Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 921: people

The man can feel that his own life is constantly passing by, but such an attack is obviously impossible to threaten him.

No, it's impossible, how could he die here, in the hands of such an aboriginal, it's impossible, it's impossible...

He couldn't think about the next thing anymore, because he had already turned into an ice sculpture, it was impossible to have any thoughts, and he also turned into an ice sculpture with him, as well as all his companions just now.

Seeing this scene, Shishina sighed

"Oh, if you don't have the power, don't be dead. Okay, let's play with your own life now."

Shishina looked like you would not listen to me there, and Shishino put Shiina in front of him.

"Oh, today's weather is really good, but the red mist is blocking the light..."

Shishina tried to talk about it, but it was of no use. Even the former Shishino could not be fooled by this simple lie, let alone her now.

And feeling the gaze that Shishino had been staring at her, Shishina felt that if it weren't for a puppet and didn't have cold sweat, it might have been soaked in cold sweat now.

"Yoshina, I will sew up your mouth if this happens next time."

As soon as Shishino's words came out, Shishina panicked.

"No, Shiitono-chan. I can accept you throwing me into the washing machine. Don't sew my mouth. If I can't talk, I will really go crazy.

Seeing Shiina like this, Shiito was also a little softened, so she hesitated for a moment, and then cautiously opened her mouth.

"Then Shiina will not be allowed to do such a thing in the future, okay!"

Hearing Shitono's words, Shitona nodded suddenly, and when she saw Shitono, she also showed a happy face, and went to her next goal.

In the end, there was only one doll left by Shishina, sighing with emotion.

"Oh, Shishino was so cute before, but now it's threatening, and it's me who is the threat, sobbing and sobbing..."

It's just that Shishina looks like this, but what she is thinking in her heart is:

Ah, Shiitono is still a good cheat as always. She definitely didn’t know that my mouth can make a sound even if it is sewn. Of course, Shiitono’s shy look is so cute. What kind of reason should I use next time? I kept saying the same thing even though Shishino might not feel anything in the end, so it's time to change the flavoring agent.

Shitono left, but the originally normal place has become a world of ice and snow, full of various sculptures, and the flesh and blood monsters seem to know what is happening here, and they walk around here one after another. .

I don’t know how long it has passed, a sculpture suddenly made a clicking sound, and then, a small figure less than a foot fell out of the sculpture.

If you look closely, you will find that this little man is actually exactly the same as the leading man just now, except that he didn't run out of his own sculpture.

Feeling the bone-chilling chill around him, the villain shuddered.

Looking at everything around him, there was still some panic in his eyes.

Although he knew that the girl would be very strong, he never thought that the girl would be terrified to such an extent. If it weren't for his luck this time, perhaps he would have died here even if he had such a secret technique.

Damn, he knew, that high-level must know something. In such a low-level indigenous world, there must be such a strong existence, there must be some earth-shattering big secret in this world.

He didn’t want to explore what those secrets were. He came to this world for only one purpose, and that was to plunder. He had to work hard for his family. If it weren’t for the generous rewards this time, he wouldn’t be there Muddy water.

Now that he knew such things, his first thought was to run away. The children and his wife in the family were waiting for him. He could not die here, absolutely not.

Just as he was thinking like this, the appearance of a voice made him fall into hell.

"Oh, there are some slippery fish here."

The villain turned around in horror, but didn't see the little girl just now. Now floating not far away is a rabbit-like doll.

He recognized this doll. After all, this doll was the fuse of everything. How could he have forgotten this doll, and this doll appeared here, did it mean that the girl followed?

As if hearing the thoughts in his heart, Shishina shook his head and said

"Shishino is not here now, Shishino still has a lot of work, and this kind of thing is not suitable for her to see, and there is a little..."

At this point, Shiina's tone suddenly became serious.

"I emphasize once again, Shishina is Shishina, not Shishino!"

Listening to Shishina's words like a joke, the villain couldn't feel any smile, all he could feel was a deep chill.

Even if the doll in front of him is just a doll, he knows that he is definitely not the opponent of this doll, because he can feel that the aura from this doll is stronger than before and the killing intent that almost suffocates him.

After realizing that he couldn't beat the existence in front of him, the little man suddenly knelt down.

"Please lift your hands and let me go. I am willing to give up this plan and give you all my assets. There are children and my wife in my family waiting for me to go back. If they don't have me, they will definitely endure it. Terrible things, please, let me go, please!"

Seeing the man behaving like this, Shishina still spoke with the same sharp voice as usual

"Oh, this is really a touching story. I believe what you said is true, but when someone kneeled before you, did you choose to let him go?"

At first, when I heard Shiina's words, the man's face still had a hint of joy, but listening to the words that followed, the man's heart was like falling into an ice cave.

Shiina's words reminded him of some things, and for a while, his expression was a little trance.

"This is the battlefield. You can't decide some things on the battlefield."

Shiina in front of him seemed to overlap with the former him, and he also remembered, remembering the native who was crying and begging him to let him go.

At that time, he killed the native with a smile, and then assaulted his wife and daughter in front of his body, and now, those things are about to fall on his head.

But why did he fall here? Thinking of this, he immediately attacked the pig than he had already charged up, but it hadn’t come and sent out yet. He felt that the surrounding air seemed to freeze and his consciousness was gradually leaving Far away, in a trance, he seemed to hear something.

"You are a good husband and a good father, but you are not a good person..."

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