Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 898: Betty and the Dimensional Illustrated Book

Betty closed the book and looked at Xinghai with complicated eyes.

"Master, is there something wrong with Betty?"

Xinghai shook his head when he heard Betty's words.

"No, if you want to say it, Betty, you are one of my most assured children, and Betty, you do it yourself very well..."

Xinghai's words made Betty lower her head.

"If this is the case, why do you still pursue these things, master, isn't that good? Why does the master destroy this rare tranquility?"

Betty's words silenced Xinghai, and Xinghai sighed helplessly after a long time.

"Betty, do you know that, for me, the child who makes me feel at ease is the child who makes me feel at ease. You know so many things, I think Betty, you should know why I am doing this. "

Xinghai's words made Betty tremble, obviously she was thinking of something.

Seeing Betty's movements, Xinghai sighed again, and a sense of melancholy arose in his heart.

Xinghai's thinking is a very contradictory mentality, and the reason why he has such a thinking is because he is too scared, afraid of the so-called most reassuring child.

It is precisely because she is most assured that she will pay less attention to her, but this is precisely the reason for the outbreak of hidden dangers.

Because of the less attention, the understanding of her will also become less. Under such circumstances, once she does not even know what happens, certain things will become ignorant. It gets worse and worse, and finally leads to something unwilling to see happen.

It is precisely because he has experienced such things that he cares more about such things.

After a long silence, Betty spoke

"Master, in fact, you don't need to be so concerned about Betty, Betty can take care of herself, and the things that you are afraid of, Master, won't happen..."

At the end, Betty's voice gradually weakened, because she also knew how pale her reasons were.

Once I was bitten by a snake for ten years, I was afraid of well ropes. It is precisely because I have experienced such things that I am even more afraid of that kind of thing. Some things, it is not that you say it will not happen, it really will not happen.

Betty has some very special sources of information, so she is very familiar with Xinghai's past experience. Maybe she can't understand what Xinghai was like at that time, but it can still be seen from those records. That will probably be something very painful.

Staring at the silent Betty, Xinghai sighed helplessly.

He walked over, picked Betty up, and let her sit on his lap.

This time Betty did not make any resistance, or in other words, now Betty is like a lifeless doll, at the mercy of Xinghai.

Xinghai placed a magic circle, allowing others to avoid it subconsciously while they couldn't see it.

After doing all this, he said to Betty

“I’m actually a very timid person. I’m afraid of many things. I don’t even want you to show up anything at all, but this is destined to be an impossible thing, so I can only try to avoid things that I don’t want to happen. ."

"I believe you should be very clear about this, Betty, so as long as I have a relationship with you, it will be difficult for me to calm down..."

Hearing Xinghai's words, Betty moved slightly, and then said in an unusually low tone.

"But it is precisely because of this character that the master becomes fearful. If possible, I even hope that the master will remain the same as before..."

As soon as Betty's voice fell, Xinghai spoke.

"That's impossible."

Xinghai's tone gradually became firmer.

"I have lost too much, and I don’t want to lose what I cherish anymore. As you always say, a world without me is meaningless, but for me, a world without you is nothing. It doesn't make sense..."

"No, it's different..."

Betty interrupted Xinghai, but she didn't make any movement.

"The master is the only one, but..."

"You are not the only one, you want to say this, are you?"

Xinghai uttered that sentence in front of Betty, and after hearing Xinghai's words, Betty was silent again, and Xinghai's face gradually became cold.

"I don't know why you have such ridiculous thoughts. I am unique to you, but aren't you also unique to me?"

"Each of you is unique, no one can be replaced, or if you want to say that you have a lot of people, it doesn’t matter if one is missing, but the actual situation is that you all think like this, and in the end there is It’s just me alone."

With that, the Dimensional Illustrated Book appeared in his hand. After hesitating for a while, he still passed the Dimensional Illustrated Book to Betty.

Betty looked up at Xinghai with some doubts, not understanding what he meant.

Seeing Betty’s puzzled gaze, Xinghai looked at Betty and said

"Open it, and then talk about what you saw?"

Although she didn't quite understand the meaning of Xinghai, Betty opened the book obediently, and then she saw the black silhouettes whose colors had become extremely thin.

"Do you know what this is?"

At this time, Xinghai asked again, and after hearing Xinghai's question, she shook her head.

Although she knows many deeds related to Xinghai, most of those deeds are extremely confusing, and no matter which deed it is, there is no information about this book mentioned in it.

Seeing Betty shook her head, Xinghai didn't look surprised. Because of the special nature of the Dimensional Illustrated Book, the Dimensional Illustrated Book could not be recorded. In other words, it was impossible for other people to get the information related to the Dimensional Illustrated Book from anywhere.

So after Betty shook her head, Xinghai explained

"This is a special artifact that belongs to me alone. Every page in this represents one of you."

Hearing Xinghai's words, Betty's body trembled, seeming to realize something.

"And once you leave me completely, then you will disappear from this book, and once you die forever, then you will become a black silhouette..."

Betty couldn't hear what Xinghai said later, and there was only one sentence in her mind.

"The existence of eternal death will become a black silhouette..."

If it's someone else, maybe it's not quite clear what this eternal death means, but from those stories, she has roughly guessed some.

In those previous stories, more girls appeared beside Xinghai, some appeared, but some are not even a trace now.

She once had doubts about such things, but now she seems to understand something. The latest chapter address of the dimension ship girl: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/154269.htmlThe full-text reading address of Dimension Ship Niang: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/Dimensional Ship Niang txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/154269.htmlDimensional ship girl mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/154269/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 898 Betty and Dimensional Illustrated Book), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dimension Ship Niang", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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