Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 973: alert

As soon as the black-robed man who had obtained the jewelry appeared, the other black-robed men immediately launched an attack on the black-robed man.

It only took less than a moment for the black-robed man to be torn to pieces, and during this period, no one destroyed the ornament, because for these people, the ornament is now their hope.

Although this jewelry is not what they are looking for, it is a stepping stone to finding that thing.

It is almost unrealistic to find that thing directly now, but if they can get this accessory, they can find that thing alone.

Although that thing can definitely be shared, how can they allow others to share these things that should be their own?

Because of the existence of such ideas, they will never be able to achieve true cooperation.

And just when these black-robed men were fighting so fiercely, in the sky, a pair of invisible eyes were staring at them.

Xinghai looked at these black-robed men struggling to kill, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The situation in front of him was deliberately designed by him, because he knew exactly what these people would do, and because he was too familiar with it, it was very well designed.

It's just that this method is like raising Gu, it can indeed get rid of those weak existences, but what will be left in the end will definitely be those powerful ones.

But even though it is said, this kind of thing is not harmful to Xinghai. After all, he wiped out so many potential opponents without any effort. It is estimated that the person behind the scenes did not think of such a thing, after all. Although he is good at design, he is not good at coping with changes.

So such a thing is definitely not within his calculations, and as long as it can have a certain impact on that guy, it is enough.

Thinking of this, Xinghai looked at the black-robed man whose battle was slowing down, and sent another message to Yi Ling.


In the depths of a certain sea, Yi Ling received news from Xinghai, her eyes moved slightly, and then she performed a few spells, and in a certain cave in the depths of a certain trench, an existence exactly like her was leaked. A little bit of energy.

And at the moment when this little energy leaked, all the black-robed people were stunned.

Before, they could only vaguely feel the existence of that thing, but now that thing seems to finally be unable to hold it, and they can't even conceal their breath, so that they have been paying attention to that thing in an instant. Target.

A few people reacted the fastest and rushed towards that place quickly, and other people in black robes rushed towards that place one after another after they recovered.

No matter how fierce they were fighting just now, they don't care anymore. Now they only want to get that thing first, and only if they get that thing can they be considered a real victory.


Yi Ling stared coldly at the black-robed man who was going to the place where she set the trap.

Among these black-robed people, there are several auras that she is very familiar with, not because these are her acquaintances, but because these auras have been dangling from outside of her gods, and she knew these people’s aura very well before. The purpose is now more clear.

And these are all gathered here now, and those things she has encountered before, each of these things shows that there is definitely a behind-the-scenes master.

Maybe now she doesn't know who the master behind the scenes is, but now she has hated the master behind the scenes.

Judging from the current situation, whether the behind-the-scenes master is directed at her or Xinghai, it can almost be proved that the behind-the-scenes master did everything.

After all, although everything that seemed to be an ordinary thing at the beginning, it is really too worthy of scrutiny, especially when the gods have some special abilities, it is very difficult to hide criminal records. .

It's just that at that time, she wouldn't care even if she knew these things. After all, Xinghai had already left her at that time and had left her forever, at least she thought so.

And under such circumstances, even if she really finds all the secrets behind the scenes, what is the point, after all, the important person is no longer there...

She didn’t think about it before because she felt that it was meaningless to think about those things, but now it’s different. Now that she and Xinghai are roughly reconciled, she also has more thoughts to think about other issues, that is what happened at the beginning. Who is the master behind the scenes?

It's just that she hasn't searched for it yet, but the person has come to the door by herself. This is really an unexpected surprise. Thinking of this, Yi Ling can't help but outline a sickly smile on the corner of her mouth.

If it weren't for that thing, would she be like this now? Will she have so many gaps with Xinghai now?

Now that you have done something like that, you must be prepared to bear the consequences of doing those things.


The black-robed people poured into that trench one after another. If it was before, for the sake of their own lives, perhaps they would hesitate for a while and make enough preparations before setting off.

But now it is different. Now that thing can even be said to be on their faces, and there are so many unkind companions around them, it is difficult for them to calm down and think about what is here.

After all, they can really think about something here, but if it is true, such thinking is completely meaningless and self-defeating.

So in order to prevent others from getting that thing faster than themselves, they ran forward with all their might.

There were a few black-robed men who reacted the fastest before, so they are now in the forefront, and after running for a while, although the thing is not outside, it is already the same as it was in front of them.

And at this moment, the black-robed men running behind suddenly moved, and they attacked the black-robed men in the front together as if they had agreed.

Because the black-robed men in the front were the closest to the thing, they had only that thing in their eyes, so they didn't wake up until the attack hit them on top of their heads.

It’s just that it’s too late to wake up at this time, and even under their full concentration, they may not be able to block the attacks of these people, so they are torn apart by various attacks and turned into sea debris. .

This incident happened very suddenly, so when this happened, all the black-robed people stopped, and then looked at the black-robed people around with vigilance.

They looked at each other, and no one dared to act first. After all, whoever acted first meant that anyone was looking for death.

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