem to be in this list. Xinghai has been with Yi Ling for a long time before, and he has seen many forms of Yi Ling, and among all these forms, there is no one form. The character is the same.

If Yi Ling can disguise his character, then Yi Ling's disguise is too similar.

When he first met Yi Ling, what he saw was a clone of Yi Ling, and that clone was a child, so Yi Ling's personality was also very much like a child, but after the clone was recovered, Yi Ling Ling also became an adult female, and at that time Yi Ling's personality was completely different.

In the adult state, Yi Ling is indifferent, irritable, but unexpectedly sensible, and can be said to be a superior person who is infinitely close to perfection.

At that time, Xinghai and Yi Ling were the most tiring to get along, because at that time he needed to pay attention to every action and words of his own, otherwise it was likely to anger Yi Ling.

It's just that such a thing disappeared later, after Yi Ling showed it to him as a little girl for the first time.

After that, Ealing rarely used the adult form, even if it went up a little bit, it was only a girl form. Although the irritable personality was still retained, other personalities have changed more or less. , And sometimes it can be said that a person has changed completely.

At a time, he still didn't understand why Yi Ling did such a thing, but now he understands that the reason why Yi Ling did all this is for him...


Yi Ling's dissatisfaction shouted Xinghai's recollection, and the first thing he saw was Yi Ling who looked at him dissatisfied.

Seeing Xinghai's subconscious way

"What's wrong, what's the matter?"

Hearing Xinghai's words, Yi Ling's eyes suddenly flashed lonely. After a long time, she pulled Xinghai out of this place.

Xinghai looked at Yi Ling, who was taciturn in front of him, and knew that he had said something wrong.

In the past, Yi Ling was very interested in those small games, but now it is different. She seems to have completely lost interest in those things, and she didn't even look at them again.

And Xinghai was pulled by Yi Ling in this way, and did not make any resistance, just let Yi Ling pull himself out of the banquet hall.

After leaving the banquet hall, Yi Ling still didn't stop, until he came to a familiar beach, Yi Ling did not stop.

Because it had always been the reason for being pulled by Yi Ling, now Yi Ling is facing the star sea, so he can't see what Yi Ling's expression is now.

It's just that Yi Ling didn't seem to want to stay silent like this, so she spoke up not long after.

"I know I can't beat Rafite, but...but I hope..."

Having said this, Yi Ling turned around fiercely, then looked at Xinghai with tears on his face, and shouted

"I hope that when Hai is with me, don't think about Rafite, okay!"

And after Yi Ling finished shouting, she continued to channel with tears

"Even if... even if it's just pretending, please ask Hai to show that you are very happy when you are with me..."

At this point, Yi Ling's voice gradually lowered.

"Because just that, I can think that the sea likes me..."

Seeing the appearance of Yi Ling in front of him, Xinghai felt anxious for a while, and at the same time, he also knew why Yi Ling had such a reaction suddenly.

He sighed, then gently hugged Yi Ling in his arms, Yi Ling struggled, but did not resist very hard.

"Why does Xiao Ling have such thoughts?"

After hearing Xinghai’s questioning, Yi Ling was silent for a long time before saying

"I thought Hai and Yi Ling never smiled like that when they were together, did they?"

Xinghai was taken aback by Yi Ling's words. Is it just because of such a thing that Yi Ling had a misunderstanding?

Thinking of this, Xinghai couldn't help being a little funny and a little helpless.

He released Yi Ling, then looked into Yi Ling's eyes and said

"Why would Xiao Ling think that I wouldn't smile like that when I was with me?"

This time Yi Ling did not answer Xinghai’s question, and Xinghai didn’t need Yi Ling to answer it, but said as if asking and answering.

"Because you have never seen a smile like that when you are with me, but have I really never shown a smile like that?"

After saying this, Xinghai clearly felt that the pupils of the girl in front of him shrank, obviously thinking of something, and Xinghai also continued when he saw it.

"You have such thoughts, just because you didn't notice such things, or that you selectively forgot those things."

"The relationship between me and Lafite, and between me and you is different."

"If you compare Rafia to my shadow and always support me behind your back, then I should be your shadow. Although it's not anymore, isn't it what it used to be?"

Xinghai's words seemed to plunge Yi Ling into a state of shock, perhaps she also realized what she had always ignored.

"Do you know what I was thinking about?"

At this time Xinghai's voice appeared again.

"I didn't actually think about anything related to Lafite. What I was thinking about was actually the scene when we met."

Hearing this, Yi Ling's body shook for a moment, and his eyes trembled.

Seeing this, Xinghai sighed.

"Do you know why you think I'm thinking about Rafite? That's because you are not confident in yourself. You don't even think that you can compare to Rafite. So when you meet things related to Rafite, you Only when you think of Rafi instead of yourself, your emotions will be so excited. Am I right?"

After Xinghai said these words, Yi Ling subconsciously took a few steps back.

Xinghai directly placed the things she had been reluctant to face and had been avoiding in front of her, but she had no idea of ​​refuting it. In other words, how can she refute some real things? The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 895 Confidence) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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