Dimensional Ship Girl

Chapter 976: Close the net

Yes, just as Xinghai said, at the beginning, Xinghai expected such a thing to happen, but when he never expected it, they would often kill them directly for some minor things.

You should know that under normal circumstances, even if the talk is broken, or if there is any bad idea, then you will not immediately think about killing the other party, and these black-robed people are different, they start from the moment they shoot. , Their purpose is only to kill each other without leaving a bit of life.

So under this kind of thinking, the situation between them will naturally be very tragic.

And even in such a dangerous situation, they have never thought about the word union. It seems that in their eyes, there is no such thing as union.

But this is also good, the worse the relationship between them, the greater the benefits to them, after all, the more violent these guys fight, then the less they will have to pay to deal with these guys.

The number of black-robed people in the tightly closed space is ultimately limited. After a few melees, all the black-robed people have found the goal they should follow. During this period, some of the black-robed people have nothing. The effort gained such a position, because they directly coerced the black-robed man who could go out.

It’s just that not all people in black robes can do this. After all, the existence of items that can break the ban will basically not have too weak strength, and some people in black robes who are strong and have a part of the foundation are also strong. Disdain to do such things, so such things are only a few cases.

And after all the black-robed men were ready, they immediately activated the technique in their hands, and then left the place directly.

As soon as the first group of black-robed people who left settled down, the black-robed people around it immediately launched an attack, but the black-robed people who shuttled seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and saw a few things on his body light up. , And then the black-robed men who attacked it were immediately knocked out.

More than that, after the black-robed men were knocked out, the black-robed man immediately launched a pursuit, directly beheading the black-robed men who attacked it.

After doing all this, the black-robed man let out a cold snort.

"Is the old man really a soft persimmon? You must know that you were still in the womb while the old man was playing tricks.

The voice of the old black-robed man was not very angry, but the black-robed people around who were still alive felt a deep chill. It seemed that standing in front of them was not an old man, but a young man. The killer of the prime of life.

At the same time, while their hearts were filled with chill, they also had some rejoicing in their hearts. Fortunately, they didn't make a move because they didn't react just now, otherwise they would be lying here now.

In fact, they were also prepared to take action just now, but they didn’t react for a while when they first came out, so they didn’t take action together at all. At the beginning, they even had a name in their hearts for this reason. For the emotion of regret, and now this emotion has completely disappeared.

What they have now is just fortunate.

The black-robed man who brought them out glanced at them, made a disdainful noise, and was about to leave this place, but it just moved for a while and then suddenly froze there, and then a long time later its roar came. .

"It's so possible, how could this happen!!"

The black-robed man's roar stunned the other black-robed people. This black-robed man is so powerful, what happened to make this black-robed man make such a sound. Only a few people in black robes seemed to have discovered something, their expressions changed, and then they quickly began to check their surroundings.

Then soon they changed their faces because they discovered that they were still in a space blockade, and it was still a more powerful kind of space blockade.

They are not without leaving the previous space blockade, but they have entered another space blockade. Simply put, they are in a box, but this box is not just one layer. This sunspot is made up of many layers. The boxes were covered, they left one layer of boxes just now and came to the outer layer.

The old black-robed man immediately calmed down after the roar, it glanced at the black-robed man around, and then quickly disappeared where it was.

Its actions made these black-robed people stunned, and after a while, these black-robed people suddenly reacted, their faces twisted directly.

Think about it, a treasure that can shuttle divine power forbidden is definitely not something that can be used casually. I have used it once, and I still bring it with so many people, so I estimate that if I use it again next time, it is likely to cause something to that treasure. Irreversible damage.

In other words, the black-robed man didn't want to take them with them, but now they have paid the treasures, but they still haven't left this place, which makes them feel deceived.

Especially when the black-robed people swept away their treasures, these black-robed people were immediately angry. They paid so much, but the guy wanted to run away. When they thought of this, the anger in their hearts suddenly surged. Coming up.

At this moment, they had even forgotten that their strength was far inferior to the black-robed man just now, they only had the anger that was deceived by the black-robed man.

These black-robed people glanced at the surrounding black-robed people, and then left the place one after another, looking for the black-robed person who had just escaped with full of anger.

Yi Ling looked at this scene and said

"Shall we start acting now?"

They have waited here for so long before, and they also specially designed something like this to separate these black-robed people. After all, these black-robed people have always been together before, although they both distrust each other very much. , But when they have the same target, they are unexpectedly united.

Xinghai is afraid of such things, so in order to reduce the loss, he set up so many traps, and these black-robed people not only easily stepped into his traps, but even made up for some of the defects in his traps. , So that the effect of his plan reached the best, and the addition eased the pressure of what he did next.

After hearing what Yi Ling said, Xinghai spoke

"Okay. It's time to start now."

As soon as Xinghai's words were spoken, Yi Ling's figure instantly disappeared in place, and Xinghai shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene.

Withdrawing his mind, Xinghai focused all his attention on the world. In the past, part of the functions of this world had fallen asleep because of the will of the world. What Xinghai has to do now is to put those already The function that was turned off is turned on again.

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